Bit of bother over park!!!

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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Jon Fri Nov 25 2011, 18:09

Was over the park yesterday with Ty and my wife. We had him off the lead running between us and bringing us a stick. Another dog came over and started sniffing him, so Ty had sniff back (as they do). The lady owner then stormed over screaming at me to get my dog away from hers and that he should be kept on a lead because he's a staff!!! I called him back to me and he came first time. Sat him beside me. Tried to explain to her he wouldn't be off the lead if I couldn't control him. She then tells me "they're horrible f*****g dogs!" to which I answered "F*** OFF!" I then took a barrage of obscenities so I put the lead on him and we walked away.

Has anyone else ever experienced this sort of crap? I found the women to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Everyone else I've met from Pug to Rottie owners have been fine.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Tyler&megsmum Fri Nov 25 2011, 18:36

Yes,we just ignore the stupid ignorant people.

I had a woman stop me and Tyler and she asked if he was friendly,I replied yes and she then stated oh it's just other dogs he wants to rip to pieces,I told her no he's friendly with dogs and walked off.

Also had an elderly couple say look at that kid walking one of those dangerous pitbull things,I was going to the shop,had Meg and my daughter with me,Meg was double leaded,so my daughter could walk her.
I explained that she wasn't dangerous and not a pitbull,now I just reply with sarcastic comments like,oh there fine they ate 3 kids for breakfast!
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by janey Fri Nov 25 2011, 18:43

*sigh*! Yes I have had it too. I must say the majority are fine and its the minority that tell me I have a banned breed.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25 2011, 21:28

Sorry to hear about that. I've never had a bad experience with Suki but the culture over here is really different and there aren't many AmStaffs.


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by ardvark Fri Nov 25 2011, 22:48

sick yes, I have, but mostly what I come accross is the exact same comment...from people who know us and that we have 3 young children (3-7 years) it's the 'Is he okay with your children' and when I'm out walking him I have at least one of them with me but mostly all 3 I get the 'is he okay with your children' comment at wits end some people should think about what they say before they open their stupid mouths Rolling Eyes what parent in their right mind would have a dog whom was NOT good with children around their children ffs! It's such an irritting and utterly stupid comment.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25 2011, 23:02

Oh dear.
It seems that in the UK the poor Staffy gets a really bad rep........I must say, that here in Aus I have'nt encountered anything like that at all.

Stand tall Jon, in the knowledge that you have a wonderful dog who you love and trust.


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Sat Nov 26 2011, 00:25

The worst I have had over here is people telling off their dogs for yapping at Russell, walking past him and saying to their dogs "don't bark, he will eat you!"
My OH's step grandpa asked why we got him... because he's a killer. I looked at Russell when he said that and Russell just sat there happily looking at me.

aaany way, it doesn't bother me, they don't know what they're missing!


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Sat Nov 26 2011, 00:38

Jon wrote:Has anyone else ever experienced this sort of crap?


But then I also got it with my GSDs and now with Dempsey! With Dempsey the comment is usually "God, look at the size of him, does he bite?" The answer's usually "Only when he's hungry...come on, Dempsey, let's get your breakfast!"


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Ben Sat Nov 26 2011, 01:47

yep but more often it is "the look" as many aren't quite bold enough to say it to my face. Some have, but it thankfully has been rare. Sorry you had to endure the twit.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by stiofan Sat Nov 26 2011, 17:11

Gets annoying after a while, If they are genuinely interested i chat but if they are just spouting off i just say"if i wanted your opinion i would have asked for it, bye". Although i did tell one woman to insert her yorky rectally Blushing
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 09:26

In South Africa the'bully' thing is not an issue (yet). I think GSD's and Rotties get a worse wrap. On the weekends, the lake where I walk Tyson is really crowded with people enjoying the outdoors. I just have to laugh (used to make me mad though) at how the people simply jump off the path left and right when we are coming along, its like the parting of the Red Sea! One in ten will correctly identify him as a staff, but for the most part ,I get shouts of 'watchout .... pit bull' ..Utter rubbish. Now and then someone will stop and take the trouble of asking if they can approach him and he always oblidges so nicely. We pass other dogs without any hassles even those off lead.


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Rochelle121 Mon Nov 28 2011, 10:32

Is it just me or do u just wish that youre dog really did eat ignoreants like this sometimes?? at wits end
grrr it winds me up no end!! no wonder some dogs attack ppl!! my own mom was like this to me when i first got my pup!! my own mom!!
to quote "what are you wanting with one of them dogs for? they're chave dogs,every riff has 1!!"
She's since changed her tune since ive got him and she sees hes a lovely boy!! also hes helped my sister get over her fear of dogs (she was bitten as a child and not by a staff!) hes so gentle with her n now she says she really likes this 1!! wich is alot from some who used to get very nervouse just seeing a dog!! ...........It's a good job it wasnt me this woman was talking to or you would have heard me all the way into china!! the cheeky mare!!....eugh ignore it,rise above it etc etc..not sure i could take my own advice there however x

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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by linzy Mon Nov 28 2011, 10:41

Yesterday we had an old woman say she was keeping an eye on us, and keeping her dog away, because Violet isn't socialised yet. I was stunned. Not 5 minutes before, Violet and two other dogs were having a play when her dog stormed in, growled, barked and had a go at one of the other dogs before I took Violet away from her big angry dog who was completely ignoring her commands.

