Today's walk rant -_-

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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 20:41

Well just been for what started as a nice walk with the boys and went to the little park down the road where there is a little area thats almost fully enclosed where i can let Chance off the lead to practise some recall which he was doing brilliantly!

Anyway after a bit a lot of people started walking past as there was a footy match on down the road, so getting Chance to come back to me, all going well until some kids opened the gate at the top of this area (nothing wrong with that) they then screamed and ran round and away from Chance leaving the gate open, of course Chance chased them rolleyes but i got him to stop and come back to me! (very proud of him for that) they then started throwing stones at the boys threw the fence mad

Then someone took a short cut through this area (again fine) called Chance to me and held his harness as he has a habit of jumping up without any warning and headbutting people Rolling Eyes Harvey i told to wait which he did, the man the walked 'through' harvey throwing him to the side! mad and THEN walked past me and Chance and punched Chance in the face as he walked past. Now i have no patience for people as i'm sure most of you will know and i won't repeat what i said, but Chance will not have strange people touch never mind that so he went, well mental and it's a good job i had hold of him as i won't like to think what he'd have done.

Anyway calmed them down gave treats etc off they went playing again, only for three other kids to start tormenting them through the fence with sticks rolleyes and trying to stab them as the boys ran past, again won't repeat what i said (and before anyone says anything about swearing at kids seriously keep it to yourself i DO NOT care) they were having a right laugh until both boys jumped the 4 ish foot fence and they very quickly left.

Anyway sorry for the essay but very * off with people today but very proud of the boys especially Chance for coming back to me in each incident.

*le sigh*


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by flame Sat Jan 28 2012, 20:55

OMW.. poor you and poor Chance ad Harvey.. i think if some people treated river like that i would'nt be responsible for my actions... you did very well as well as your boys... why an earth would that horrible man punch a dog for no reason is he ok? not tramatised or anything? maybe take them somewhere else in future.. hope you ok now...
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:03

Take it you live in a strange area, we've had problems with the people that are scared of staffys and stuff but never behaviour like that. As far as swearing at the kids I wouldn't worry about it one bit as they probably know far more words than you do Smile In my day if I behaved like that and me mam and dad found out I would have a sore * for a week, and that would be after I had been made to go round and apologise. And as for the bloke that punched chance in the face angry


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:08

TBH he's lucky i had hold of Chance not only would he have bitten him, i'd of floored the * as i'm not a patient person never had been!

Hopefully won't see him again, but the park is where we meet alot of dog walkers we no and the boys play with so i wouldn't want to stop going there as it would be a shame Sad


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:09

davemck3834 wrote:Take it you live in a strange area, we've had problems with the people that are scared of staffys and stuff but never behaviour like that. As far as swearing at the kids I wouldn't worry about it one bit as they probably know far more words than you do Smile In my day if I behaved like that and me mam and dad found out I would have a sore * for a week, and that would be after I had been made to go round and apologise. And as for the bloke that punched chance in the face angry

It's not the nicest area lets put it that way, well exactly i'm sure they probably do Rolling Eyes I just don't understand why he thought it would be a good idea to punch a dog that someone is holding out of the way angry


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Kathy Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:12

I think I would report this incident to the police. So many things like this go unreported and nothing gets done. The more reports they have then maybe something will be done. Well you have to live in hope. Sad
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Taryn Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:18

who punches some ones dog in the head! what a freak. we used to have the same kind of problem with kids walking past our house and throwing stones at our staffies Jack and Zep. we never knew why the dogs were getting so worked up about kids walking past until one day i was home from school sick and caught them, and i'll tell you, i had some choice words to say to them too. would have let them loose on the bast*rds too, zep was not stranger friendly, but i didnt want my dogs put down.
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:23

kathytake2 wrote:I think I would report this incident to the police. So many things like this go unreported and nothing gets done. The more reports they have then maybe something will be done. Well you have to live in hope. Sad

I've already reported it to the local police station but it's unlikely that anything will get done Sad


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by steve76 Sat Jan 28 2012, 21:59

does your park have cctv in operation, i know the ones by us do, to combat muggings and under age drinking, may be they could get an image of the guy off that
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 22:13

No unfortunately it doesn't Sad


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by shakespearesdog Sun Jan 29 2012, 00:01

What the hell, some guy just punched your dog!? I would have bloody throttled him with my chain lead. What kind of mental aslyum place do you live in, it sounds awful! Surprised
Seriously just thinking about if someone touched my boy...


