Bad then Good walk up the line!

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Bad then Good walk up the line! Empty Bad then Good walk up the line!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 05 2011, 16:59

I was walking my lot upto my parents earlier on, along the trip/line basically its a forest with a steep slops either side which my lot love to dash up and down. Anyway my lot were off leash as usual until i see another dog and then I put Taz on the leash, We came across a woman with a pram, baby was sleeping, my lot didn't even bother trying to see the kid (they love kids especially their bare feet lol) Anyway i was walking past then the woman made a comment saying nasty dogs like that should be muzzled Surprised to which i turned around and said nasty little runts like you should be muzzled as well but I was polite enough not to bring it up...She wasn't impressed and quickly walked off. Blushing
Towards the end of the 3 mile forest no one was insight I was too busy watching Blondy in the river because it was a little fast flowing and i didn't want any accidents happening.
I turned around to see these two huge male dobermans and a basset hound Cassie was already inlove (she loves dogs larger than her) Taz was no where to be seen. I didn't call him I was hoping if he was in the bush he would stay there until they passed, We'll he appeared right behind the other three dogs and made himself known with some really bad body language, I walked towards him calmly i didn't want him to think anything bad was going to happen and he should take it out on the two dobermans, Then Cassie dashed past me and almost knocked Taz and dobs over then she was doing her usual play bow and all was well The dobs decided to chase after Cassie instead and she was loving it (a little slu**y if you ask me) Finally Blondy decided to show up she had a little complaining to do (cause she missed all the action) until she seen the sheer size of the dobs then dashed back to me, The basset hound fell inlove with Blondy and her firey mouth and refused to leave her side not listening at all to his owner, Very cute lol. All in all a pretty good walk.


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Bad then Good walk up the line! Empty Re: Bad then Good walk up the line!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 05 2011, 22:36

..........and I bet you didn't get a single pic! Surprised


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Bad then Good walk up the line! Empty Re: Bad then Good walk up the line!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 05 2011, 23:02

I did actually their in the pic gallery just not of the meeting with other dogs.


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Bad then Good walk up the line! Empty Re: Bad then Good walk up the line!

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