collar idea

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collar idea Empty collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 04:57

thought this was a good idea - maybe with a nicer designed collar


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 08:12

yea ive seen these before somewhere i like the friendly one definatley and even the no dogs one is good but i can just imagien the general public thoughts with a staff walking around with the red one on......great idea if everyone was like us! x


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by haddy Mon Jul 18 2011, 09:43

I dont like these, your labeling your dog which will lead to, people thinkingin having a collar and lead is enough that they dont have to do anything else and also will just cause people to make preconcieved ideas about the dog that arnt always true. It would also mean that you would get the silly idiots that would try to prove which ever collar is on the dog as wrong.

It would also make it easyer for authoritys to say that your dog is dangerous or needs to be pts if for example you had neighbours you didnt get on with who decided they were going to report your dog for allegedly doing anything, as because you have labled your dog you are agreeing on some levels.

Also with the "friendly" one it wouldnt really change peoples opinions becaus the majority of people are sheep who belive everything that the media says and a collar would not change their mind. Not saying i agree with it all, but unfortunatly this is often the case.

^^ thats just my opinions on things like this.
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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 09:54

Some very good points there to be honest. Must say that i agree x


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 12:01

I'm not keen on them. Same reasons as Haddy, really.


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 14:08

good points, I hadnt thought of it that way, now Im not a fan either! haha


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by johneva Mon Jul 18 2011, 14:25

We got Molly one of these when we were having issues training her at the park.

We found that if we let her off the lead and got distracted and went to see somebody else other people would give her fuss and attention even though we were calling her back. So she was getting praise for not doing as her owners were saying to do.

It was quite handy people did generally ignore her alot more, still get some people who carnt help themselves though. Even had one say are whats it say, so we told her then she still went and gave Molly fuss and attention.

Unfortunatly we ended up having to just use the training lead alot more. An that dont fix the problem as she is perfect when on that yet you let her off the training lead and decides she can do as she wants again so any distractions an she is off.
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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 15:10

I must admit i like the colour Big Grin but i'm not a fan of the idea though.


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 15:27

the idea in itself i think is a very good one but in reality i dont think it will help our breed x


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18 2011, 16:06

yer thats a better way of putting it!


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 03:03

I like that in training collar - that would be very handy! so you don't have to explain to every person not to fuss over your dog and why not.


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by bobs Tue Jul 19 2011, 11:58

We have got so fed up with the public not listening to us when we ask them not to make a fuss of Sophie when she jumps up.

It is completely undermining what we are trying to do with her training. I have gone to the extreme and had tee shirts printed with the following:

Message from the dog - if I jump up, please ignore me !

Trouble is, I havent been brave enough to wear it out in public yet !!!

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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19 2011, 12:41

bobs wrote:

Trouble is, I havent been brave enough to wear it out in public yet !!!

hahaha yes you might look a little silly Tongues


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by bobs Tue Jul 19 2011, 14:13

russdogmum wrote:
bobs wrote:

Trouble is, I havent been brave enough to wear it out in public yet !!!

hahaha yes you might look a little silly Tongues

I am just so fed up with people ignoring our requests not to encourage her to jump up. Sad
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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20 2011, 02:12

I know what you mean!!


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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by bessy Tue Jul 26 2011, 00:27

should have one printed (if the dog jumps up, im right behind her ) i go through that when my m8s come round its make a fuss of the dogs, all my training is out the window lol
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collar idea Empty Re: collar idea

Post by buster2011 Tue Jul 26 2011, 12:33

bessy wrote:should have one printed (if the dog jumps up, im right behind her ) i go through that when my m8s come round its make a fuss of the dogs, all my training is out the window lol

know what you mean Smile
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