Last chance for staffy?

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Last chance for staffy? Empty Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 10:56

Hi, yesterday my partner came home with a beautiful 2 year old staffie Bitch. She had been taken off a family 3 months prior due to her not being fed or looked after properly. She had been in a home with small children and apart from being underweight she was pretty well trained, she'd been around small kids so they were happy to have her with there kids, youngest being 7 years old.
Once she was in her new home home it became clear the 10 year old collie did not like her at all, they would rub along okish but meal times the Collie would get cross so they decided to rehome her.

2 days ago they gave both dogs a bone each and put them in different room, the Staffie finished hers first. got let out the room, tried to take the collies bone and yes you guessed it...... They had a fight and the Collie got bit!.
The Staffie has been to the vet 3 times in her life ( Jabs and phantom pregnancy..... Why they didn't get her spayed I don't know) and never have they said she might have some pitbull in her. But then the last owner called to ask advice on what to do with the staffy as she's bitten the collie, a new vet who'd never met her before said cos she is white she might be pitbull or have pitbull blood lines, so get her put down............. Now we have her!

I've had a staffie before and I know they are lovely, but I have a 3 and a half year old child and I'm a bit worried in case the new vet who'd not seen her is right. She looks like a long legged staffie. She's been here less than 24 hours and has been good as gold. Follows me around, not fussed about the kids ( My 3 year old was charging around her with her bike a minutes ago, she looked but didn't move from her bed). My 10 and 12 year old won't leave her alone lol. Lets me take her food away, let my 3 year old help to feed her, goes to bed when I tell her, only gently jumps up and seem's quite calm when other dogs want to sniffer her when out on walks, and seem pretty scared of the cat, she so wants to say hello but the cat growls at her..... The dog runs away and hides behind one of us lol.

Do you think I need to find her a home with no kids or do you think she is a stupid stinky fugly mugly staffy who loves kids and will nanny them?
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:08

Hi & welcome.

It's always difficult to be absolutely sure what's in a staff unless you have pedigree papers to prove it! However, as pitbulls were banned (and the ones already here were neutered) in the 90s it's highly unlikely that she has any pitbull in her. I know that there are still some pits being bred in the UK (under cover of course) but even so, it's unlikely she has any of them in her blood!

The fact that she has long legs/is white/has a brown nose/is a little taller than average is absolutely no indication of pitbull. Big Grin I hope that puts your mind at rest a little.

If you want to keep her (and it's all above board & the old owners aren't going to want her back) then I'd be inclined to say go ahead. However, be aware that you don't know her full history & you have no way of knowing that what the previous owners have said is true.

For the time being at least, don't allow the children to touch her when she's eating & make sure you supervise them at all times when they are with her. I'm not saying anything bad will happen, but you need to be sure.

Bustersmaid wrote:do you think she is a stupid stinky fugly mugly staffy who loves kids and will nanny them?

Probably! Laughing


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Staffy lover Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:14

Cant add anymore to what Caryll has said. My Pixee is a long leggy staffie, Moo is too on here (Sorry if I am wrong Janey) and a few others, bit like humans we come in all sizes and shapes, Staffies seem to be that way.
Chances are your Staffie just doesnt like sharing a home with another dog.
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:15

P.S. Even if she did have pit in her, that wouldn't automatically make her dangerous to children! Big Grin


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:29

Thank you so much!! Yes I keep the kids away when she eats, I don't like being watched when I eat my dinner so why would she?? lol. She is being a real sweety, but I won't leave them in the same room alone. Doesn't take a minute to move her bed to the kitchen lol. we have a new home ready if she doesn't settle in..... She already has though =D. But just incase, its a single man who used to keep large dogs, she already likes him so if all else fails.... She has a forever home, with us or with our friend. =D xxxxxxx
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Kathy Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:47

Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me.

I hope it all works out well for you. Sounds like you are being very responsible anyway. As already said the chances of her having any pit bull in her are extremely slim so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 11:56

Thank you so much!! Just had my first proper face wash from her and she's starting to make silly noises! lol.... I think she'll fit in very well =D xxxxxx
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Staffy lover Tue Nov 06 2012, 12:22

I know its down to money too, but I have a dog mat in my kitchen always, one in the lounge, and two up stairs to save me moving them all the time, plus if one gets washed theres still 3 spare Laughing plus her bed. I have rules in the kitchen when cooking, Pixee knows my space is out of bounds so she will either lie on her mat watching me or go play else where. Sounds like she has settled in well so far, which is a very good sign. Its still hit and miss along the way till she knows the house rules, but you will get there. I have to have a office chair next to mine when I am in the office for Pixee to sit in Laughing
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 12:40

