School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 09:26

Usually oh does the morning walk to school and takes Dexter along but I decided to do it today. Bloody wish I hadn't now. The school is only ten minutes away, at the bottom of quite a long steep road. On the way down we saw another staff x (I think cross as he/she was quite long legged) and shared the knowing grin with the owner, all great. We waited by the school railings and the youngest kissed Dex goodbye ( Love Struck ) through the rails and then trotted off. Once he had gone down the playground safe off we go, two mins back up the road and a large group of parents and children collectively gasp and literally press themselves up against the front walls of the houses trying to get away from Dexter. The looks on their faces you would think he was the bloody kraken or some kind of slavering beast. I was livid...but somehow managed an incredulous chuckle. I wanted to stop them and ask why they are encouraging their children to be so skittish around dogs - why not just walk by???!!! Nobody is asking you to adore my dog, I don't care if you don't want to smile at him or let him sniff you, but for christs sake why be so bloody dramatic!!!! I got home in a foul mood, keep replaying their ridiculous reaction.

Oh says it's probably best if I don't go in the mornings anymore in case there is blood shed. I know I have to rise above but honestly, it was the most insane reaction I have seen yet. Makes a bit of side stepping around my boy look like a welcome.

I will be a banned breed by next week you watch at wits end
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 09:30

I know, I know......get it all the time!

Easy for others to say "Rise above it" but not always so easy to do!


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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 09:34

It's the bigger picture isn't it, I feel hurt for Dexter because I know he saw what they did and probably felt confused (daresay he's shaken it off now I know) I feel insulted because they obviously think I would feel it's fine to take a person aggressive dog to a school!!!???? On a street busy with people and children!!!! Then also they are teaching their own children all the wrong things - it's dangerous to encourage that level of skittish fearfulness! ARGH.

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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 09:41

That's awful.. Surprised And isn't it great to see the idiots of today teaching their children to be the idiots of tomorrow.. I would have done it back to them and got as far away from them gasping in fright and shaking with fear Laughing Imagine their faces Laughing


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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 09:44

Oh Kylie why weren't you with me! Laughing

I really should have done that.
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Dan330 Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:12

I wouldn't worry yourself.... If you leave the house with the impression that everyone you meet will be a stupid then you won't be disappointed! I like stupids, I have a number of them on facebook... They make me feel better about myself on a daily basis.

On a seperate note, I think that the staffie stereotype is starting to change... I've noticed that most of the chavs here in Leeds have traded theres in for Husky (*sp) type breeds.
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by pongy Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:23

Kat75 wrote:That's awful.. Surprised And isn't it great to see the idiots of today teaching their children to be the idiots of tomorrow.. I would have done it back to them and got as far away from them gasping in fright and shaking with fear Laughing Imagine their faces Laughing
oh rach can i come and watch you do the school run? that would be so funny watching you jump out the way saying aggggh "ankle biters keep them away theyr'e dangerous" but on the positive side even though it hurts that they dont even take the time to find out if dex bites or not.Its so much better than the risk of them idiots allowing their kids to just run up and hug dexter around the throat rubbing their knit laden hair all in his face without asking if its ok or not, or even allowing them to slap his head like they are making a sand castle which is annoying,because when he gets up with a grump on as we all do and reacts they then scream dangerous dog instead of warning ferral child rolling on the floor .The people that matter are the responsible ones that ask if its ok 1st and make 1st contact with a well behaved child on a leash rolling on the floor
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:25

Dan330 wrote: I like stupids, I have a number of them on facebook... They make me feel better about myself on a daily basis.

I'm going to remember that one! Laughing Laughing


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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:47

Lexi comes with me everywhere..... Including the school run! And yes we've had the worried mothers saying to there children " Oh be careful of the pitbull" speech while pulling their children away. Makes me wet myself..... Even funnier when my children are walking her.... The look of horror on the mothers faces! Anyway..... We've had the last laugh, until I got Lexi I didn't see 1 Staffy tied up at the school gate, now at least 7 staffies are there waiting for us at the start of school or at home time.... And guess what?!?!?!?! They are all much better behaved than any of the other dogs and the kids LOVE them =D xxxxxxx
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:50

Feel better already, can always count on this place to help! Laughing
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:52

Yes it's helped me out loads..... And make me cry laughing at times =D xxxxxx
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 16:06

I apologise, but the way you described their reaction like it was a pantomime or something, I had to laugh. I know it'd be insulting or upsetting at the same time though, cos as you say, they're teaching their kids to be terrified of dogs (and one that isn't even acting out of the ordinary). When people avoid Loki, it's purely because he's acting wild and it's best to avoid a hyperactive dog, so I don't blame them for that Laughing but I've had people walk their young kids or push prams past him when he's behaving and not bat an eyelid. Best way to be. It's like when people tell you to keep calm with your dog so they don't pick up on your nervousness, I'm sure it should be the same with kids.


