Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Fri Dec 28 2012, 12:13

This has been going on for a couple of months now and getting steadily worse. She not only ignores me but its like she doesn't even hear me once she is on high alert, even trying to pre-empt a situation doesn't work. We do clicker training but se doesn't respond to this either - is it some sort of protective instinct? I am not aware that I panic in these situations, I do try to stay calm and try to steer her away but not easy with the mass of a Staffie behind all atempts. It could go either way if she does actually get to one, but I don't want to allow this to happen, I just want to be able to pass by without incident. She does like other dogs and plays in the park off lead - in fact its hard to get her back and she will quite happily follow other dogs going out of the park. I have not known her to be involved in an altercations whilst off the lead, yet she can be a litle so and so on the lead. I have been in some embarrassing situaitons plus it doesn't look very good and just perpetuates peoples belief that Staffies are not nice dogs but she is a little sweetie really but try telling this to the owner of a little Westie that she looks about to savage Big Grin . Chances are she just wants to say hello, although there is no guarantee of this. Any advice would be very much appreciated
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Mark Fri Dec 28 2012, 12:24

Get an extender lead and walk her full length take a pocket of something tasty with you. Every 5 minutes just stop walking and call her back when she comes give her a treat. Repeat this every walk till she understands. This will help not only with the tugging to see other dogs but with recall too. Our dog used to be the same now she does not bother with them just sniff and carry on walking. How many times is she walked as it could also be a socialization problem
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Guest Fri Dec 28 2012, 12:28

Have you tried to use treats when approaching another dog? If not maybe try using high value treats and lots of praise and reassurance when another dog is approaching Smile I'm sure others will have some more experienced advice for you.


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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Fri Dec 28 2012, 13:00

Wendy and Mark wrote:Get an extender lead and walk her full length take a pocket of something tasty with you. Every 5 minutes just stop walking and call her back when she comes give her a treat. Repeat this every walk till she understands. This will help not only with the tugging to see other dogs but with recall too. Our dog used to be the same now she does not bother with them just sniff and carry on walking. How many times is she walked as it could also be a socialization problem

She is walked twice a day for an hour at a time. She doesn't socialise with other dogs whilst on the lead becasue of they way she is. If I let her off the lead in the park and she is fine then. Sometimes on the odd occasion someone will stop and start talking to me and she does actually settle after a couple of minutes, but to be honest with you she is getting herself know and people just cross over to avoid. I have a lunge line used for horses and go to a nearby field which gives her a degree of movement and she does come for treats but if she sees another dog she is just straining at the end of a 20' lead Sad
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Fri Dec 28 2012, 13:02

Kylie wrote:Have you tried to use treats when approaching another dog? If not maybe try using high value treats and lots of praise and reassurance when another dog is approaching Smile I'm sure others will have some more experienced advice for you.

Have tried all sorts from doggie chocolate drops to cooked liver - never seems to be as tempting as getting to that other dog......
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Lizzie Fri Dec 28 2012, 14:09

I fully understand what you are saying as I have the same problem with Harry and whilst he is a 'foodie' nothing will tempt him when he wants to get to another dog, so I am very interested in the response to your post.

Funny thing is that when another dog does it to Harry I can get him to 'walk on', but if he decides to be the one to start it (and its only to some dogs - mostly those larger than him) I have to drag him away and like you I feel he is not doing the breed any favours.

In the beginning I did used to get stressed, but now I just take it as it comes. Still wish I could find a solution though because he is such a well behaved little softie otherwise.

Would be great to be able to pass another dog with Harry on the lead without him kicking off, and we could do so much more together and go places that I now have to avoid.

Heres hoping we both get some advice/suggestions.

