Holiday concerns

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Holiday concerns Empty Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Wed Jun 13 2012, 22:57

Hi all, We booked last year to go away this december. I havn't given it much thought until now. I dont think i can leave Kenny. He'd be staying at home with my son. He has become really clingy with me. Im afraid he'll become ill because he'll miss me too much. We go every where together, but when i do have to leave him, he sits in the window until i return. This isnt healthy. I think i know why he's gone this way. Last August, my sister became quite ill. She was sent to hospital in Birmingham, so i spent alot of time there. Sadly, she lost her fight. This has affected me as a person. Im trying to get my life back on track, but finding things difficult. I've thrown myself into Kenny. So, what should i do. Im happy to cancel, but the rest of the family wants to go, we need it really. But i dont really want 2 Straight Face

Sorry to post such a personal thing, but need you to understand why kenny is so anxious


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by janey Wed Jun 13 2012, 23:13

I have never left Moo, never would but have you thought sbout putting Kenny into kennals? I no Caryll has and can reccomennd places.

If its booked, go, he'll live, maybe home will be fine, never done it, but we all need a break Xx
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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Wed Jun 13 2012, 23:17

You should go. Life is so fast and you don't get many chances to do things like spend quality time with your loved ones. Kenny will be in good hands with your son. Maybe you could involve your son with him gradually as the time comes near so the change isn't so big for him.


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Wed Jun 13 2012, 23:42

Let me put it bluntly, he will survive. He may be clingy and sulk for a while but he will get used to it and move on. If you think your son will look after him correctly then please don't cancel a holiday your family are looking forward to because of the dog. (i know we all love our dogs but if you do, your family will be very hurt as people see other peoples dogs as just dogs!)

I'm very sorry about your sister. You maybe need this holiday though to just relax a bit. It isn't healthy for you or kenny to be so attached.


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 00:51

I think you should go. Time away can make a world of difference mentally. If your son is going to care for him everything should be fine


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Galadriel Thu Jun 14 2012, 07:38

I'm sorry to hear about your sister.

You've got lots of time to work on it between now and then so if you start now then I don't see why he wouldn't be fine without you in December.

Start small with things like not allowing him to follow you round the house all the time. Work on his down stay then build up the amount of time you can leave him alone while you're out of the room. Reward him when you get back and he's stayed.

Once he's happy being apart from you whilst you're in the house, start to go out without him, again, start small and gradually work up to longer periods.

When he's happy with that, maybe you could go and stay with a friend overnight whilst your son looks after him and see how they get on?

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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 08:07

Thanks every1, i'll work on his attachment towards me. I really do need a break. I just want Kenny to be ok. xx


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by stella Thu Jun 14 2012, 08:27

i know how you are feeling,its min your like i cant go and the next your wanting to go.i was like it a few months ago,i really did'nt want to go and leave sasha,but i did and she was fine and the break away did me good,so just go is what i would say Smile
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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 08:47

Mazda is clingy as anything, she wont even go for a walk with my mum or OH so I was worried when I went away, she sulked for a few days but was fine, shes been in kennels too same there sulks but by the time im back is just as pleased to see me, he'l be fine we all need a break.


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 09:29

Kelly, go.

Is your son is old enough to be able to look after Kenny? I'm sure the answer to that is yes or you wouldn't even consider it!

He may pine a bit & sulk for a while (Kenny, not your son), but you need the break, and sulking won't harm Kenny! He'll be fine, and you'll have the best welcome home that you've ever had in your life!

Although, if he's anything like Bandit was, he'll go crazy & then suddenlt realise that you left him & will sulk for a day or so! Big Grin


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Kathy Thu Jun 14 2012, 14:36

Just re-read your OP, maybe Kenny is picking up on your sadness. In his little way he is trying to keep an eye on you, hence the following you around business, he can sense a change in you and is trying to figure it all out.

If your son is able to look after him while you are away then go for it. Try the odd weekend away without Kenny in between then and now, if this is not possible try going out for a few hours at a time so he can get used to you not being around all the time.

How is he when you leave the house for a few hours?
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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 16:56

He will be fine, if it's just he's a bit clingy, yes he will probably sulk for a bit but he'll get over it.

For us if it weren't for Chance's erm people problems, we would go abroad and leave them with a family member, but we have to take them with us.


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14 2012, 17:15

kenny d wrote:Thanks every1, i'll work on his attachment towards me. I really do need a break. I just want Kenny to be ok. xx

He'll be fine with family , he's bound to sulk as they all do, but this is much better for him than being in a kennel environment , we've opted not to go away this year and take the kids (though it was only Tilly when we booked it Smile ) with us but this was only because we thought it was too much for my Stepson as he has 2 Bull Mastiff's abd the grandson , though he was adamant he wanted to do it, and we couldn't bear the though of putting her into kennels. I've since been advissed of a great kennels not too far from me where they can be really pampered and since we have 2 so long as we have no problems with them getting along together in the long term then we will be heading for at least a week in the sun next year.

So sorry about your sister , and you must think of yourself for once before others and the break will do you really good, then Kenny will benefit from it too >Big Grin< >Big Grin<


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Holiday concerns Empty Re: Holiday concerns

Post by Ben Thu Jun 14 2012, 17:36

So sorry to hear about your sister. I honestly cannot imagine the pain you feel, ane I agree with all the others. Often we worry more than our dogs do anyway. Sulking never killed a dog. He will forgive you and move on with you when you return.
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