Deed not breed that goes for all.

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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 18:57

Just having a little moan after what my housemate and from some posts i have seen lately.

Just wanna say that just like i am fed up with people judging staffys and giving them the bad name they have devil dogs etc, turn with no warning..........i am also annoyed with people seem too think its fine too say this about smaller dogs saying they are yappy ankle biters blah blah how is this ok!!!!!.

Sorry but any dog any size is what we as owners make them no dog is born aggressive.

Please do not judge any dog. We dont like it when ours are judged so why do it too other breeds.

DEED NOT BREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by janey Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:06

Couldn't agree more
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:06

Yeah its very annoying. labradors can bite too!!


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:06

Agree 100%!! .. i have nothing against any breed of dog! however i have alot against majority of owners!.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:11

agree totally


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by roxyrocket Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:23

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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:38

Exactly, you have an idiot owner the outcome is a poorly raised dog any breed.

I find it so diheartning sometimes when people who own staffs decide too bash other breeds, we all know how it feels, so just be the bigger person and dont discriminate like others do too our breed.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by janey Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:41

Just a guess but I can imagine your having a row with someone Laughing
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:43

Lol nope haha, just something i noticed recently lol and cant stand. x


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:43

OK. I agree with most of what you say, Deed not Breed, but I have to say that so many small dogs are 'nippers'. Fact. Far more than larger breeds - probably because people don't think it's quite as necessary to train and socialise a small breed.

Also, some dogs (any breed) are born aggressive & to deny that is dangerous. Aggression, like so many other temperamental traits, can be hereditary.

I don't bash other breeds exactly, but there are some that are known for aggressive tendencies - this should always be taken into account when dealing with any breed. Staffs themselves can be dog aggressive & if they are they can't be completely trained out of it.

So, yes, Deed not Breed, but don't ignore what is there in each breed, especially the bull breeds - to do so can lead to dangerous circumstances.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 19:51

Small breeds as you say are basically that way because they are not treated like dogs but little hambag things..... so thats not because of their breed.

Its wrong too say because they are such an such breed they are this way and thats that, Thats not true and all dogs should be judged on themselves not the breed they are imo.

Yes staffys are said too be dog aggressive but this isnt always the case as we all know so they should be judged on the dog they are not they breed they are if that makes sense.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 20:03

xXxshelly_stanliexXx wrote:Yes staffys are said too be dog aggressive but this isnt always the case as we all know so they should be judged on the dog they are not they breed they are if that makes sense.

Absolutely! That definitely makes sense. thumbs up

I just think that there are also blinkered people within the staffy breed who won't accept that a staff can be da. It isn't the end of the world if it is - it's something most people can cope with. But to ignore that possible side of a staff is dangerous.

The problem, as you say, in most cases though is the crap owner who couldn't give a sh1t what their dog does as long as it 'looks the part'. angry


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 20:08

Totally agree Caryll. Pitty we cant educate all the idiot owners who think they dont have too train their dogs small or big.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 20:13

Maybe we should set up a correspondence course for responsible dog ownership!


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Nathan Tue Apr 10 2012, 22:57

I agree with caryll. we as humans have bread dogs to fit certain situations that suit us. and as an underlying trait it cannot be igored that they have been bread this way. hunt, herd and protect, we did that....
Yes we can as educated responcible owners stear our faithfull companions away from that trait the un-educated cannot.
its a fact that small dogs bite more than big (source and my vet even said they get bitten more by small dogs. on the flip side one large dog can do alot more damage with 1 bite than 15 small dogs (not that i would like to prove that lol)
so Shelly you are right as well, and i agree with your sentiments 100% i get the discrimination too with marley. Not sure if you are aware of it but there is a demo in july that I will be attending against the DDA and BSL section. were not taking dogs as it could be hot and as in london a pain in * so as a symbol its empty leads to symbolise all the dogs lost to BSL. there is a fb page and also DDAwatch have details. hope to see you there Smile
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:04

Yes i understand that, my point is here that people like ourselves who on a daily basis get judged because our dogs are staffys, devil dogs etc should not be judging other dogs on their breeds but by the dog its self.