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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by jshrew Mon Nov 19 2012, 16:08

We seem very lucky to live in a staffy friendly area and even where my parents are out in the sticks we have no issues even though Ledger can take a liking to some people and pull towards them I normally pre empt it with a 'not everyone wants a cuddle' or 'theres no food in that carrier bag for you' which seems to work and flip the 'oh my a dog is coming towards me look' into a smile

I do fear for some kids though there was one a few weeks ago genuinely petrified of all dogs so why take him down the narrow paths of the dog walking area? walk around on the road where you have a better view of any dogs instead of coming face to face with a mastiff on a corner and have the child screaming in a panic attack and the poor dog freaking out not knowing what was going on luckily we were far enough away and the dog was well behaved enough
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 17:36

ANattyRat wrote:I apologise, but the way you described their reaction like it was a pantomime or something, I had to laugh. I know it'd be insulting or upsetting at the same time though, cos as you say, they're teaching their kids to be terrified of dogs (and one that isn't even acting out of the ordinary). When people avoid Loki, it's purely because he's acting wild and it's best to avoid a hyperactive dog, so I don't blame them for that Laughing but I've had people walk their young kids or push prams past him when he's behaving and not bat an eyelid. Best way to be. It's like when people tell you to keep calm with your dog so they don't pick up on your nervousness, I'm sure it should be the same with kids.

Laughing Don't blame you at all for laughing! It was comical..once I had calmed down that is Laughing Yeah I have always taught mine to be calm around animals, my eldest randomly went through a petrified stage when she was around three and I couldn't figure it out as she hadn't had a dog growl at her or scare her but kids can have their strange phobias. She came out of it very quickly as I got my friend to bring her two dogs round for a play and it helped massively. When there are grown adults gasping and yanking their kids away from a well behaved calm dog it baffles me, creating a problem when there isn't one there at all.
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 17:41

jshrew wrote:We seem very lucky to live in a staffy friendly area and even where my parents are out in the sticks we have no issues even though Ledger can take a liking to some people and pull towards them I normally pre empt it with a 'not everyone wants a cuddle' or 'theres no food in that carrier bag for you' which seems to work and flip the 'oh my a dog is coming towards me look' into a smile

Yeah we use a lighthearted "nosy face" at Dex and smile at people when he tries to get to them and they seem unreceptive I do have to remember that some folks just don't really like dogs regardless of breed, just cos I love it when a dog wants to say hi to me I know others definitely don't. I won't ever understand it but I accept it Laughing
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 17:56

PygmyParrot wrote:
jshrew wrote:We seem very lucky to live in a staffy friendly area and even where my parents are out in the sticks we have no issues even though Ledger can take a liking to some people and pull towards them I normally pre empt it with a 'not everyone wants a cuddle' or 'theres no food in that carrier bag for you' which seems to work and flip the 'oh my a dog is coming towards me look' into a smile

Yeah we use a lighthearted "nosy face" at Dex and smile at people when he tries to get to them and they seem unreceptive I do have to remember that some folks just don't really like dogs regardless of breed, just cos I love it when a dog wants to say hi to me I know others definitely don't. I won't ever understand it but I accept it Laughing

Standing outside the cinema the other day, there was a woman holding a Chihuahua (don't know why she brought it with her Laughing). My natural reaction was to look at it and say "Aaawww!" and the woman just gave me this "OMG, what a creep" look. It was weird Big Grin


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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by PygmyParrot Mon Nov 19 2012, 18:25

You weren't there with a sack that said "for dognapping" on the side were you? Laughing What an odd reaction, I always aw at things too she wouldn't have liked me much either Laughing
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Ticklymac Mon Nov 19 2012, 20:41

i get this all the time too, i stay next to a primary and high school and sometime i miss judge my walking times i end up coming back as schools get out and i get everyone pulling their children away from me! doesnt help Diesel gets sssssssooooo excited when there's lots of people about and probs does look slightly demented but her whole rear end is clearly wiggling with excitement
Remember one night this woman pulled her child into the wall and told me to get my dog under control cause Diesel tried to sniff her leg as we walked passed, i just yelled "ah beware the devil dog!" and laughed
I mean really is that what you want to be teaching your children?? should you really be passing that fear onto them??
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School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..) Empty Re: School run idiots! (Monday morning rant warning..)

Post by Taryn Mon Nov 19 2012, 21:18

happens to me all the time love. there are alot of muslims where i live... they dont take to kindly to me and romeo what so ever since dogs are concidered unclean in their faith... they can be rather dramatic when they see us commng or we get on a bus. the same can be said for alot of the Romanichal in the city center, but i normally have a chuckle at their exspence since romeo is such a love bug
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