Bruno is going wild.

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 21:43

He has been running around for over 2 hours now, biting everything in sight and generally playing havoc, I have told him no loads of times, he's looking at me with those eyes that say I will have you, he's driving me crazy....any tips pleaseeeeee
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Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 21:44

Has he been out today? Silly Bruno...that's just puppyhood for you, I'm afraid. Keep telling him 'no' and keeping an eye on him, eventually his energy will run out. Throw some toys at him for him to play with Laughing when he gets a bit older he won't focus his energy on things he shouldn't play with.


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by kc Tue Feb 26 2013, 21:45

I used to call this the spazzes when Jetta did this. I have no tips to stop it other than what i resorted to myself after the same frustration which is just ignore him or try and distract him with a toy? Hopefully he calms down soon for you Smile
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 21:46

Have you tried an indoor game?


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 21:55

The pup has over 15 toys and I have been playing with him for ages, I noticed more blood on his chicken bone, maybe he's in some discomfort.

He's only had 20 mins short lead walk today.

I'm frustrated cus I am full of cold and he's going nuts.

Yay he's sitting down now.

Were off to the park to oz to burn some energy off.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Kathy Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:18

Good luck for tomorrow, no doubt a good play and run around will burn off some of that energy.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:21

Thanks for the link.

His back teeth the thickest ones are full of blood, I think they are ready to come out and that is why he's extra wild tonight, bless him.

Thanks all.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:23

Oh I can't wait as I have literally been that poorly I could not get of the sofa to take him out, asked my OH if he would and he said no so I managed a little walk today and tomorrow I should be much better, thanks.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:30

I feel for you Shaz. Maybe Bruno is feeling his teeth, maybe he's full of pent up energy because he's had a shorter walk than usual because you are ill.

Kuchar still is a pain in the bottom in the evening, despite how many walks he has had during the day, despite how much he's played with, despite how many stuffed Kongs he's given. Quite often the only thing that settles him is a very fast walk on a lead round the streets. I'd hate to have to do this when I'm feeling ill myself - could anyone else do this for you and Bruno, just for tonight?


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:34

Just read your last Shaz. I certainly hope that you DO feel better tomorrow, and not only for Bruno's sake.


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:38

It's to late to go out now so I will have to wait till tomorrow, I have found some frozen veg, broccoli and carrots and have stuffed his Kong, let's hope he don't get the runs LOL

I just noticed his member is out and he's doing the humping, maybe he's getting frisky too, god he's hard work.
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Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:39

Even if I don't feel better we are going the park, no worries there.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:52

Yes it's quite late. But when Kuchar has driven me mad with his hyperactivity I have taken him for a quick whizz round the block late at night. Almost inevitably that has settled him.

However, I am not suggesting for one moment that you do this tonight whilst you're so ill. Will your OH really not do this, just this once? Or does he not mind Bruno's hyperactivity?

Hoping you get well soon Shaz.


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Griffin5 Tue Feb 26 2013, 22:54

Not long back from a short walk with Charlie. We call Charlie's mad half hour greyhound laps, he runs round like crazy with his ears all back, lol.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 23:13

No, I asked him earlier but he said no and now he's at work luckily Bruno has gone to sleep now.

I think the stress of looking after a young pup is making me ill, I have been close to dreaking down, I know that sounds dramatic but I am finding him hard to cope with.

I don't give up easily though.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26 2013, 23:31

Oh Shaz.

A young pup, and especially such a boisterous young pup as a Staffy is, is indeed very hard work, and yes can be and very often is stressful.

It all feels particularly hard for you right now as you are ill and with the best will in the world if you are too ill to do anything for yourself, then being hauled around the cold dark streets at the dead of night is more than you should be expected to do.

Does your OH work nights? Does he do anything to help with the pup at all?

Sorry to pry, but you are currently feeling ill and overwhelmed and you do need some help with the pup, even if temporarily.


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Tue Feb 26 2013, 23:40

He works nights 4 times a week and basically all he does is give Bruno a cuddle and feeds him now and again, it's all down to me which I don't mind in the week but I think he could at least play with Bruno at the weekends, I need him to help a little just for both Bruno and my sake but all the moaning in the world does not convince him.

Yes, being ill is making it hard to care for Bruno but I still a and tomorrow he will go for a good run.
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Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by julespercules Wed Feb 27 2013, 15:06

A boomer ball is a godsend to my pup. She plays with it for hours and it stops her running round the house like a mad one
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Guest Wed Feb 27 2013, 17:55

shazney wrote:No, I asked him earlier but he said no and now he's at work luckily Bruno has gone to sleep now.

I think the stress of looking after a young pup is making me ill, I have been close to dreaking down, I know that sounds dramatic but I am finding him hard to cope with.

I don't give up easily though.

Sorry to hear that, and it doesn't sound dramatic, I've felt similar (not ill, just really down about it thinking Loki will never get better behaved) but you put so much effort into his training and care, you WILL come through to the other side, Bruno too, one day you'll think "Hey, he hasn't misbehaved in a while" and it'll go from there. Trust me, if Loki can improve, Bruno is definitely going to improve too Smile try to focus on all the good things he's done when he's acting like a demon.


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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Wed Feb 27 2013, 21:51

I will definitely get a boomer ball then.

We took Bruno the park and he had lots of playtime with puppies and dogs, it wiped him out, it will get better I know these things don't happen over night, I am abit better and more positive.

Thanks so much for the support.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by reuben Thu Feb 28 2013, 07:44

Don't feel guilty about feeling down and unable to cope. Quite a few of us have gone through this, especially first time staffy owners like me. As Tara said, one day you will realise he hasn't misbehaved today and it will get better every day from then on. It really doesn't last long in the grand scheme of things. Pity the OH won't take a bit more responsibility.
Hang in there and, believe me, you will actually miss the puppy antics.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Thu Feb 28 2013, 15:56

I had a staf before but she was over the puppy stage by the time I rescued her and when I got Bruno I had no time to think or idea pups were this hard work but I have been exercising him more and he seems less crazy infact he's knackered and in his much hated crate now so great stuff.

My OH has been doing abit more after many tears and tantrums on my part lol

I don't think I will miss the puppy stage for some strange reason but you never know.
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Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Ben Thu Feb 28 2013, 19:17

Puppy stage is seriously challenging. I am not a big fan of the stage in general but they are so dang cute at that point. It does get better sooner or later. Some are just wired more than others though. Keep going and you'll get there.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Thu Feb 28 2013, 22:24

Your telling me.

He's nice and chilled at the moment luckily,

I know pups are cute and I always wanted one eventually but if people think oh I will get one just because they are cute they are heading for trouble.

I felt sorry for him and was worried who would take him in so I took him in, I am doing my best.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by Ben Thu Feb 28 2013, 22:29

shazney wrote:Your telling me.

He's nice and chilled at the moment luckily,

I know pups are cute and I always wanted one eventually but if people think oh I will get one just because they are cute they are heading for trouble.

I felt sorry for him and was worried who would take him in so I took him in, I am doing my best.

Good job taking him in! Most people don't know it is like having another kid with the amount of work that goes into it. At least it gets to the easier part quicker than kids do! It will be rewarding as you look back on it.
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Bruno is going wild. Empty Re: Bruno is going wild.

Post by shazney Thu Feb 28 2013, 22:35

That's one of the reasons I have never had kids, I knew I would not cope, I need a dog sitter LOL

I am taking one day at a time and hopefully he will start learning some manners, he does not bite me anymore so that's good.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Bruno is going wild. Top_ra10

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