Well, I am Happy

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Well, I am Happy Empty Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26 2012, 23:44

Took Loki for a walk this morning, pretty early. Weather was crap, it was completely empty. So I cautiously decided to let him off the lead. He hadn't been let off the lead for so long now, and he had so much extra-energy, so I decided to take the risk since it was empty all over. First thing he did was run after some crows and chase them around for ages. Then I shouted him, expecting absolutely nothing, and...HE RAN BACK TO ME! Stopped chasing the birds and ran straight back. I was thrilled, I could hardly believe it, so he got two treats instead of one Laughing. Then he ran away again, right to the other side of the field, and...he started sniffing the grass. Sniffing is his favourite thing nowadays, so I knew there was no hope of him coming back of his own free well. Shouted him anyway; he stopped sniffing immediately and ran back to me. I honestly can't put into words the happiness I felt. I was so happy I went a bit mad and decided to run around with him on the squelchy, wet, muddy grass and play with him just to show him how happy it makes me when he comes back Laughing

I'm not taking this as a sign that his recall is back to normal. No way, Loki doesn't work like that. The grass probably didn't smell as good as usual Laughing but nonetheless, I was so proud of him, I couldn't stop smiling and it made me happy that he had a bit of a run around after so long of just being on the lead. Still need to get him that long line and practice more with him, but it was a nice thing to happen Smile


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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26 2012, 23:53

thumbs up Yay well done Loki.. My philosophy now is one day at a time Laughing But each good day gives you the strength to get through a fair few bad ones Big Grin

It is a such a great feeling when they have a good day


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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Tue Nov 27 2012, 00:52

Glad that it went so well. We always keep Suki on at least a long line becuase her recall isn't reliable at all if she sees something interesting.


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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Tue Nov 27 2012, 01:14

i will say VERY well done. He must have been SO SO happy and i'm sure you felt soo proud Smile
But still get him on lead for dogs. Lexi will come to me i f i cal with ANYTHING but dogs. If its a dog, no chance.


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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Tue Nov 27 2012, 01:49

Hayley wrote:i will say VERY well done. He must have been SO SO happy and i'm sure you felt soo proud Smile
But still get him on lead for dogs. Lexi will come to me i f i cal with ANYTHING but dogs. If its a dog, no chance.

Oh of course, even before his recall declined, I'd put him back on the lead as soon as I saw a dog, just to be on the safe side. I'd like to work on this with him with a dog I trust, but...he's a playful dog, I don't think I'll ever trust him to come back when around dogs Laughing


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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Kathy Tue Nov 27 2012, 16:18

Great to hear that Loki's recall appears to be getting better. It's a great relief when doggy comes back when you call him,
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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Mark Tue Nov 27 2012, 16:26

well done its a great feeling when they obey
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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by PygmyParrot Tue Nov 27 2012, 16:29

Aaaaah good boy Loki! Great result Tara!!
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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by janey Tue Nov 27 2012, 17:08

Loki you star, well done for listening, for a change! Big Grin
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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by jola139 Tue Nov 27 2012, 17:37

Well done. I know how you are feeling. Some times reading your post I think that Debo and Loki are twins. I always put him back on the lead around dogs but now we working on stop wait command and it's working some times.
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Well, I am Happy Empty Re: Well, I am Happy

Post by Guest Tue Nov 27 2012, 19:46

Off the lead again today for just a few minutes. He didn't come back when I called him this time Rolling Eyes so I had to run because he likes that. Then he came back Big Grin I knew that was just an off day, I guess the grass smells lovely again. Ah well, we'll have to practice.


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