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Nathan Sun Jan 29 2012, 00:17

ella, I'll be honest with you I havent read the other posts as something you wrote stood out for me. someone punched chance in the face... id go fu****** mental at that mate. your dog and yourself have much more mental stability than me. credit to you and chance. sometimes i want to cry at the freaking dumbness of humans
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 01:04

can't believe some one would do something like that, like... I wouldn't be surprised by the kids and all that cos kids are like that which is sad, but for someone to punch your dog in the face, while you are holding it back - Wtf? I don't understand???? surely this guy had some problem in his head? god im gobsmacked. well done for not resorting to violence yourself.


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 01:17

OOOO MMMM GGGG Surprised Surprised Surprised

OMG, OMG, head is still reeling after reading this.

Did I say O M G ???

Can't believe that. Seriously, there are some right dim-witts ( that's my family friendly forum word for something a lot stronger ) out there. By the sounds of it, your boys were doing the right thing, as were you when these "people" passed by and what do they offer in return? OMG, stones, sticks and a deliberate unprovoked punch to the head ????? Surprised

Sorry, i'm at a loss for words.

More and more these days, I see and hear things that make me wonder what makes some poeple tick

I hope you and the boys are all ok after this horrible incident. >Big Grin<


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Ben Sun Jan 29 2012, 04:13

I think I just swore at some innocent kids after reading this. Seriously, you should carry a walking stick or mace to use on bas!ards like him. I think I'd have done something stupid like slip and let go of my dog... Unfortunately it would have been chance to get in trouble, but I also don't have patience for stupid! So sorry for such a bad outing. Hope it never happens again.
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 07:28

You handled that much better than I would have. I believe the better half would have come to get me out of jail.


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:03

TBH the air was a very vivid shade of blue but he's just lucky i was holding Chance as i'd of * killed him angry


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by dave g Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:11

If he has punch my dog he would of ripped his arm off...
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dave g
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:51

Believe you me Chance tried but it would have only meant Chance getting in trouble Straight Face


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:52

Bloody hell! What is the matter with some people! Hope you're all ok. If you see him again, just walk up and punch him in the head, see how he likes it!


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:53

Aye definitely!


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:55

Loopy wrote:OOOO MMMM GGGG Surprised Surprised Surprised

OMG, OMG, head is still reeling after reading this.

Did I say O M G ???

That was my reaction, too.

What a complete p*at! Why? You did well to keep your temper, it would have been so easy to just let go of Chance & let the guy take his Chances! Big Grin

I hope both dogs are ok, that's the last thing you need to happen when you're training!


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 13:57

I agree with Kathy about reporting it. At least they will hav e a record. If Chance had bitten the a*hole then of course it would be the b* staffies again.

I cannot comprehend the behaviour you guys have to put up with in the UK.


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Taryn Sun Jan 29 2012, 14:08

its kind of a.. "forget the dog, beware the owner" and i'm in the same pot with these guys... i would have whipped him in the face with the lead
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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 15:08

Romeo wrote:its kind of a.. "forget the dog, beware the owner" and i'm in the same pot with these guys... i would have whipped him in the face with the lead

Haha to true Wink

But I've reported it anyway, and been back out with the boys again just now and had a much better walk today Smile


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 17:18

Woah!! who does that!! :@ i'd of ended up repaying the favor and punching him in the face!! lol i have a short fuse when it comes to people around my dogs! lol but it would of made matters worse i spose lol.
As for kids! they do my head in lol if i dont know them or related to them then i dont do kids lol


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Today's walk rant -_- Empty Re: Today's walk rant -_-

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 18:46

i can imagine what language you used the air was probably blue as it would have been for me too but i would have punched the bloke that punched my dog too. they all desered what they got infact more just a pity theres never a copper around when you need one co si would have complained and maybe they would have been given a warning or told to go away.


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