So pee'd off!!

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So pee'd off!! Empty So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 12:31

I walking my lot upto my parents yesterday up the line as usual and normally everyone no matter the breed they see another dog they don't know their dogs go on leads and its a polite walk past then dogs back off lead.
well yesterday twice this guy past me, the first time i put mine on lead but he didn't put his little terrier on lead so it run over being all dominant towards my girls who only want to play and he went for Taz, he refused to listen to his owner till his owner came over scruffed him and carried him away, when he was on his way back up, he shouted for me to put my dogs on lead, I turned around and said are you going to put yours on lead and he said no, so, so did i so he carried his dogs past.
I would never of let any dogs come to harm so he didn't have to carry him and Taz has been amazing with other dogs lately, but what ever i really didn't care he had to carry him past.
I'm also really getting annoyed with people walking past when i got my lot and saying "you got your hands full there" wtf who are they to say i can not handle my dogs when i sure as heck can, they look at me a as if i have bitten off more than i can chew and its probabilly because my lot have evident staffy in them, anyways those words alone are making me snap at people.
I was almost home last night crossed a busy road and there was a couple with a mastiff cross staff in the bus shelter, their dog went nuts and the guy couldn't hold her back, their dog grabbed ahold of Taz a fight started.
I handed my girls to the girl there told her "if she lets them go, she will be under the next bus not on it" i shouldn't of, i know but they really pee'd me off. Next thing i know a cop car pulled out and the officer had pepper spray at the ready, I grabbed ahold of their dog by the cheek scruff, I shook their dogs head and brought the head to the floor for him to leave go (i think that was only possible because this dogs was one of the fattest i have ever seen in real life, so she was really unhealthy and panting while fight),I screamed at Taz to leave (which he did) I looked over my shoulder the guy was just standing, I told him to grab his dog and he did.
I grabbed ahold of Taz and my girls and walked off well on my street, somone behind me said "you got your hands full there" and in return i said "you judgmental bas(ket) (because it has only been men saying it to me) obviousely you know nothing and didn't just witness what happened, if i couldn't handle my f$%*ing dogs i wouldn't have them all and who the hell are you to judge me, well i spun around and it was Steve the police officer who helped me before, He gave me the stinkingest look ever and then just laughed and said "i did see actually and he has had a warning to keep control of his dog in public" he followed me to my building then left in the car.
Anyway nothing wrong with Taz just scraps, it was more of a dominant fight on her part than an aggressive one so just alot of trying to pin to the floor kinda thing.

wow i didn't realise i wrote so much, sorry in advance for boring people.


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 12:38

you havent bored anyone. its people like this guy that end up giving any dog a bad name. if they cant be responsible they shouldnt have the dog. hope it doesnt make your taz think all dogs want to fight and bite. glad she ok.


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by janey Mon Aug 08 2011, 12:48

Never a dull moment Claire, hope Taz is ok and not traumitised. Xx

Last edited by janey on Mon Aug 08 2011, 13:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sp)
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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 13:01

We all know you have total control over your guys but yes people can be so judgemental! hope Taz is ok


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Nosipho Mon Aug 08 2011, 13:38

You do sometimes come across like you could avoid these situations, I sometimes debate with myself whether you like the drama of it all! Anyway not that my opinion matters much, I just know if I was sat at a bus stop with a DA dog and it was snarling and lunging I would think you were a muppet for letting your dog within it's reach. I mean I guess you could always be entirely in the right it just seems that trouble is attracted to u! And I think the way which you describe situations sometimes you can be quick to jump down peoples throats. And when you say about the guy carrying his dogs past, I know we hate public perception of our breed but the only way we can change this is by being kind and responsible, if he was carrying the dogs at least he didnt let them run over and start being dominant.

I also get the comment 'got your hands full there' from people when I have my four dogs out together. I never took it in the way you did though, I always think 'well yeah I kind of have got my hands full though Im perfectly in control'.

The point im trying to make is I think you need to stop thinking about other peoples perceptions, you know the truth and maybe not be so confrontational. Acting like a yob, even if your not, however well behaved your dogs are, will only strengthen peoples ideals about a stafford and its owner...
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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 15:25

Nosipho wrote:You do sometimes come across like you could avoid these situations, I sometimes debate with myself whether you like the drama of it all! Anyway not that my opinion matters much, I just know if I was sat at a bus stop with a DA dog and it was snarling and lunging I would think you were a muppet for letting your dog within it's reach. I mean I guess you could always be entirely in the right it just seems that trouble is attracted to u! And I think the way which you describe situations sometimes you can be quick to jump down peoples throats. And when you say about the guy carrying his dogs past, I know we hate public perception of our breed but the only way we can change this is by being kind and responsible, if he was carrying the dogs at least he didnt let them run over and start being dominant.

I also get the comment 'got your hands full there' from people when I have my four dogs out together. I never took it in the way you did though, I always think 'well yeah I kind of have got my hands full though Im perfectly in control'.

The point im trying to make is I think you need to stop thinking about other peoples perceptions, you know the truth and maybe not be so confrontational. Acting like a yob, even if your not, however well behaved your dogs are, will only strengthen peoples ideals about a stafford and its owner...

I do not go looking for these situation, I hate these situations i'd rather keep my headphones in and walk past, but i am not about to roll over for someone wth an attitude or no brain, why should i.
As for the bus stop, you cross over zebra crossing around the corner (aroundabout) and smack the dog was there, I couldn't go anywhere else except the road and i did mention it was a busy road.
This is the first time in ages i have jumped down peoples throats because usually i am walking past with headphones in, just now walking up towards my parents yet again a load of kids barking and stamping near the dogs, I held ahold of Taz and just walked past, so no for your information i am not always jumping down peoples throats. Yesterday so many idiots came across to often i did not have time to breath inbetween.


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 22:59

Not bored at all! Poor Taz has had enough of being attacked I should think!

Nosipho wrote:The point im trying to make is I think you need to stop thinking about other peoples perceptions, you know the truth and maybe not be so confrontational. Acting like a yob, even if your not, however well behaved your dogs are, will only strengthen peoples ideals about a stafford and its owner...

I think it's hard sometimes to control your temper when you've been through something like that. I can do it now, but years ago I would probably have lost my rag too.


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 23:02

Caryll wrote:Not bored at all! Poor Taz has had enough of being attacked I should think!

Nosipho wrote:The point im trying to make is I think you need to stop thinking about other peoples perceptions, you know the truth and maybe not be so confrontational. Acting like a yob, even if your not, however well behaved your dogs are, will only strengthen peoples ideals about a stafford and its owner...

I think it's hard sometimes to control your temper when you've been through something like that. I can do it now, but years ago I would probably have lost my rag too.

Thats the thing usually nothing bothers me well it does but i don't care enough about it, but lately their all nipping and yapping at me and i lsot my cool for the day.
which is think is pretty accepting seens i'v not done it years!!!


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 23:04

It's the adrenalin surge, I think. You get really hyped up & say & do things you wouldn't say or do if you were calm!


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08 2011, 23:42

The last time i kicked off like i did that day was when i was back in college.


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So pee'd off!! Empty Re: So pee'd off!!

Post by Nosipho Tue Aug 09 2011, 12:41

but i am not about to roll over for someone wth an attitude or no brain, why should i

Not biting and rolling over are two different things, I have a bad temper but I know the only thing I will get out of kicking off is less control over the siuation and more problems for myself...
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