Firstly I'm shocked because her dog was a nutter,secondly because Violet even has a certificate to say that SHE IS socialised, and thirdly because what reason did the old witch even have to say anything? - we weren't even near her, and I purposely kept V back a bit because I didn't want her near an aggressive dog. I wish people would just shut their mouths!
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 10:51

[quote="russdogmum"]The worst I have had over here is people telling off their dogs for yapping at Russell, walking past him and saying to their dogs "don't bark, he will eat you!"

LOL... Vlad loves everyone and everything! He's such a good natured little thing and every staffy I've known is the same!


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 10:52

Perhaps we should all have T shirts printed saying 'my dog is great with other dogs. Is yours?'


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Ernestine Mon Nov 28 2011, 12:46

Ty wrote:Perhaps we should all have T shirts printed saying 'my dog is great with other dogs. Is yours?'
Love it!!! I'm going to get one printed this weekend Laughing

I have to agree with you though, it doesn't seem to be an issue here, not that I've seen anyway. I haven't encountered any obnoxious people when I'm walking Duke. Don't know about you Lynne, but in Cape Town they're almost admired, and we have a lot of staffie owners in Edgemead. Often when we're out, we'll get big smiles, which I think is so awesome, considering some of the stories I've read here. I really hope this animosity towards the breed stays well away from our corner of the world, and people in other parts actually start to wake up and realise what fantastic dogs they are. Love Struck We, for sure, will never own any other breed!
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 13:51

I agree 100% Ern. Mostly loved here in JHB and are a popular breed even if Zoo Lake visitors duck for cover Big Grin


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Skullkandi Mon Nov 28 2011, 17:07

I had it...Junior dealt with it.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Jon Tue Nov 29 2011, 23:18

Glad I'm not the only one.

Been really lucky lately and there seems to be alot of staffy owners over there around the same time everyday. So thats the time we've been taking him to the park. Has lots of friends now, such as Lottie, Blue and Albert who are also staffs. Ty's having a ball even if the busy bodies don't like him and his friends! Smile
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29 2011, 23:21

cheeky cow. some people cant see passed the prejudice they have about the breed. like you say regulars that you see on the park are fine with the dogs. its the simple no picnic basket people that annoy you. dont you let her bother you you have a good dog and dont let thsi stupid ignorant woman put you off play time


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Skullkandi Tue Nov 29 2011, 23:32

I have started laughing in peoples's worrying...
Ignorance is now becoming my amusement...I deadpan...laugh...deapan...walk off, making sure lil man is offlead...'cause he's "dangerous and obviously used as a Status Dog..."

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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Diwrnach Wed Nov 30 2011, 15:01

Actualy had my first experiance of this the other week, was walking where we normaly do off the lead, we are quite well known now and when people see us let there dog run over and have a play, been like this for 4 months fine, from little jack russels up to rotweilers.

So I see a springer (which she loves because they have as much energy as her) with two women coming towards call my dog back and she lies down by me, while the other dog comes trotting over, so I let my dog go and off they go running round together like dogs do.

The older woman then proceeds to start screaming that her dogs going to get hurt and its only little and all this ranting, then starts screaming go away, all this time my dog and hers are running about taking it in turns to chase each other having a great time.

Called my dog away and walked off.

Never known anything like it.

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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30 2011, 15:24

I find it so hard to believe just how bad a rap staffys have in England.

They are a very popular breed over here in Australia and though you might get the odd person who is a ignorant moron about the breed, most people want to come up and pat Jethro and Winston!!

I remember walking Jethro before we got Winston...Jethro is all old and grey and he was toddling along on his lead and the person coming towards me picked their little mutt up and crossed the road! Laughing


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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by derbystaff Wed Nov 30 2011, 15:36

i get these comments quite regularly, one woman even picked up her little minature yappy dog before id got close, and gave me a look that could kill. It made me angry but thought theres no point saying anything, she'd obviously made up her mind already. As a young male its annoying cos i fit this negative stereotype perfectly...
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Scubasteve Fri Dec 02 2011, 22:06

Yes we get it too. I had one man tell me one night not long after we got Tinkerbell that I should let her run wild with a pack of staffies. I just laughed at him, and quite politely told him I won't be doing that yet as she won't come back when called.
He had a JRT who was off lead, miles away from him winding Tinkerbell up because she was on lead and couldn't play with him.

I also get mothers dragging their kids away from her, I don't get this one as 9 times out of 10 she is walking next to my 2 year old's buggy whilst my 4 year old walks along side her.
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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by Irene Fri Dec 02 2011, 22:51

Luckily, and fingers crossed, I never had this with my previous staffie or with Zac. I don't know if its where I live because here in Walsall which is part of the black country every other dog is a staffie, even in his puppy class 4 including Zac are staffs Smile x

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Bit of bother over park!!! Empty Re: Bit of bother over park!!!

Post by haddy Mon Dec 05 2011, 14:01

urg! yes! i get this way to often. There is a woman round the corner who says stuff loud enough for you to hear (like to her son, who i know.) while im talking to someone else there. Its just Rude, and all based on false information. So as she at least twice now has said stuff about my dog im going to be just as rude and tell her to keep her dog away from me, flap about and tell her i dont want it near me because its ugly and might be dangerous. Bearing in mind they have made it dog aggressive by making it obsessed with its rubber ring...that it wears around its neck, and many times a dog has gone near it and its gone mental. And then she has the nerve to say that my dog is horrible, its a dangerous dog and should be banned and it will attack. Well my mouse is a pansy she runs away from everything and not once has shown any arression to anything!
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