Mouthing issues?

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Mouthing issues?   Empty Mouthing issues?

Post by Jellytot Thu Sep 27 2012, 12:36

Is it normal for a puppy to be biting and mouthing still at 7 months?

Ralph tends to do it to me more than the OH, I wonder if it’s a dominance thing as he was trying to get on top of me whilst I was sitting on the sofa and started trying to hump!

When he’s excited he really badly mouths, and it hurts quite a lot.

I do turn my back or ignore him, but if he does it whilst I’m on the sofa, he’ll bite my back or the back of my arm – I presume for attention. I get him off the sofa and do ‘time out’ – putting him the other side of the front room door until he calms. He also tries to bite my feet in my slippers and will pull my slipper off and refuse to give it back until my OH say’s ‘leave it’ and then he leaves it! But he won’t leave it for me.

The last couple of nights, Ralph has realised that he can jump up onto our bed, and has done this a couple of times in the night, (he sleeps on the floor by my bed) biting at my face – not the OH’s.

The OH and I do the same thing in our methods – it’s just he doesn’t really have to do it now, it’s just me?

What can I do to stop this behaviour? Any ideas guys?
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

Status Status :

Location : Kent
Dogs Name(s) : Ralph
Dog(s) Ages : 3
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2012-04-12
Support total : 73
Posts : 563

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Mouthing issues?   Empty Re: Mouthing issues?

Post by Guest Thu Sep 27 2012, 12:51

I don't know if it's normal, but I guess they all learn at their own pace. Perhaps he sees you as more of a playmate than your OH? I mean, in our house, my dad is without a doubt the head of the family in Loki's eyes, he's more willing to misbehave with the rest of us than him, so could be that he's on a higher level than you in terms of...rank in the family? Besides that, I'm sure he'll eventually stop if you're consistent with it. Probably just pushing his luck (he's in the teenage phase, isn't he?).


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