has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by derbystaff Sun Jan 29 2012, 18:59

just need to vent a bit of anger. I was walking through my local park yesterday with Bruce trotting in front of me, off his lead, as he does. There was a family in front of me walking slower so i went to walk past them. As Bruce approached them their 2 young children screamed and ran away from him, Bruce did nothing just stood there. Their dad shouted to put my dog on a lead as he was evil and should be kept on a lead at all times. His mrs then added that he should also be muzzled at all times when in public. For what reason? Hes under control and not dog aggressive, goes without saying hes not human aggressive!

Anyway this bloke then goes further saying hes going to get a brick and smash Bruce round the head. I replied calmly 'ok mate ill wait here, you go find a brick, and we'll see who gets it round the head first'. He got angry and swore badly in front of his kids so i just called him a clown and walked away. Stayed remarkably calm im pretty impressed with myself.

This had happened to me a couple of times but its definately got worse since the sun wrote a couple of articles about so called 'snarling staffies'. Makes me sick. People feed off this and therefore staffies get an even worse rep.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Taryn Sun Jan 29 2012, 19:36

their called mindless drones. they eat what the media tells them and make no effort to actually research anything. i get the same attitude here, strangly not from fins but people from other countries, amd romeo is only 4 months
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Tyler&megsmum Sun Jan 29 2012, 19:51

Well done you!
That's what every owner of a SBT should do,stay calm and try and present an good image of our breed and let the ignorant fools carry on.

These are the sort of fools that say they don't believe what's written in the press,but react like you are walking a man eating lion Laughing
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Andy Sun Jan 29 2012, 20:07

derbystaff wrote:just need to vent a bit of anger. I was walking through my local park yesterday with Bruce trotting in front of me, off his lead, as he does. There was a family in front of me walking slower so i went to walk past them. As Bruce approached them their 2 young children screamed and ran away from him, Bruce did nothing just stood there. Their dad shouted to put my dog on a lead as he was evil and should be kept on a lead at all times. His mrs then added that he should also be muzzled at all times when in public. For what reason? Hes under control and not dog aggressive, goes without saying hes not human aggressive!

Anyway this bloke then goes further saying hes going to get a brick and smash Bruce round the head. I replied calmly 'ok mate ill wait here, you go find a brick, and we'll see who gets it round the head first'. He got angry and swore badly in front of his kids so i just called him a clown and walked away. Stayed remarkably calm im pretty impressed with myself.

This had happened to me a couple of times but its definately got worse since the sun wrote a couple of articles about so called 'snarling staffies'. Makes me sick. People feed off this and therefore staffies get an even worse rep.

In answer to your title question ... probably Crying or Very sad ... I cringe every time there is a staff involved in any negative incidents doh , the press must get hold a story and think ... KERCHING!! without any thought or consiance for the crap they right doh
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 21:00

Well said Bruce , I don't think I would have waited for him to go and get the brick TBH angry


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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Skullkandi Sun Jan 29 2012, 21:28

The only good thing that comes out of this is that people stop trying to stroke my boy.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by franki Sun Jan 29 2012, 23:36

there are heaps of staffords on the gold coast , most non pedigree or cross . when ever theres a dog attack on another dog normally a lap dog its by a stafford here . so yes they are getting bad press. some people dont relize that the breed was originally for fighting . and they dont take proper precautions with there dog . nothing worse seeing a stafford rip into a old lady and her poodle etc . the few irrisponsible people spoil it for other stafford owners. giving them a bad name
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Nathan Mon Jan 30 2012, 00:01

Romeo wrote:their called mindless drones. they eat what the media tells them and make no effort to actually research anything. i get the same attitude here, strangly not from fins but people from other countries, amd romeo is only 4 months
^^^^ so so true mate. if youve seen the pics of marley you can see only his coat and * resemble a staffy and head husky while his temperament is real staffy over husky. becuase hes quite unusual people ask what he is all the time, as his temperamant is staffy I always say staffy cross. always have always will. looks nothing like one but his dominating characteristics are staffy. I've had people who have been stroking him pull away as soon as i mention that Crying or Very sad his mom is a fantastic dog (dont get me wong his dad is also) just winds me up something rotten.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Summerisle Mon Jan 30 2012, 02:38

There are some dumbarses in this world. The media have alot to answer for when it comes to Staffords and Pitbulls. People will believe anything they read in the papers or see on the news.

From reading this forum it seems to me that England has alot more problems than down here with Stafford hate. It does exist down here but I've not had any problems t all when I walk Jimi.

It goes in cycles though, down here in the 80's it was Bull Terriers that were the nasty breed and Doberman's aswell. You never hear of them in the press anymore.

As for the guy with the brick, what a complete tool, you handled it well, better than I would have I have to say.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Ben Mon Jan 30 2012, 04:25

Wow, sounds like my in-laws. But to go off swearing in front of the kids for no reason like that? Poor kiddos. Good job on handling it.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Staffymummy Mon Jan 30 2012, 11:10

We had our first obvious discrimination on Saturday. We’ve had people cross the road before and get ‘the look’ but I’ve always told myself I’m imagining it. Well on Saturday we took Louis (8months) for a 2 hour walk through the park and woods, we were just leaving so Louis was on his lead and walking like an angel. Well a family walks past and the little boy says ‘look mummy it’s one of those devil dogs’. I was too shocked to react and my partner just politely and calmly said hello to them and walked on.

Afterwards I thought of so many things I could have said, very frustrating! Wish i was as quick thinking as you.

The thing that makes me mad is that the parents have obviously said this to their child before and are passing on their narrow minded views.

If only people would open their eyes and see what an amazing breed they are. I sometimes feel like me, and other staffy owners, know a secret that everyone else in the world is too blind to see.
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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by shakespearesdog Mon Jan 30 2012, 14:53

No, funnily enough. In fact the other weekend in the park Romeo had three police officers cooing over him.


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has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports? Empty Re: has staffy hatred got worse for you since recent newspaper reports?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 22:12

shakespearesdog wrote:No, funnily enough. In fact the other weekend in the park Romeo had three police officers cooing over him.

I bumped into an old friend from school who is now in the police last week whilst visiting home and we got talking , he loves staffies and same comment every time , it's the one at the other end of the leash


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