staff and amstaff fun day photos

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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Taryn Sun Feb 24 2013, 16:51

the site uploaded some pics of what happened at the staff fun day, so i'll share them with you all Smile

the weigh pulling demo.
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match show (even though all the entries where actual show dogs so... it was a bit sad that people with mixes and non standard dogs didnt feel comfortable entering)
staff and amstaff fun day photos 33944_10151304088082532_60182704_n_zpsf8480e8d

this was some kind of exsercis you could do with you dog, for both owner and dog. the dog at some points needed to balance ontop of the ball, there was also some agility demo
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there where lots of people
staff and amstaff fun day photos 13949_10151304087037532_1851514970_n_zps9a132514

romeo did this last year, but the people gathering blood samples to help find causes for things like tail chasing and ocd as well as genetic illnesses
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it was a good day Smile
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24 2013, 16:57

That first picture - so much power! Impressive! Big Grin

And the last one - bless! Laughing That little face! Can't imagine Dempsey standing still to have a needle poked into his leg. Tongues


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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24 2013, 17:12

Great pics does look interesting! Big Grin


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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24 2013, 17:14

Aw no, why would you ruin a fun day out with needles? Unfair Laughing

Looks like a brilliant time though, and the weight-pulling looks really cool Big Grin


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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Taryn Sun Feb 24 2013, 17:19

romeo tried pull last year and did really well. we couldnt this time because of his healing knees
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by rebeccaleanne Sun Feb 24 2013, 17:38

Brill pics, looks like a fun day Smile
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by janey Sun Feb 24 2013, 18:02

Certainly looks like a great day Smile
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24 2013, 18:06

Taryn wrote:
staff and amstaff fun day photos 285785_10151304087677532_1742940435_n_zpsb2a13769

Absolute Beaut!!! Love Struck Love Struck Love Struck


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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Beaney Sun Feb 24 2013, 18:30


would love to go to / see a competition like that with staffys, not much happening round here, not that I know off.. in Northern Ireland
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by racamoe Sun Feb 24 2013, 18:39

Looks brilliant , i love looking at agility photos , bet Romeo was pleased he escaped the needle this time Laughing Big Grin
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Taryn Sun Feb 24 2013, 18:43

this is event is normally held for free, so dogs get to try all the sports out them selves. its to help get people into more dog related sports and see other people with staffs, they have food and drink there and you can buy stuff for the dog. its normally free but because its winter here we cant have it outside so there was just a 5€ entery fee to help pay the rent of the building.

Hahaha poor romeo... he has had so MANY needles in his short life that i bet he wouldnt notice one more.

they had at the event:
- agility
-lure chasing
-tracking (which was more like a sausage hunt Smile )
- a second pulling where the dog took hold of a training toy and pulled it and they measured the mouth pulling power with a pressure device
-dog dancing
-match shows
-doggy arobics
-free professional photography
- blood sampling for medical research

and really there where just so many people and dogs that romeo wore himself stupid just from sniffing and playing with everyone
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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staff and amstaff fun day photos Empty Re: staff and amstaff fun day photos

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24 2013, 22:00

Looks like an excellent day


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