bath times

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bath times Empty bath times

Post by buster2011 Tue Jul 19 2011, 12:20

how othen is it ok to wash your dog as i have read that over washing is not good for there far
is 1 a mouth ok or is that to much Big Grin
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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 12:54

mmm I would like to know too, as I have heard you should only wash them maybe once every 2 months but I also heard that you should wash them once a fortnight. now I don't know!


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:02

we have to wash Milly every week in a special shampoo but i do not think it is good to bath them all the time i was told it strips all their natural oils from their skin. With my other dog we tend to wipe her down with a towel and only bath her every couple of Months when she really needs it.


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:05

We give Suki a wash whenever she is stinky. Usually once a week. I imagine all dogs are different with skin conditions etc. We give her a rub down with a moist cloth when she isn't too bad off.


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by linzy Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:10

We've been giving Violet a wash when we can't stand the stench any more. She hates it though, so we try to keep baths as infrequent as possible! Her coat is quite shiny though and I don't see any obvious signs of skin problems. She's had 2 baths since we got her 3-4 weeks ago.
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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by janey Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:18

Moo never gets bathed unless she stinks from being in the river and then she only gets showered off, I don't think there is a real need to bath them personally x
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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:19

yeah Russell has probably had them once a month since we got him, though he had two the other day because straight after i bathed him he went under the car and got grease all on his fur!

he doesn't seem to have any bad reactions we use sensative puppy shampoo, maybe for a day after his bath he gets a bit of drandruff but it clears up really quick.


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Polly Pocket Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:26

I have only bathed Polly 3 times since we got her in March, the 1st was her first night with us as she stank from being in a run with her litter mates at the rescue centre, the 2nd was the end of June when I was bathing my westie cross after he found some nice fox poo to roll in, Polly jumped in the bath to see what was going on so she got one too ( she wasn't impressed at all ) and then she was bathed Sunday as she was being spayed yesterday and I wanted her to be clean before her surgery in case of infection from dirty fur or skin.
I only bath my lot if they have rolled in something stinky or they really smell which they don't tend to do much.
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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:31

Suki actually loves to get a shower. Everytime one of us opens the door she will race inside. I still can't seem to get her to go in the ocean though.


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:33

jstaff wrote:Suki actually loves to get a shower. Everytime one of us opens the door she will race inside. I still can't seem to get her to go in the ocean though.

strange, Russell is super curious about the shower and when Im in there he will sit against the door and lick the glass, but if i open it he will run away so not to get splashed


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:45

Dogs dont need bathing or showering with shampoo more than once a year. It strips the coat of natural oils etc. I must admit though i bath mine probably once every 2/3 months with shampoo but they get a rinse in the shower most weeks x


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 13:57

My two have bath's when they are stinky!! .. unless they have rolled in something or dug a hole and got filthy lol .. Skye HAS to be bathed when she digs because she ends up a dirty white colour and its obviously obvious! lol


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by buster2011 Tue Jul 19 2011, 16:25

in 5 mouths i bathed buster onces as did not want to over do it
the only time he get dirty is when we go to my dads and he digs his plants up
and its alway the onces that cost a lot Big Grin
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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 17:25

I give Harvey a bath only when he really needs it, which isn't very often maybe once a month or so


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 22:55

Dempsey is 27 months now, and I think he's had about 5 baths in all. Each one has been because we really can't stand the stink any more! He rolls in anything that reeks including stagnant mud, fox/badger/cow/horse/cat poo and rotten fish.

Such a sweet dog.


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20 2011, 00:34

aww Dempsey xx


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20 2011, 02:03

Caryll wrote:Dempsey is 27 months now, and I think he's had about 5 baths in all. Each one has been because we really can't stand the stink any more! He rolls in anything that reeks including stagnant mud, fox/badger/cow/horse/cat poo and rotten fish.

Such a sweet dog.

hahah they are the best perfumes!


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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20 2011, 10:52

russdogmum wrote:
Caryll wrote:Dempsey is 27 months now, and I think he's had about 5 baths in all. Each one has been because we really can't stand the stink any more! He rolls in anything that reeks including stagnant mud, fox/badger/cow/horse/cat poo and rotten fish.

Such a sweet dog.

hahah they are the best perfumes!



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bath times Empty Re: bath times

Post by johneva Wed Jul 20 2011, 12:26

Yeah we very rarley wash Molly, just when its a must. She is 14 months old and probley only had about 5 baths.
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