Heirachy changing? Help!!

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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Millyjude8 Tue Nov 12 2013, 10:41


Alfie is now 1 yr old and in the past has let Sam (2yrs) nick his food, chews etc, but for the last four days things have changed and if Sam tries to take something Alfie really goes for him.

They dont seem to really hurt each other, just alot of noise and spit.

Should i stay out of it or re-inforce Alfie as leader,(food, lead first etc)?  He is much more pushy generally so we have always thought he will end up top dog.

I have just bought one of those cans that hiss, to try to distract them when they fight, clapping and shouting doesnt work, and i have been pulling them apart but I know i shouldnt.

does this seem normal behaiviour and what should i do to stop it? Or should i let them sort it out ?

Really worried about what to do, any advice appreciated, Thanks

Ps: Alfie's behaiviour generally has been getting better, he seems to be maturing, which is lovely, but is this challenging just part of the maturing process?

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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Debs01 Tue Nov 12 2013, 11:36

Hello! I only have one dog so I'm not an expert but in your shoes I would probably not leave treats on the floor. I do know that if another dog tries to take a treat that Axl has claimed for himself he will go mental at them, that's the only thing that sets him off. At one year old he's finding his feet and becoming more sure of himself. So, i'd say keep the treats and toys off the floor as much as you can to limit the arguments over them. I'd also make sure they are away from each other during feeding time, maybe feed them at opposite sides of the kitchen or wherever you feed them?

I think its just natural instinct to protect their food/toys/treats Smile

Someone with two dogs or more experience will probably be along soon to help Smile
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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 12 2013, 12:38

I'd agree with Debs. I have never allowed my dogs to take each other's food/treats etc. It will usually lead to resentment & even full blown food aggression.

By all means pull them apart if you feel they're getting too rough; why do you say that you know you shouldn't?

I wouldn't bother too much with the pack leader theory (food first/through doors first etc), it's a discredited and outdated theory.


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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Sazzle Tue Nov 12 2013, 12:59

Yes I agree, I only have Daisy but at my mums where there are other dogs we always have to move any toys to avoid fights!
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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Millyjude8 Tue Nov 12 2013, 13:16

Ok, thanks, will keep treats under strict supervision from now on,

I read a thing that said you should never try to pull them apart cos they will swing round and whilst dogs are quick to react, we are slow so will get bitten, but do you disagree? 

Its really hard to not pull them apart, i dont want them to hurt each other.

Am glad that you think the pack leader thing is wrong, i had read it was discredited for owners/dogs but didnt realise that meant inter dog relations too.

Thank you for your replies, its so scary when it happens and you think "arrggh what are we going to do, what if they cant get on anymore" panic panic.

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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Debs01 Tue Nov 12 2013, 13:43

I am pretty sure its just the fact that they both have access to treats and toys laying around on the floor, a bit like human siblings fighting over toys don't panic I'm sure they will get on just fine Smile

Also, try not to shout or clap when your dogs get into a scrap this just excites them it won't distract them from fighting, the best thing is to stay calm and try to separate them although I must admit I'm not 100% on the safest way to separate dogs, i'm not much help there!
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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 12 2013, 21:38

Millyjude8 wrote:I read a thing that said you should never try to pull them apart cos they will swing round and whilst dogs are quick to react, we are slow so will get bitten, but do you disagree? 
Ah, well, that's probably true, but I'm afraid I'm one of those people who tend to ignore good advice, and get stuck in! And yes, I have been bitten, but never badly. Blushing  I would always step in & seperate rather than allow them to carry on & possibly get hurt.

However, you could try making sure that they both respond immediately to "Leave", and if it looks like things are going to spark off then a quick & firm shout of "Leave" should be enough to diffuse the situation.

But it's much better to avoid it happening in the first place. Never allow either one of them to steal food or toys. If necessary feed them in seperate rooms, or at seperate times.

Re: the pack leader thing. Yes, if you have two or more dogs they will always sort out their own hierarchy, but you should always be in charge of both, equally. So, the 'top dog' between your two should listen to you just as much as the other does. It doesn't mean that you are a pack leader, because you're human - you can't be a pack leader in that respect.

Training will often be enough to sort out situations like this, but careful observation of body language will be useful to you to step in before anything serious happens.


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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Millyjude8 Wed Nov 13 2013, 09:43

Thanks Caryll, 

I will be careful to avoid any stealing of food or toys from now on and work on the training commands too.

Its all been calm since Monday night, and they are playing together normally again, so yay.

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Heirachy changing? Help!! Empty Re: Heirachy changing? Help!!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 13 2013, 11:01

It could well have just been a one-off!


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