People (men only) aggressive

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People (men only) aggressive  Empty People (men only) aggressive

Post by Jj smith Fri Nov 10 2023, 05:04

Hi. My name is Paul. I'm new here. I have a 10 year female AM stafford terrier. She is grey/blue nose. Had her since she was 7 weeks old. She was abondened in the park . A litter of 4 puppies. She was the runt. Great dog . Except she is EXTREMELY aggressive towards men. I always have to have her leashed. Even in car if stopped at a light is she she's a man she will jump out widow. So I am extremely careful with her. She's my best friend. She was not trained to be aggressive. She was socialized early. She's been fixed. She's healthy. This started when she was 1 year old. She had a litter off pups (got her fixed right after). My cousin came to the house. Sophia ran out the back room and lunged at him trying to bite him. Sophia lisens to me. Except when it comes to this issue. She's 10 now so I've accepted she just that way. But wondering can that behavior be fixed?

Jj smith
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People (men only) aggressive  Empty Re: People (men only) aggressive

Post by Caryll2 Fri Nov 10 2023, 10:18

Hi & welcome to the forum.

May I ask why she had a litter at such a young age? That may well have caused the problem. She may see you as her protector/companion (I take it you're a woman?), but maybe the sire's owner/handler was male?

It's always possible to deal with any behaviour problems, no matter the age of the dog, but you'll almost certainly need professional help. And that won't be cheap. I would say that you'll need to start with a female behaviourist (a trainer won't necessarily know what to do), and she will need to be a reward based behaviourist with absolutely no aversive 'tools' etc. Behaviourists are expensive because of the amount of work/study/experience they have - when we got one in for our Bull Terrier (UK) we paid somewhere in the region of £250 for two online consultations and a one-to-one.

Are there any behaviourists like that in your area?
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