2 year old Staffy being given up by selfish cow! Any takers!?

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lock 2 year old Staffy being given up by selfish cow! Any takers!?

Post by xQuartzOnyxx Tue Jul 17 2012, 01:39

Hello everyone,

I'm really upset to learn that one of my old friends has just put up an advertisement for a beautiful 2.5 year old male staffy. She's had him for a few days having gotten him off facebook, and claims that he snapped at her when she used some shampoo spray on him. Her exact words were "Oh my god, no way is he staying here with my kids". I've tried pleading with her online, but she's just too dumb and selfish.

The thing that's concerning me the most is that she's putting adverts making out that he's aggressive. One of her friends has stupidly advised her to take him to the RSPCA and tell them that he's aggressive. I'm worried that this will affect his rehoming chances.

Please, if anyone is in the Manchester area and could take in a staffy, let me know urgently. He seems to be a dog with a great temperament, and good with kids. He's just not been given an amazing chance in life. I desperately want to take him in myself but we live in an already crowded flat with an evergrowing Quartz. PLEASE HELP!

Regular Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Regular Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 35
Location : Manchester
Dogs Name(s) : Quartz
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2012-04-26
Support total : 3
Posts : 15

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lock Re: 2 year old Staffy being given up by selfish cow! Any takers!?

Post by Guest Tue Jul 17 2012, 01:46

I'm sorry we can't allow private rehoming.

Please have a look at the list of rescue centers as they will assess a dog and fin the right home for it, it may not be aggressie just uncomfortable in that situation.


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