grrr Alsation went for my boy

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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by ardvark Sun Jan 29 2012, 22:22

I was out walking with my friend and her choc. lab. yesterday when I saw a blonde Alsation (is there such a thing, I mean I know you can get white?) off the lead. Milo stayed nearby then walked slowly over to say hello as we got closer but the they were walking a different direction iykwim? This was fine by me the other dog was off the lead and not directly with it's owner so thought it must be friendly, the lab. was nearby in the other direction. Milo didn't even get to say hello before the damn thing shot towards him in OUR direction and saw him off, Milo literally screamed (a noise I have never heard from a dog before) and ran towards me whilst the owner called his dog back to him (he was walking a different path) I rushed over in the slow motion of it all even though he was just metres from me and he seemed fine. I spoke to my friend basically saying how staffs get the bad name and that I can't believe the owner didn't even apologise/ask if he was ok or anything - shocked.

I however feel bad/mad now as I discovered a thick graze where he's been skinned with two other marks from an open jaw no wonder he screamed as the dog obv. made contact. The big graze is the width of the widest bit of canine and over an inch and a half long! I wish I'd have known at the time and told the owner about themselves, that said in that situation what's the form? What happens if a dog injures Milo can I sue?! Milo is playfull and very friendly but is very respectfull if other dogs aren't interested and tell him they don't want to play but he is such a wuss I seriously doubt he'd retaliate even to protect himself Sad
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Top_ra10

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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 22:27

ardvark wrote: This was fine by me the other dog was off the lead and not directly with it's owner so thought it must be friendly,

What happens if a dog injures Milo can I sue?! Milo is playfull and very friendly but is very respectfull if other dogs aren't interested and tell him they don't want to play but he is such a wuss I seriously doubt he'd retaliate even to protect himself Sad

Poor Milo! Hope he's ok.

Never assume that a dog is friendly just because it's off lead! I've said this time & time again. Keep your dog away from other dogs unless the owner of the other dog has okayed the play!

If Milo was off lead & approached the other dog, legally there's nothing you can do. If there are vet fees, you could ask the other owner to cough up, but I doubt you'd get anything.


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by ardvark Sun Jan 29 2012, 22:45

I know Caryll and yes you are right but Milo went to say hello in a miandering manner he was closeby to me and as the other dog was not with it's owner directly and was currently on our path ( a large trackway a combine could drive through!) I did deem it ok to let him continue as the other owner did see Milo as I was watching him watching for his dog to follow him as he walked away on the other narrow path to the gate.
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Top_ra10

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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 22:49

I always call my dog back & put his lead on if I see a dog approaching. I have to - Dempsey isn't friendly. That's my point, you see; I let Dempsey off the lead, but that doesn't mean he's fair game for another dog to play with.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly criticizing you - the dog shouldn't have been allowed to go for Milo! I'm just saying that there are irresponsible dog owners out there who know their dogs are aggressive, but still let them wander around without any control!


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by ardvark Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:01

lol no criticism taken Caryll, I know it's not a given that another dog is ok because it's off the lead I read the situation wrong because of the owners reaction (ie lack of it ) as he had seen Milo going to greet his dog. I otherwise always do as you say and put Milo on his lead or call him to heel which is going brilliantly with other dogs even nearby.
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Top_ra10

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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:03

I know what you mean. I put Dempsey on lead even if the other dog looks friendly, I just won't take the chance! He's a big boy & delights in pinning dogs down - can be very embarrassing!


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:05

Hope Milo is okay


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Taryn Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:07

its the same for me. romeo is super friendly, but when i see other dogs i leash him.
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Nathan Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:41

Alsatians are lovely dogs to be around as owners, on the other hand they are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners and pack. They are the guardians of all they hold dear and have a tendency to strike at the slightest whiff of danger. Remember these dogs where held with the same stigma that staffies are held now in the 70’s and 80’s. The owner should have been more responsible and not have it off lead as I’m betting you £10000000 that this isn’t the first time that the dogs done this. Just hope your milo is okay, such a shame that a loving lil guy like yours has to bear the brunt of human stupidity yet again. Btw I’m not even suggesting milo posed a threat to the GSD owners, some of the GSD are way way to protective and go for anything with four legs..again human stupidity to blame :0( I love the bread myself but don’t consider myself or my circumstances anywhere near good enough to look after one, very high maintenance but soo loving.
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 10:52

Dempsey's best friend is a GSD, he's known her since they were both pups & regularly play together. However, if I saw them at the park I would still keep Dempsey on lead until we've both agreed to let them off.

I love GSDs, I've had two of them & I looked after my boss's dog for a few months about 2 years ago. But you're right, some of them can be very protective & quick to assert themselves.


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Kathy Mon Jan 30 2012, 11:03

grrr Alsation went for my boy Rocky%20Hurt%20deep%20cut-700pixel%20wide

This what a GSD did to Rocky just before Christmas. The owners just walked away leaving us to dealt with it all. Thankfully my hubby was with me that day.

This particular German Shepherd is apparently supposed to be on a lead at all times, so we have since heard from other dog wakers in our local park. It was off lead that day, as we walked past the owner and the dog it just started to growl at Rocky who was on a short lead. It then lunged at Rocky and you can see the result of the attack in the picture above. It is very upsetting when it happens, really shakes you up.

Rocky had treatment at the vets which we paid for in total.

