Upset, disapointed and angry

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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:43

Need to rant
I got Kenny last year after the death of my much loved staffy bitch. I was so over whelmed with grieve and found it hard to live in a house without a dog. I'd gone to my local shop, there was a poster of 4 staffy babies, that was it, poster said, Ped staffy's, all health tested clear bla bla bla. So off i went, there were two left, but only Kenny i could have as the other was being collected. That didnt matter because when she brought them both in, Kenny ran straight to me and give me paw. Love Struck I was in love, and home he came with me. His breeders kept on at me, saying he's a stunner, and that i should show him. I wasnt interested, never had been. Two months later my sister passed away, the rest is a blur to be honest. I needed a hobby, needed to stop thinking, so started doing the shows. Kenny got alot of compliments and even more inquirys to use him for stud. I was'nt interested. I have mixed feeling on breeding as you know. Well the inquirys keep coming. Still felt unsure. I was then talking about this to a very good breeder. She was telling me about all the health tests and so on. I decided to pull out Kenny's papers and have a good check of things. He was only L2 clear, no other tests had been done angry .
I still felt uncertin regarding breeding, but decided to get the PHPV test done 1st and see what the result was. He's "affected". Im gutted, not because of the stud work, but because my breeder lied to me, they bread pups that could of been blind. Kenny's fine thank god, he's only very mildly affected, but what if i'd allowed him to be used, im angry, that i could of put pups at risk, because they would of been, but worse than Kenny. How can people do this. Im angry that i was so stupid not to check what the breeders said at the start. angry angry angry angry angry


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Keith Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:46

Can I ask you: would you have chosen him if you'd been told he had a problem?
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:51

Disappointing I know, but at least Kenny is healthy and you had the good sense to have him checked before breeding with him.. Just can't trust people liar


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:52

I dont know, i'd like to say yes, as i love him to bits, but it may of scared me off tbh, my bitch add only died 2 months before, and seeing how she suffered, i think i may of been afraid. Afraid of something going wrong and seeing suffering again.When he failed the test, my only concern was him, not the studding. He's still the same Kenny. x


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:54

Hamish, the guy who carried out the test said it's very mild, im pleased about that. I've contacted the AHT so we can do our bit with the research.


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by janey Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:55

You live and learn and don't feel bad >Big Grin< he is a stunner Xx
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 22:58

I was in two minds about breeding him, but tested him so that if i decided to go ahead, i'd have gone about it the right way. I'm just hoping that if any of his litter mates are to be bread that their owners test 1st. I told his breeder and she wasnt very happy, i think she's more concerned about how this will affect her. She's planning another breeding with Kennys mam again, i hope she does the right thing Sad


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by gem Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:00

Its great Kelly that you have done the tests before thinking about breeding thumbs up
I know your angry and you must tell them that hes come back affected hopefully they will not breed from the affected dogs again and it can be erradicated from the breed, its not the end of the world if you cant stud him hes a beautiful boy you can still enjoy the shows with him. I think we learn as we go along your defo not stupid very wise how you are going about this >Big Grin<
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:00

Thanks janey, he's lovely anyway Love Struck He'll be fine, i just feel they should have told me. Their all ready pushing blame to the sires side, how can they, both sides are to blame.


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Keith Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:05

kenny d wrote:I dont know, i'd like to say yes, as i love him to bits, but it may of scared me off tbh, my bitch add only died 2 months before, and seeing how she suffered, i think i may of been afraid. Afraid of something going wrong and seeing suffering again.When he failed the test, my only concern was him, not the studding. He's still the same Kenny. x

I understand you're upset at finding the information out, but I think what I'm trying to say is that your love for him is the biggest factor - you've got a great dog. Smile
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:08

Thanks janey Smile
TBH, i dont think i could of let him do the deed so to speak, he's like a baby to me. It was very nice to get the compliments, i think it clouded my judgment, when people keep asking to use him, even tho i've been feeling very mixed up about my thoughts on it, i seriously did think, yes, maybe we should allow him to be used.
There was even one lady from Norway, and a quite a few people with well known Kennels, some with CH status, because of this i thought, maybe i should. I'd never go into breeding without tests, thats bad x