Looking at your avatar, she doesn't look at all like a pit to me! Love Struck


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 12:41

at wits end


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 13:37

I don't think she does either, just a soppy staff! Love the way a vet can have that kind of say over a dog she's never met before! Lexi is ace...... The only rule she's pushed is the, ( Get off the sofa) rule! She is very good, sits in her bed when we eat so I can't complain really =D xxxx Big Grin . Good plan with the dog mats, will invest in some asap xxxxxx
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Nosipho Tue Nov 06 2012, 14:34

Shes a lovely looking girl! And doesn't look like a pit at all. Vets don't know squat apart from whats written in their textbooks! Not sure why people take their opinion as law. Hope everything goes well shes a beaut!
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 14:58

She sure is!! She's being so good bless her! Yeah I don't think the vet had a clue either..... My old Collie would go mentle over bones and would lash out, even though she was really sweet and normally would never harm anything. I don't think she was abused, just a very big girl who needed more food to grow than her first owner could give when she was a pup. My horse is the same, goes skinny then fattens up again =D The kids are over the moon with her...... I'm quite chuffed too! =D xxxxx
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by roz w Tue Nov 06 2012, 15:08

well she looks a gorgeous girl and i agree with all the above and cant add anymore advice except thank goodness she has you to look after her now
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Ben Tue Nov 06 2012, 16:16

Can't add anything, but I think these are great dogs with children and wouldn't associate dog/food aggression with people aggression. Those two things are not at all related. She looks gorgeous. I have three of them with my children and my youngest was 4 when I got them.
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 16:26

Being white doesn't mean she has any Pitbull in here, nor does having long legs. She could be a cross, but could be crossed with anything. Plus, Pitbulls are generally good with kids and people. It's mostly the ones with irresponsible or bad owners who end up hurting people and end up on the news, but it's a small minority of them. She's gorgeous, she seems happy with you and she seems well-behaved. Looks like there's no problem to me Big Grin


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 16:56

She looks lovely and seems to be a well behaved lass. It wouldnt hurt to find an obedience class in your area to consolidate what she seems to know already and strengthen your bond


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by mickgill Tue Nov 06 2012, 18:52

Bustersmaid wrote:

She looks like a long legged staffie. She's been here less than 24 hours and has been good as gold. Follows me around, not fussed about the kids ( My 3 year old was charging around her with her bike a minutes ago, she looked but didn't move from her bed). My 10 and 12 year old won't leave her alone lol. Lets me take her food away, let my 3 year old help to feed her, goes to bed when I tell her, only gently jumps up and seem's quite calm when other dogs want to sniffer her when out on walks, and seem pretty scared of the cat, she so wants to say hello but the cat growls at her..... The dog runs away and hides behind one of us lol.

Looks very much like a Staff to me and what you have said above gives her more plus points than minus points, i have to agree watch her when she is feeding don't let the kids near, but she sounds very worthy of a stay plus you have all the help and advice you need right here , you can't go wrong really Smile
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Rachel33 Tue Nov 06 2012, 19:30

Lovely to hear that she'll have a happy ending either way.. Really hope it works out for you! She's gorgeous Love Struck wishing you lots of luck!!
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 19:54

Best of luck , as others have said play it cautious as you would with any dog , shoot the vet and you will all be fine . She looks beautiful as well by the way Love Struck


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by harlou Tue Nov 06 2012, 20:21

No she is not pitbull ive seen them in europe ,ive never seen one in the uk for years, anyway just cos a dog is a pitbull doesnt meen they are vicous! she looks like Olly with long legs shes gorgeous
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 20:24

She is beautiful, she has kind eyes. Even if she has Pit in her it would make3 no difference as Pit is a breed not a behavioural problem!! She is lucky to have a thoughtful owner and some kids to play with. I would leave her alone while she has her tea to make her feel safe and unthreatened. Good Luck to you both Big Grin


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 06 2012, 20:27

She is beautiful, she has kind eyes. Even if she has Pit in her it would make3 no difference as Pit is a breed not a behavioural problem!! She is lucky to have a thoughtful owner and some kids to play with. I would leave her alone while she has her tea to make her feel safe and unthreatened. Good Luck to you both Big Grin


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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Bustersmaid Tue Nov 06 2012, 22:31

Thank you every one! She is a beautiful dog.... Stolen my duvet though despite having one in her bed!!! lol. She is already will loved, my 12 year old son took her for a walk this evening, she was ace for hi,m even when she saw a cat! I think she will be fine and so will we.... Scary going from no to to dod all within a few hours lol. I'm just pleased for her that my partner had already met her before she came or I would of said no, what a waste of a lovely dog that would of been xxxxx
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Last chance for staffy? Empty Re: Last chance for staffy?

Post by Guest Wed Nov 07 2012, 03:05

Veterinarians are far from being breed experts. White is a perfectly acceptable color in the SBT standard.


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