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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 11:23

Poor thing! That's awful. I remember Dempsey being bitten all around his ear not long ago - that was a doberman & should've been on a lead too.

But you see, it's all down to irresponsible owners again - just like staffs. Sad

The well bred, well brought up GSD is a lovely dog. Bloody irresponsible ownership!


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Kathy Mon Jan 30 2012, 11:29

Yes I agree Caryll, the GSD is a wonderful dog if treated correctly. It yet again comes down to the owners.
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 12:07

awwww Sad hope he is ok!! .. and kathy that pik of rocky is Crying or Very sad Sad


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 12:08

best wishes to you and poor Rocky. Sad sickening how we all pay the price for idiotic choices of irresponsible owners! i've been around GSD's much of my life, even raised one. they can be lovely dogs. your dogs were harmed because some idiot didn't care about anyone else. i sincerely hope the owners of the GSD's that did this will be brought to account someday for their stupidity. angry again, get well quick Milo.


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by shakespearesdog Mon Jan 30 2012, 14:17

Aw poor Milo.
I wouldn't blame the german sherpard. I would blame the owners for not putting him on a lead or training him correctly. The dogs that have attacked mine have been labradors, jack russells, beagles and wereimers (sp)! No link between the breeds other then crappy owners with lazy training methods and an inability to read their dogs body language.

Milo is playfull and very friendly but is very respectfull if other dogs aren't interested and tell him they don't want to play but he is such a wuss I seriously doubt he'd retaliate even to protect himself .
Milo is still quite young isn't it? It wasn't until Romeo was almost two years old that he felt confident to protect himself. Any dog that challenges him he will challenge back. A rotty growled at him yesterday and he went mad trying to get at it. The rotty was at least three times the size and weight of him! Straight Face
Staffies can be very slow to mature. Most aren't even considered adults untill they're three years old.
Interesting fact for you, Alsatians were renamed thus during ww1 because the british thought calling them german sheperds would sound unpatriotic. Tongues


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by ardvark Fri Feb 03 2012, 21:46

Thanks all. He's doing fine thanks, it was a deep graze only thank god as things could have been very different.

Kathy thanks for sharing that pic. of Rocky a sharp reminder of what just one bite from a dog is capable of, I hope he is ok and hasn't affected him psychologically.

I know it's all about the owners and not the dogs and I too doubt it was a first. I can only assume the owner feels that his dog is bigger and with the given nature and strength of the breed his dog would handle the situation/itself and come back to him without a hair out of place. I am just so so so so grateful it was onlt aggravated by Milo's presence and didn't launch a full on attack!

Thanks for that Jade I'm interested in what you say as Milo's nature has always been submissive, he has at Christmas been neutered too. Is Romeo neutered? And lol at the name thing my hubby is German and German SHepherd dogs were his mothers and grandfathers favourite breed so grew up with them until they got a staff. from rescure then it was staffs. all the way Big Grin

I actually don't like GS, I don't like the way they look!! I have to say also that I am judgmental of them as a breed (probably similar to people jusdging our staffs) and they are a bit scary to me personally, I know I am wrong and a hypocrite so don't shoot me down people! There is one round the corner that is mezzled as very DA and killed a neighbours cat too Surprised I got over this predujice somewhat recently as on a saturday I met 5 different GS dogs. 3 weren't really interested in play and were a bit boring for Milo I didn't really hang around but 2 played like big teddy bears with Milo. I did relax a bit after that. Their sheer size hit me that day though seeing them so close to little MIlo who actually isn't a little Staff! Sorry for ramble!
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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by shakespearesdog Mon Feb 06 2012, 12:26

I actually don't like GS, I don't like the way they look!! I have to say also that I am judgmental of them as a breed (probably similar to people jusdging our staffs) and they are a bit scary to me personally

I personally like how they look, a big shepard can look magnificent but they are DEFINATELY not the dog for an inexperienced owner. There are so many owners that buy them on a whim and can't control them properly! A lot like Rottweilers and Dobermans. Luckily I haven't met any really nasty ones. I wouldn't buy a GSD though, too much hair!
I don't like how labradors look, I don't find them very attractive. I've also met several very large, very aggressive and badly trained labradors. The black ones seem to be the most aggressive-i'm not sure if theres a correlation between coat colour and personality or its just coincidences?
Thanks for that Jade I'm interested in what you say as Milo's nature has always been submissive, he has at Christmas been neutered too. Is Romeo neutered
No, Romeos not neutared. I'm agaisnt it unless its medically necessary. Hes not aggressive, he just won't stand any nonsense. Smile The only dog hes ever tried to attack was a chocolate lab that attacked him previously. Can't say I blamed him!


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grrr Alsation went for my boy Empty Re: grrr Alsation went for my boy

Post by ardvark Mon Feb 06 2012, 22:48

thanks for reply there are plenty of dogs I'm not keen on the looks of, not just gsd's btw! I know what you mean re labs. I'm wary of all sorts as it takes all sorts!

I don't disagree with your decision not to neuter if you saw my thread about it you'll see how much I agonised over it. He is a little over 1 and In the 5 weeks or so since he was neutered he has calmed down more, we have both noticed a difference. I do however wonder with the absence of his 'bits' if he'll ever get to Romeo's stage and stick up for himself. That said our old staff came to us from rescue at 14 months already neutered and he was the same mello playfull guy Milo is but when it came to it when he was attacked he retaliated. Maybe it's how real the threat is and age?
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