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:10

Thanks Working Dog. Kenny hasnt changed in my eye's, if anything, i love him more if it's possible. Kenny's still hear, i just thank god i didnt just stud him with people who were'nt worried about tests Smile


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Keith Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:15

kenny d wrote:Thanks Working Dog. Kenny hasnt changed in my eye's, if anything, i love him more if it's possible. Kenny's still hear, i just thank god i didnt just stud him with people who were'nt worried about tests Smile

I lost my boy in July to what was strongly suspected to be lungworm.
At one point, the vet thought it might be L2HGA - I have a long thread about it on here in the health forum somewhere.
While deliberating the L2HGA argument, I came to realise that regardless of what illness he had, I still had the best dog ever for the best part of five years.
If it had been L2HGA and I'd known about it at the outset, I'd have probably steered clear of him - and lost out on five great years.
Better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all - and all that.

Diseases, particularly inherited ones, are a really tough, emotive and upsetting area of dog ownership to consider, never mind talk about.

I reckon you should give your little lad an extra hug and tell him you love him. Love Struck
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:23

I will Working Dog, He's even more special to me now, Some breeders are just playing with fire. Sad
He has the best home, he's loved, we're all he needs xx


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by gem Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:29

kenny d wrote:I will Working Dog, He's even more special to me now, Some breeders are just playing with fire. Sad
He has the best home, he's loved, we're all he needs xx

The tests are only possible by breeders getting it wrong, they have made a good situation come from a bad one and now we have the tests. Good on you Kelly for allowing the AHT samples for further research Smile
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Nathan Wed Nov 07 2012, 23:51

When my last dog died i said i would never have a dog again. Its too painfull but yeah hell i fell in love again and ended up with two... Tbh i have always looked at your dog with admiration as he is a real stunner and i mean that. So brush it under the carpet and get out and enjoy that beut of a dog mate. Dont worry about what it could have been relish wat it is
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 01:24

They lied to you, but some people are like that. The person I got Loki from lied to me about who his dad was, but then I wouldn't have ended up with Loki if he hadn't, so it's bad of people to be deceiving, but you end up with good from it. Glad Kenny is alright though Smile


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 08:59

Thanks every1, yes, he's still the same to me. Thb, i've been thinking, i was meant to have Kenny, because if i didnt, they would of kept him, he would of been studded over and over already. He's in the best place with me Smile Love Struck
Like working dog said, inheritary disease's are really tough, people do lose their pets young because of it. Im just glad i tested. My only concern now is he's not HC test, like i was told he was. I was told by my breeder friend that because his dad is HC clear, Kenny will be, but his mam hasnt been tested, so how could he be. Any ideas on that xx


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 09:05

Kelly, what 'grade' PHPV does he have?


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Nosipho Thu Nov 08 2012, 09:33

Oh no thats pretty rubbish news. I dont know why they felt they had to be deceitful. They should have made it clear exactly which tests he had had and which he hadn't. You still love him though and he hasn't changed, its pretty rubbish but at least you had the good sense to get the tests done and were responsible enough to halt your breeding plans due to the results. not worthy
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Staffy lover Thu Nov 08 2012, 09:34

Kelly, you have a wonderful boy who you were meant to have. Cant say anymore than that can you. Love Struck

I hope no body minds me asking as I am not stealing this thread, but in relate to the above, cos of the test, what about all those staffies we have taken in that dont have papers etc, are we suppose to worry? (Not for the breeding part but any illness)
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 09:49

Staffy lover wrote:I hope no body minds me asking as I am not stealing this thread, but in relate to the above, cos of the test, what about all those staffies we have taken in that dont have papers etc, are we suppose to worry? (Not for the breeding part but any illness)

There really isn't much you can do, to be honest, unless you want to have the various tests done yourself. They're not vastly expensive, but if you wanted all of them done you'd probably be looking at around £200+