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by harlou Fri Dec 28 2012, 14:42

Maybe she feels your tension through the lead and goes into protection mode .
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Fri Dec 28 2012, 18:42

Ooh Lizzie, a kindred spirit - glad someone has had a similar experience but sorry too if you know what I mean. Lets hope someone has the answer. Smile
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Wirsty Sat Dec 29 2012, 20:07

Hello, I have something similar with my dog. He can perfectly ignore some dogs barking at him, sniffing and following him. But sometimes he's super excited to meet another dog. I've decided that he's never allowed to greet a dog while he's excited and I turn him around and walk him in the other direction so he doesn't meet it. I know he's a bright dog and he'd learn this one really quickly if only random strangers were patient enough to stand around while I repeat the meet, walk away again and again till he got it! Unfortunately that will never happen so its a long, slow road. I also do the rewarding when I call him to me from the long end of his lead. It helps and eases it, but its not yet consistent. I don't know if it ever will be!
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Wed Jan 02 2013, 16:37

Bit of an accident yesterday. Lily in her attempts to get to a black labrador, which to be fair was doing exactly the same, pulled me over and I let go of the lead on the way down. They had a bit of a set too, all over in less than a minute. Had to go to A&E this morning and I am now nursing 2 cracked ribs. My OH is on walking duty for a while. Sad

Someone mentioned a canny collar as an aid to stop pulling - has anyone had experience of one? Thanks

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by mickgill Wed Jan 02 2013, 17:06

Sometimes a telling off works ( Rollicking ) , i know a woman who works with rescues now she never hits a dog but gives a sharp pull on the lead to stop pulling she uses a good telling off to accompany this for the very stubborn ones and finds it works a treat, i was chatting to her about this only today Duke is starting to walk to heel going past strangers the hard part is with other dogs, this Lady swears by her method.

Last edited by mickgill on Wed Jan 02 2013, 22:31; edited 1 time in total
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Lizzie Wed Jan 02 2013, 17:25

Oh Pauline i'm so sorry that you are nursing cracked ribs, what a start to the new year!

Strangely my boy loves to kick off at Labradors in particular, and did a lot of 'staffie swearing' at a chocolate lab on our walk this morning. The lady walking her Lab just calmly put a treat in front of her dogs nose and they walked on totally unfazed, real text book stuff.

It will be interesting to find out if Lily behaves the same when your OH walks her as someone suggested to me that Harry may think he is protecting me. Maybe Lily is doing the same for you.

Do get well soon.

Thanks Mickgill for telling us about the rollicking method used by the Lady who works with rescues, anything is work a try.

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Wed Jan 02 2013, 18:22

Funnily enough Lizzie if Lily is going to kick off at any dog its usually a lab or a border collie and they usually as bad as she is. But if anyone sees it happening they will nearly always think that its the staffie's fault. Young intact male labs are the worse raised eyebrows

My hubbie agrees with the rollicking advice too - he said he can't be doing with all this daft stuff the trainer does. I aspire to the totally obedient dog doing as she's told with the merest hint of a command - she does this for the trainer, honest! Sadly, not for me but as I have paid in advance I feel obliged to stick with it. I live in hope but for the time being I will se how his rollicking goes. Smile
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by ardvark Wed Jan 02 2013, 21:52

I have read your thread with interest. I am fortunate Milo is great with other dogs and will keep with us when we walk away, although he can be dominant in his playfulness. He loves to tug ears even if they're a little jack russels' ear! Rolling Eyes

What interests me is several of you guys have spoken about labs. Labs. are arsey aren't they, I find this too! I find Milo ignores them maybe he just knows they're an arsey sort and stears clear lol!!

Good luck I hope you find a solution.
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Lizzie Thu Jan 03 2013, 14:07

Harry hates Labs and Collies with a vengeance and we live next door to a lovely Collie who starts on Harry every time we see each other, so me and my neighbour will turn and walk a different way if we meet while out walking. Luckily our gardens don't overlook.

Funny thing is he will play with a Labradoodle! Surprised

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by Pollyanna Thu Jan 03 2013, 14:33

How odd - Lily likes labradoodles too and cockapoos even more Smile
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Empty Re: Straining at the leash to get to other dogs.

Post by ardvark Thu Jan 03 2013, 20:38

OMG one of Milos bestest play pals is a labradoodle his age who loves water play as much as him, I never thought about the labrador bit before!! eek !!
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Straining at  the leash to get to other dogs. Top_ra10

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