Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Wed Aug 08 2012, 18:39

I know we shouldn't stereotype but when you think of a breed of dog you do automatically think what their owner is like. In this case i want to know who you know that owns a staffy or a staffy cross (or any bull breed for that matter) that you wouldn't think would have one!

Mine is a lady i went to college with. She was a devout catholic (was in a nunnery for 20+ years before her hubby whisked her off her feet) mother of three, very polite and very nice, one of the nicest people i have ever met in my life. She was always talking about her dog penny and i always assumed it would be something like a little yorkie or a poodle or something the way she talked about it, i roll up and there is this bloomin staffy!

I was so shocked lol


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by janey Wed Aug 08 2012, 19:00


Me I think, before I had a dog!
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Jackieb Wed Aug 08 2012, 20:43

I had a very frail old lady approach me the other day with my two outside our local shop. Tank was sitting nicely, chilled out and almost oblivious. Diesel is doing her usual hyper super excited heavy breathing, tongue all over the place and tail wagging non-stop.!
I thought I'd get the old lady either ignoring us, or some comment, anyway she hobbled straight over to Diesel and let Diesel lick her face !!!?! I was like omg si sorry she's really excitable but plz be careful, shes a big lump and her claws cam hurt.
Frail old lady says " that's ok love , she's just like my staffy ! I dont know why they have such s bad reputation, my Billy is my world "

My heart melted and i was chuffed tbh.
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by durbster Wed Aug 08 2012, 21:08

My wife. She's timid and tiny so when she told me many years ago that she wanted a dog I fully expected her to say something timid and tiny to match. I was very shocked when she said she really wanted a Staffy.

It took her nine years but she eventually got her way.

Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? 20120512_112151
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by janey Wed Aug 08 2012, 21:10

durbster wrote:My wife. She's timid and tiny so when she told me many years ago that she wanted a dog I fully expected her to say something timid and tiny to match. I was very shocked when she said she really wanted a Staffy.

It took her nine years but she eventually got her way.

Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? 20120512_112151

Great story & great pic Smile
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Wed Aug 08 2012, 21:56

Great stories Big Grin


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Wed Aug 08 2012, 21:56

I would say my OH. She was a bit scared of dogs and didn't know much of anything about them when we first met. Now she is Suki's primary handler.


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 07:59

Me. I always swore I would never have a staff because I have 3 children. Yep, I'm ashamed to admit, I was once an ignorant idiot who believed the media hype. Whenever we saw a staff out in the street, I would keep my kids on the other side of me so they weren't anywhere near it if it attacked which I was sure was inevitable. I then met my dads staff who I completely fell in love with (after initially refusing to spend a week with them with the kids because of the staff!) My dad told me all about them and I did a lot of research and now we have Charlie. I am his main handler and have done all his training myself and I LOVE the breed now. Instead of avoiding them out in the street, with the owners permission, my children are allowed to pet them and play with them and so do I. Thank god for my dad, (who also bought me Charlie) I would have been missing out big time!


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 10:18

Same as Jackieb there is a tiny frail old lady in our village i reckon she must me at least 80 who has a gorgeous female staff called Bess. Bess is only 4 so full of live and beans. Trixey (the old lady, real name lol) is soooo good with her and to see the love between them is beautiful x


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Staffy lover Thu Aug 09 2012, 12:19

Wow thats so nice to hear those stories. To be fair, I knew nothing about Staffies, what they looked like etc, and I have grown up with dogs. Not had a dog since being married, but sorely missed dogs. It wasnt till hubby and son started to talk about Staffies. . What you need to know, is, hubby is scared of alot of dogs. He has been bitten by a German Shephed where it broke the skin of hubbys hand. Hes also been bitten on his backside by a Doberman, lucky the skin wasnt broke. So naturally any dog was wary of hubby at the best of times. So when them two were talking about Staffies, I did some research, and to my suprise I was like, my hubby likes those. So yes I am shocked to see hubby with a staffie cos of his fear, but boy he loves pixee to bits Love Struck
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Charlene_Frank Thu Aug 09 2012, 12:57

There is an old couple that live in my street, well in to their 80's and they have a Staff called Pepsi, shes an old little thing as well, didnt expect to see them walking her when i was younger.

they have carers in and out of their house 3 times a day helping with things, and although they are to old to walk Pepsi they wont give her up so they PAY for a dog walker to visit them 3 times a day. although because Pepsi is soo old its very short walks she gets now Smile, any if she needs out other than that they can open their back door to the garden for her.

But there is no happier sight that watching two elderly people walking arm in arm down out little quiet street with a gorgeous little Staff leading the way.
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 18:58

Staffies are such a well loved breed here without stigma so there are so many varied and strange people that own staffies. I know of people from newly weds to well in their 80's with loveable, adorable and totally well behaved staffies.


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 22:21

Charlene_Frank wrote:There is an old couple that live in my street, well in to their 80's and they have a Staff called Pepsi, shes an old little thing as well, didnt expect to see them walking her when i was younger.

they have carers in and out of their house 3 times a day helping with things, and although they are to old to walk Pepsi they wont give her up so they PAY for a dog walker to visit them 3 times a day. although because Pepsi is soo old its very short walks she gets now Smile, any if she needs out other than that they can open their back door to the garden for her.

But there is no happier sight that watching two elderly people walking arm in arm down out little quiet street with a gorgeous little Staff leading the way.

Awwwww day dreaming


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Taryn Thu Aug 09 2012, 23:14

my Nanna. she had three at one point. she is this super tiny woman who is very polished and well to do so to speak, living in her beach side villa. She is very prim and propper and you'd think she'd have some kind of mop dog from asia.... but she had 3 staffs. a bitch and 2 of her male pups from the same litter... one being a HUGE boy, all bully types.
Now days she does have a mop dog... but no one messed with her when she took all hree for a walk before afternoon tea.
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by agriff Fri Aug 10 2012, 12:09

My missis she is scared of dog and we had sasha a brindle bitch then when we lost her we got ice and blue so she is only 5 ft 4 in and 8 stone and walked down the road with two blue staffy bull terriers and 13 feet long arms lol
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Fri Aug 10 2012, 12:15

Probably me I think. I'm 5'4", 7st and until 5 years ago was more of a cat person. One of my friends always says she doesn't know how I can walk the two dogs lol.


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by bullsmommy1 Fri Aug 10 2012, 13:18

A very old man in my street his wife died last year, so he only has Alfie for company, melts my heart to see the bond they have poor Alfie is reaching the end though and has been diagnosed with cancer Sad
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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by Guest Fri Aug 10 2012, 14:10

I always feel so sad when i see a wee old dog with a wee old person, cause you know one of them is going to be left alone at some point Sad


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Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know? Empty Re: Who is the most unlikely staffy owner you know?

Post by kate32 Fri Aug 10 2012, 19:13

Hayley wrote:I always feel so sad when i see a wee old dog with a wee old person, cause you know one of them is going to be left alone at some point Sad
Oh don't Crying or Very sad
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