seems agrressive all of a sudden

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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Coco Wed Jul 11 2012, 13:43

My dog coco is being really odd the last couple of days shes mostly fine but has these moment where she keeps juming up really high like shes going for my face and tryin to pounce on my feet and to be honest im finding it hard. I say bed and she just starts going for me and she also keeps proper running for me . Please help i don't want to be afriaid of my own dog
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 13:48

Are you afraid because she's given you real reason ie growling barking or showing teeth or because you are afraid of staffies being dangerous dogs?


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Coco Wed Jul 11 2012, 13:54

Im not afriad because shes a staff but just because she keeps going for me and wont listen no matter what breed she is. I have a young daughter and need to be able to control her x
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 14:01

Is she growling at you?


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Buster's_Mum Wed Jul 11 2012, 14:02

If she isn't growling or showing any signs of aggressiveness (which I think would be unusual for a young pup anyway) then she is just getting a bit OTT and pushing her luck.

We got Buster at 6 months and he had no training and used to jump up and nip alot. With constant training from everyone he has now stopped nipping and although he does still jump up he is alot better (he never jumps up me or my two boys, so I think everyone else is a bit too soft with him sometimes) Make sure she is always supervised around your child as you will have to stop any unwanted behaviour.
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 14:05

What you see as aggression, some of us who have been in the breed long might/would see as her wanting to play.

If you can try and get someone to video her while shes in one of these moments so we can see for our selfs if its real aggression, or her being a vocal typical stafford Big Grin


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Jackieb Wed Jul 11 2012, 14:33

My Diesel would jump up like that and try push her luck a few times. Boisterousness to be honest, and with being 6 mths old to be expected, but when she does it, a firm NO!! Then turn around.
When mine didn't listen I did grab her by her scruf and frogmarched her to bed, it was a case of, u will take me seriously !!

Plz don't cinfuse her behaviour with aggression, u mainly need to be calm, assertive and consistant. She will be able to feel ur fear which will only egg her on even more to play up.

Start as u mean to go on plus each person needs to do the same.
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by crystel Wed Jul 11 2012, 14:42

Hi Firstly i will say this is not aggression but I do understand completely how frustrating this is, My pup is the same age as coco and i have had staffords for over 30yrs but she still pushes my patience at times Rolling Eyes
She has had a very inconsistent start too her life and she is just pushing her luck and testing the boundaries of course if she is around kids its important that you gain control, but it is about calm consistant training and you all have too stick too the same rules, when she starts the jumping up a firm no and turn away from her if she keeps jumping up walk away and try ignoring her, taking away all your attention, if that doesn,t work put her away in another room so she is completely ignored for 10mins, she will learn stick with it you will get there.
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Coco Wed Jul 11 2012, 15:12

thanks everyone in reflection she probs did just take play too far. what would you suggest when she will just not listen to you ? and with my daughter i already put her in kitchen for 10 min when she jumps or nips so hopefully she will get the idea soon xx
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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 15:20

Always try the ignore & turn away bit before you remove her to another room. You probably already do, but just thought I'd say!


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 17:17

My puppy is a lot younger than yours but I still worried his behaviour was aggression until very recently. Now I realise it's just playing. I don't think it's aggression; dogs aren't aggressive unless there's a reason to be. If it happens randomly then she's most likely trying to get you to play with her. Tell her no, but if she doesn't listen, as someone said, drag her to the bed and keeping doing it until she stays. She'll soon learn that you decide when she plays and when she stops. I know that can be very tiring, but persistence is the key, unfortunately. Just make sure you have more will-power than her Smile


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Wed Jul 11 2012, 22:37

Tommy quite often growls when my daughter picks him up to get him outside or put him to bed , sometimes with me as well, and I used to be a teeny bit concerned , now I just realise he can be a grumpy little bugger Laughing


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Guest Thu Jul 12 2012, 01:00

Sounds to me like she was wanting to play. How often and how long are you walking her? At 6 months she should be getting 2-3 30 minute walks a day as well as training sessions. Here is a link on body language that may be usefull to you


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seems agrressive all of a sudden  Empty Re: seems agrressive all of a sudden

Post by Girly Sun Jul 15 2012, 10:52

Jelly was getting a bit pushy with me, mainly yes because she wanted to play, and a little earlier in age than yours. a few times ignoring her and if that didn't work then putting her in time out in the kitchen and she got the message. when we play, she growls a bit only with playing tug, and when she gets up and stretches... and when she does lots of other stuff. but i realized the difference between her mean growl and the other type, which is more of a staffy "coo". i'm sure yours will grow out of it the longer you keep training consistently and following the advice of the good people who have already chimed in - they are lifesavers!
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