Dogs are what we make them imo yes there are certain traits in breeds that will always be there and cant be rid of but can be blocked.

I hate that people judge my dogs before they know them, and for that reason do not do this to other breeds. not all jack russels are yappy little s^^^s etc.
I met a lovely little yorkie the other day was so friendly really wanted too take him home haha.

Im aware of bite statistics etc, this isnt what my post is about its about judging other breeds and slating them when we hate it when others do it too our breed.

Yes i have seen about the protest not sure weather i will be able too make it thou with work and all.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Nathan Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:19

its because staffs have a more hard hitting image and have been demonised by the press, the sheep of the public have fallen for this hook line and sinker. its to a point that its hard to sway average joe in the street that our dogs are safe. i had a little girl crying at marley on friday because he was panting and showing his teath i could hear her father trying to explain that he was just breathing. i felt about this big ---><--- why should i feel like that when in reality she was more likely to be snapped at by a cute lil jrt. in fact marley has only ever been bitten by a jrt.. but i love them also so dont get me wrong on that, my best mate just brought her mum one of the cutest ever lil babies, and i was brought up with a snappy lil yorkie that collected fag butts and a sky cairn terrier cross.
shelly what you have to remember is that not everyone has your understanding of dogs mate, bet you see far more "dog walkers" about now than two months ago, i know i do, where were they in the rain sleet and snow? sometimes i think there are two type of dog owners too to add to the problem...
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:30

I see what you mean, but again just because one jrt is a yappy bugger dont mean they all are.
I know all too well about the prejudice thats faced i get it daily and have done coming up too 4 four years now and the reasons why our breed gets it.
idiotic owners who cant look after a plant let alone a dog of all breeds

They are all dogs.

My point here is solely that we should not slate other breeds of dogs when we know what it feels like ourselves, it aint the dogs fault its the owners. If you have an agressive dog then as an owner its your place too stop it from causing damage. the dog dosnt understand that it should not do that if it has been allowed too and not corrected that goes for all dogs small, medium or big.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Nathan Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:53

im not about slating other breads at all, thats for sure. what im about is owners understanding what they have on there hands.
at heart im a country boy, we had dogs for hunting, dogs for out shooting, dogs for coursing, dogs for rabbiting and dogs for guarding. as a human race we have developed these breeds for certain desirable traits that suit us for certain situations. yes break into a house of a GSD owner your gonna get bitten, break into house of a jrt owner and pat its head rather than its chest your gonna get bitten...again im agreeing with you in a round about way. human igorance of how to approach and handle a bread of dog is paramount...they are all different which is why each bread has its lovers... deed not breed has it merits but the realisation of dogs do differ by breed and the need to educate that is important. and also its its not just about likely hood of biting that should be taken into account, so many diff characteristics for each breed that could make it unhappy in your home.
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:55

"Jeff Dunham... its not a dog if it bounces when it barks" haha. totally agree with the posts, I'd take on any dog from 8" and up, a dogs a dog they are all the same their just in different outfits...I treat all my dogs as dogs not staffies I treat all the dogs i work with like dogs not german shepherds not rottweillers not yorkshire terriers or jackrussells.
Granted every breed is different but before it was a breed it was a dog and should be treated as a dog, once people have figured out what dogs are like (psychologically, behaviourally) then you can work with the breed side of it whether its a runner a digger or a chaser just to satify it not ruled by it.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 10 2012, 23:58

lol they are still dogs just very small ones, Totally agree with what you have said claire.

