Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 08:27

I really don't trust Loki off the lead right now. His recall was brilliant, then it became non-existent because he turned into an adolescent, then it became brilliant again, and on our morning walk he suddenly decided to run onto the football court part of the field (quite a long way away), wouldn't come back no matter what I said or did, then saw three people walking towards it (people often cross it as a shortcut) and ran over to him praying he wouldn't run to them and start jumping up and biting. He didn't, he was too busy licking an empty crisp packet, thank god, and I got him on the lead, but it terrified me. Kids, people with babies, cross that place. He's never ran to it before because there's a big field in the way, and he always runs back when I call him when I see a person. Even today he saw a man and I called him back to me to put him on the lead and he did. I'm glad I had the common sense to only let him off the lead early when it's pretty quiet.

When they're going through their adolescent phase, is it normal for their recall/general behaviour to constantly go up and down? Am I going to have to keep re-training him and go through phases where it's OK, and not OK? Or is this just him being weird? Don't really trust him off the lead anymore, he went further than he's ever been, next time might be the road Sad ugh. I'm inclined to think it's a phase, because he seems to be a bit uncaring to the rules in general, like running up the stairs when he never used to. I'm hoping it's a phase.


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 08:35

I know exactly how you feel. Logan was absolutely fantastic off the lead as a young pup but then after a few bad experencies he started to run either away or at other people walking and didn't seem to be paying attention to me at all. I went through a good 3-4 months of walking on a short lead as I felt like he'd run away too far and get into trouble.

Lately as I've been saying loads I've been using a long training lead which has totally improved his behaviour. It gives him the chance to explore but gives me the ability to pull him back in if I need to. I'm getting one of the heavy duty flexi leads this weekend.

Maybe you could try that too, it has really gave me a confidence boost. I feel like now in a while he will be able to be off lead again sometime in the near future. Smile


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 10:19

It is normal, I'm afraid. They don't all do it, but a lot do!

Just put him on a long line & practice, practice, practice! Big Grin


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by asa-james Tue Feb 12 2013, 10:39

Pushing the boundaries/selective hearing/typical teenager. As has been said, long line and keep at it, they grow up soon enough. As Kate Bush once said, "Don't give up!"
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 10:56

asa-james wrote:Pushing the boundaries/selective hearing/typical teenager. As has been said, long line and keep at it, they grow up soon enough. As Kate Bush once said, "Don't give up!"

I like Kate Bush! Big Grin


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 11:06

I would switch to a long lead


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by pongy Tue Feb 12 2013, 11:54

I think Cassie goes through teen stages, she does pick and choose wether she listens to or not to a lot of things. I feel quite lucky that there are a few very quiet areas where she can be off lead and it's not such an issue if she ignores me but if she does i put her back on lead, although i'm not sure she understands it's a deterent but it makes me feel better being able to say "ha that'll teach ya"lol. When we go to populated areas she always goes on long lead just in case someone jumps out from behind a tree with a dog lol and i feel i am not dog experienced enough to trust my Cassie control
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Blonderace Tue Feb 12 2013, 12:11

Tilly is going through exactly the same phase. She ran off yesterday and left my OH stood in a field calling her and panicking. We've bought a flexi lead now but I love off lead walking and hope she comes good again a she was fab as a baby. It makes me wonder how these people walk their Stafford's on main roads off leads and they just titter alongside their master?!? Tilly would be in the road, up people's driveways and causing mayhem lol
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Kathy Tue Feb 12 2013, 12:30

We had a similar issues with Rocky, one week he would be fine with recall and come back every time we called him, then he would get selective hearing. Solution for us was the long training lead.

One thing we did notice with his training was that after doing any training be it recall, sit, stay etc. after about 3 months he would get the hang of it, as if it took the 3 months for things to stay in his head, it could just be a Rocky thing or dogs in general I dont know but just something to bear in mind.
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 12:51

I'm glad it seems pretty normal. I was under the impression that when they go through their adolescent stage, their recall and general behaviour will slip, but once you re-train them, then that's that, they won't ignore it again. Obviously not Sad I'll be using the long line again, I'm not risking him running too far from me, I was lucky his nose was drawn to a crisp packet. Thanks everyone Smile


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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by pongy Tue Feb 12 2013, 13:21

Don't give up Tara, Loki shall come good and will reward you with years of faithfulness and you know this Big Grin
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Nor Cal Tue Feb 12 2013, 16:02

Yep, I had my dissapearing act moment with Bacon in what I thought was an enclosed area. Turns out what is enclosed for humans may not be so for dogs! Laughing

Now, I have a long lead and let it go (while still attached) when I am in a wide open field with absolutely nobody in sight. This way if he were to run away he'd be on a super long lead and I'm pretty confident I could at least get ahold of that.

I have a feeling that I'll never be comfortable enough to let him off-lead in a public place and i'm ok with that.
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Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :( Empty Re: Bye-Bye Off-Lead Walks :(

Post by Debs01 Tue Feb 12 2013, 16:45

I know how you feel, Axl was a great pup, he used to come back when I called, he still does that but only if there's nobody else about lol. The only way I can get him back if I i'm too late spotting other people about is by running in the other direction, then he chases me happily and I grab him quick. I have a long lead for him and keep him on that to be on the safe side otherwise he spots someone (usually people not dogs) and wants to go and say hello and, well, not everybody is happy to see a staffie lolloping their way even though he does have a scooby doo face when he runs!

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