Aaarghhh what a morning!

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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Sep 27 2011, 07:24

Yesterday morning, we all overslept and woke at quarter to seven. Normally we are woken by Tinkerbell whining to go out at 6am. Unfortunately she had pooed in the kitchen, we thought we must just have slept through her crying and barking and so cleaned it up and obviously she didn't have a row. Poor thing was cowering, thinking she was going to get a row (think her previous owners had hit her on such occassions as she seems to cower and can be hand shy, poor girl). She soon came round though when she realised we weren't mad at her Smile

Anyway this morning, Ian set the alarm for 5.50am to make sure he could let her out before she asked. Unfortunately he came down to a kitchen full of poo, and her bed and the kitchen doorway was full of sick. He cleaned it up then woke me just after 6am to help him bath her, as she had been lying in a bed full of sick Sad

Whilst cleaning it all up I have found a small chicken bone (about 2 inches long) in her bedding! She eats cat poo from the garden (next door have 5 cats who all poo in pur garden), do you think it could have been from the poo? I know the cats rip our bin bags open and eat everything they can, so they must have picked some chicken up from somewhere. We haven't had chicken for a while so it wasn't from our bags! Just can't understand what has made her so sick, except for this chicken bone! She scavenges food on walks, but hadn't at all yesterday as I stop her doing it. And the day before she managed to scavenge a chip and that was it as I am very careful with not allowing her to eat from the floor!

I think we will put her in her crate tonight! We bought one when we first got one but she hasn't needed it. Hopefully she won't soil the area she sleeps in, but even if she does it won't be spread all over the kitchen. It has taken me an hour to bath her, clean her bed, all her bedding is in the machine now, and I have disinfected the whole floor in the kitchen and bathroom and had to clean the bath and bathroom after she has had a bath!

Not exactly my way to start a morning Sad But hey, ho it's not her fault!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 07:33

oooh poor girl, she mustn't be well at all, especially if she was sleeping in her mess. if she keeps being sick it might be a good idea to take her to the vet.


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 07:59

Awwwwww bless her cotton socks! Vlad takes great pleasure in peeing on out floors... sometimes I think he does it to say "ha ha" Tongues Shame on the previous owner! Nothing gets me angrier than hurting a poor animal!


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by janey Tue Sep 27 2011, 09:26

Aww poor puppy Sad there are such a worry sometimes, hope she is feeling better in herself, and yes if she keeps being sick I would have her checked out. Most likely was the chicken bone, mine will scavange everything she can on walks, I have to be uber carefull that I'm always one step ahead.

I hope your day proceeds to get much better Smile
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 12:58

They will eat most anything. Hopefully she will recover quickly. Hope the rest of your day goes well.


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:15

Well she was last sick at 11am this morning. She has had only water today, but we will have to keep an eye on her as she hasn't drunk much either! She seems very out of sorts today, but thankfully no more accidents in the kitchen. She has been out the back on and off all morning, and just wants to sit or lie in the sun. She looks very sorry for herself bless her!

We have had to go out this morning as I had to enrol at uni today and Ian dropped me in after picking Hollie up from school. So we have been out for around an hour and a half and it looks like she has slept the whole time!

Will see how she is this afternoon now she isn't being sick anymore but if she is sick again, I think vets it is! Poor girl, she hates water too, so having a bath at 6am this morning wasn't fun for her! But she is all clean now. Ian thinks possibly she was hiding her sick which was in her bed by lying on it. Possibly incase she had a row off us, I am starting to wonder if she messed in the old owners house because it isn't right she cowers after an accident. Can't blame her really if she did, as it seems they didn't walk her so chucking her in the garden doesn't ensure she has been! Grrr, the more we discover about her previous owners the more I am starting to dislike them!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by janey Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:19

Sad poor Girl, but she has you now Smile I hope she feels better soon, I hate it when there out of sorts, its when you wish they could speak and tell you whats wrong Xx
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:27

Thanks Janey. Bless her even though she is still out of sorts she has just put up with my daughter giving her a cuddle to make her feel better. She hasn't been for a walk today as she has no energy to do anything, will try her with a small amount of food later and a short walk if she is up to it! Yes she does have us, and we intend on making up for anything she may have been through and love her to bits already!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by janey Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:32

Try her with some plain cooked chicken and rice, its bland so should go down well with her Smile
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:37

Aw bless her >Big Grin<


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Kathy Tue Sep 27 2011, 13:51

As Janey said plain cooked chicken and rice to start with. She will be feeling quite weak after that. I know we do. Try some ginger sweets of some sort - crystalised ginger maybe.
Ginger really helps with nausea, and can fight bugs aswell.

Big hugs from me and Rocky >Big Grin<
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 14:27

Poor pup Sad hopes shes feeling better soon. xx


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 14:30

poor tinkerbell hopes she feels better soon

>Big Grin<


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Sep 27 2011, 16:12

Thanks all, will try and entice her to eat later when the kids are in bed and it is quieter for her.

She hasn't been sick or pooed this afternoon, but just wants to lie in the sun in the garden. I have got her out for a 5 min walk up the lane and back and she has been for a wee at least. Bless her she started bouncing when she saw her lead but can't be bothered again now we are back! She is now back asleep in the kitchen doorway hiding away from those noisy kids!
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 28 2011, 15:38

Tried everything to get her to eat last night, but she had no interest. Cooked her some pasta this morning but she refused it, added some gravy but she still refused it. She has also refused all treats.

However she seemed a bit happier this morning and no more sickness either. So we added some tripe to her pasta and she licked it before we left for school/uni etc. Ian was here with her and Harrison this morning,ánd apparently the little boy from across the road fed her a crisp which she ate. She then came in and ate her food. And now seems a lot more energetic and boisterous, much like she always is. So she is now a lot better Big Grin
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28 2011, 16:22

glad Tinkerbell is getting better! X


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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 28 2011, 19:20

Must be better she has just dragged me around for a walk!
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by janey Wed Sep 28 2011, 19:22

Scubasteve wrote:Must be better she has just dragged me around for a walk!

Always a joy Big Grin
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 28 2011, 19:23

Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by i love leah and lois Wed Sep 28 2011, 21:28

Hope tinkerbell is feeling better today
i love leah and lois
i love leah and lois
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Aaarghhh what a morning!  Empty Re: Aaarghhh what a morning!

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 28 2011, 21:34

Thankyou she is a lot brighter. Out for a walk tonight and she met a lovely little shitzu puppy and then some lurchers and she bounced around with them! Worn out though, so short walks until she builds her strength up!
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