I agree thou that different breeds have different triats which as i said can be blocked in a sense, but too me dog comes before breed and dogs should not be judged on their breed but by the dog they are.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Nathan Wed Apr 11 2012, 00:13

meh, let me put this to you in the extreme then, australian cattle dog and poodle, yup K9 and according to you one and the thinks not try and keep them buggers under the same household... same with huskies and yorkies... yup dogs but dont get away from fact that we breed them for a perpose i couldnt see 9 yorkies pulling a sled for 200 miles like i couldnt see 9 huskies digging up rodents...dogs yes same no
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 11 2012, 00:22

axam102 wrote:meh, let me put this to you in the extreme then, australian cattle dog and poodle, yup K9 and according to you one and the thinks not try and keep them buggers under the same household... same with huskies and yorkies... yup dogs but dont get away from fact that we breed them for a perpose i couldnt see 9 yorkies pulling a sled for 200 miles like i couldnt see 9 huskies digging up rodents...dogs yes same no

Yes i agree there i dont think yorkies would make good sled dogs or huskies make good ratting dogs pretty obvious that thou. I will say it again my point here is that they are all dogs and shouldnt be judged on the breed they are but should be judged on them personally.
When people have had a bad experience with a stafford and then decide mine is the same how is that fair!!!!!!! same goes for all other breeds they should be judged on their personality not their breed. This is my point.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 11 2012, 00:33

axam102 wrote:meh, let me put this to you in the extreme then, australian cattle dog and poodle, yup K9 and according to you one and the thinks not try and keep them buggers under the same household... same with huskies and yorkies... yup dogs but dont get away from fact that we breed them for a perpose i couldnt see 9 yorkies pulling a sled for 200 miles like i couldnt see 9 huskies digging up rodents...dogs yes same no

Thats is pretty much what i just said, every breed is different and needs different stimulations and husbandaries but under neath all that they are dogs and getting to know the dog in your staffy or your husky first is the key to a well balanced happy dog, people with the toy dog instantly think awww cute hand bag dog he'll be easy to keep its not like they need alot of exercise (actually they do) its not like their going to get bored and start to chew up my furniture (yes they will) its not like, their like other dogs their more human and wishe to be dress up like paris fricking hilton, you have a dog treat it like one and you wont have a problem.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 11 2012, 00:38

MissRogue wrote:
axam102 wrote:meh, let me put this to you in the extreme then, australian cattle dog and poodle, yup K9 and according to you one and the thinks not try and keep them buggers under the same household... same with huskies and yorkies... yup dogs but dont get away from fact that we breed them for a perpose i couldnt see 9 yorkies pulling a sled for 200 miles like i couldnt see 9 huskies digging up rodents...dogs yes same no

Thats is pretty much what i just said, every breed is different and needs different stimulations and husbandaries but under neath all that they are dogs and getting to know the dog in your staffy or your husky first is the key to a well balanced happy dog, people with the toy dog instantly think awww cute hand bag dog he'll be easy to keep its not like they need alot of exercise (actually they do) its not like their going to get bored and start to chew up my furniture (yes they will) its not like, their like other dogs their more human and wishe to be dress up like paris fricking hilton, you have a dog treat it like one and you wont have a problem.

well said agree 100% with this.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by kate32 Wed Apr 11 2012, 21:02

Watch dont blame the dog, its on BBC3 now! About bad owners! X
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by janey Wed Apr 11 2012, 21:11

kate32 wrote:Watch dont blame the dog, its on BBC3 now! About bad owners! X

Thanks for that just turned over Xx
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 11 2012, 21:47

Am watching it, i think its great showing why dogs turn out how they do because of bad owners.


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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Nathan Wed Apr 11 2012, 22:37

now were banging same drum ;0)
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by Loz&Dan Wed Apr 11 2012, 22:53

I completely agree! I love all doggies. Smile
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Deed not breed that goes for all.  Empty Re: Deed not breed that goes for all.

Post by lmjc90 Wed Apr 11 2012, 23:16

I agree Shelley my lab got put down due to turning nasty and he was a lovely pup until he got the snip Sad
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