close to danger 2wice

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close to danger 2wice Empty close to danger 2wice

Post by jayh987 Tue Feb 05 2013, 17:25

ok, normally i take my dog to big parks were loads of other dogs are( he normally listens) well today i fort i would take him to a local park whats near by anyway i trusted him off lead and he was playing around with me then after 5-10 mins he ran off and wouldnt come back barking and running away when i tried putting lead on him. then he ran off looking behind at me shouting him. then ran straight across the main road i had to chase him then he ran into are home i shouted and went mad at him because its 2wice hes ran across the road (baring in mind hes bin ran over befor) but its only on the local park he does this feel disappointed in him..... and the big park is a while away so i carnt take him everyday what shall i do?
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by janey Tue Feb 05 2013, 17:36

Keep him on a lead!
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Ben Tue Feb 05 2013, 19:38

Using a long training lead will help him to be able to run but still have control. I have some that are 50 and 75 feet long and it does help. I agree though. If a dog is not in a safe area, don't let them off lead. Too many problems have been the result of this.
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by rebeccaleanne Tue Feb 05 2013, 19:43

I would recommend keeping him on a lead Smile
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by jayh987 Tue Feb 05 2013, 19:54

thankyou for the feedback
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 20:17

janey wrote:

Keep him on a lead!
I agree with Janey. You could ask your local pet shop to make you a long nylon lead. Kenny has a 20 footer, at least then he can sniff around with a little freedom Smile


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by racamoe Tue Feb 05 2013, 20:22

I would do some road work with him instead or let him have a sniff around on a longer lead . Don't let him off until he has a really good recall and there are no other dogs around . If in doubt just go on nice long walks on the lead.

Last edited by racamoe on Tue Feb 05 2013, 20:41; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 20:32

I agree with the long lead. You can get some good ones off ebay....


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 21:29

I would advise the long lead as well


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 22:00

Yes, I've had the same problem with my youngster. Selective deafness Sad

He's on an extendable lead now, always.


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by jayh987 Tue Feb 05 2013, 22:13

a long training lead it is then but another problem is that treats dont intrest him out doors for some reason maybe i shouldn't feed him befor we go out ?
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 22:22

Do you use treats when you call him back to you?

Do the treats only interest him when there are no other humans/dogs around? Or not at all?


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by jayh987 Tue Feb 05 2013, 22:41

in the house they interest him abit.out doors they dont intrest him at all everything is a game with him ive got to find out what he really loves and use that he never use to go out much to parks. just walks on lead around the streets so recently the past 3 weeks ive bin taking him parks and that maybe hes still getting use to the excitment of seeing other dogs and might calm down abit im differently practice re-call on a long lead
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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Tue Feb 05 2013, 23:27

Some dogs just aren't that food orientated, if he's not that interested in special treats indoors (something he normally doesn't get and is "high value", like cooked liver or chicken, bits of hot dog) then he certainly won't be interested outside with all the distractions that offers. If you can identify a treat that he will sell his soul for, then that is the one to use when training him indoors and out.

If he is the kind of dog who is very keen on balls or other toys, then using these may well be a good alternative to use.

As far as my own dog is concerned, nothing but nothing beats the rush of seeing another dog or human who will (he thinks) play with him. If no human or dog is on offer, then he will go exploring - tiny gaps in fences you wouldn't suspect were there, tangled undergrowth that only a mouse or my dog could get through - again, more appealing than his favourite treat or toy. And yes, he's gone across main roads AND got lost. Which is why he's on an extendable lead at all times now, whilst continuing recall training.

Oh and the btw, IF it happens again, please try not to go mad at him when you get him back. I know the reflex is overwhelming - you're mad at him for being so naughty and so relieved you've got him back in one piece. But he won't see it like this - his doggy brain will only register "I've come back and my boss is angry". It's difficult I know to welcome him back like the prodigal son when you've been so cross and anxious, but it has to be done for the sake of your future relations and training of him.

Good luck jj >Big Grin<


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Guest Wed Feb 06 2013, 01:48

My cousin's ex-wife's dog is like this. Whenever we go to the park near his house, he ALWAYS goes to the exit to try to escape. Like dogs don't like parks Rolling Eyes and he's deaf so it was even worse. Anyway, agree with what's been said, training line. Does he have a favourite toy? Maybe try to call him back to you and when he comes back, reward him with a little game of tug-of-war or something like that.


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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Billybunter Wed Feb 06 2013, 09:01

Try and find quite a smelly treat get him to use his senses other than hearing if you have some chicken,sausages or fish. This should get him intrested with his nose.

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close to danger 2wice Empty Re: close to danger 2wice

Post by Kathy Wed Feb 06 2013, 12:58

Try using a long training lead and maybe start some recall training with him. Get him to sit too when you ask. Does he have a favourite toy or a squeaky toy you could take you to get his attention ??
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