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Kathy Thu Nov 08 2012, 12:42

Have you informed the Kennel Club of the breeder you got Kenny from that one or both of his parents are affected by this condition ?? I'm sure they would like to know of it.
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Staffy lover Thu Nov 08 2012, 14:03

Caryll wrote:
Staffy lover wrote:I hope no body minds me asking as I am not stealing this thread, but in relate to the above, cos of the test, what about all those staffies we have taken in that dont have papers etc, are we suppose to worry? (Not for the breeding part but any illness)

There really isn't much you can do, to be honest, unless you want to have the various tests done yourself. They're not vastly expensive, but if you wanted all of them done you'd probably be looking at around £200+

Thats what I thought, but to be fair, we took Pixee on, not knowing any history about her what so ever, and so it stays that way. She has got a loving warm home, plenty of food, toys and the most important thing is love from us all, and the love we get back off her is so endless, right now she is sat on my lap Love Struck
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 14:10

Staffy lover wrote: She has got a loving warm home, plenty of food, toys and the most important thing is love from us all, and the love we get back off her is so endless, right now she is sat on my lap Love Struck

That's what counts! Love Struck


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 15:50

Hi Caryll, he said very mild, i have the results here, tell me what to look for, then i can post, Smile


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 15:57

I've been speaking to another Breeder, Two unaffected dogs can produce an "affected", thats why, even if you have an unaffected, you need to litter screen. To test a litter it only costs £50 for a litter of 5, then £9 for any additional pups. I've been in touch with KC, there's nothing they can do, as it's "up to the Breeder", Me and Ken are doing our bit with the AHT now, They need swabs from affected dogs, their so close to finding the gentic link, so kenny could be part of this research. I've been in touch with a friend who owns Kenny's litter sister, she's gutted, she had a Breeding Planned. In fact, she owns two dogs from this breeder, She was like me, trusted them, she also as to do the tests. After she bought Kenny's sister, she was warned that alot of pups from their litters have had problems with their eye's Sad


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 16:02

Info from his results-
drainage angle- n/a

then he's written - Hyoloid something- very mildley affected
NON-Congenital- Un affected


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 16:18

vitreous af mean the fluid between the lens and retina is cloudy
lens af means there scaring to the lens kind of like cataracs
congenital unknown
hyloid unsure but think its something to do with drying of the eyes that can couse eye infections


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 16:21

congenital means has been present from birth Sad


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by harlou Thu Nov 08 2012, 17:22

Hi we got Olly from a rescue we got his peds but no medical history £ 700 later it turns out he has chronic arthritis in both front legs so hes on meds for the rest of his life hes only 3 on dec 18 ,We would still have taken him cos he is fantastic he visits my dad in a nursing home and gets fussed by everyone ,he made my mother in laws last year happier he used to make her laugh , also he is the most affectionate loving little dog a real ladies man !
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 18:37

their all so precious, I'll love allways. How's Olly Coping XX


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by harlou Thu Nov 08 2012, 19:48

We dont thow balls for him anymore walk him on the lead a lot more and he doesnt limp at all now ,but the vet said staffies dont show pain unless its really bad !
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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 19:52

kenny d wrote:Hi Caryll, he said very mild, i have the results here, tell me what to look for, then i can post, Smile

I don't have a lot of experience with PHPV, but as far as I know it should be graded.....
Grade 1 is present but unlikely to get any worse
Grade 2 is present & almost certainly going to worsen
Grade 3 is present & likely to result in blindness.
If his is mild (or grade 1?) then it's just something that he can easily live with. If it's grade 2 or 3 then his sight will deteriorate unless it is surgically treated.

That's my understanding of it, anyway.

Whichever it is, it doesn't make him any less your gorgeous friend & companion!


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Upset, disapointed and angry Empty Re: Upset, disapointed and angry

Post by Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 22:46

Grade 1, Hamish said it wont get any worse Smile Smile


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