The totally trainable pup!

Mistys Mum
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The totally trainable pup! Empty The totally trainable pup!

Post by MattsBabe7 Tue Sep 12 2017, 21:59

First training class down and Chase is a natural!

The instructor wouldn't let us pay for the first lesson and we got a one on one session!

She put Chase in a Kumfi (sp) harness and lead that clipped in two places (chest and bottom of his back) just so we had a bit more control of him and if he did pull it spread the weight across his whole body.

We learnt a different loose lead technique with the lead going across our bodies instead of down beside us ... He took to it instantly!

Chase also showed us that he's totally capable of sit, stay and recall!
I think this whole time he's been testing us ... Little Sod!

We were also given lots of tips on how to keep him calm and get him joining in with all the family ... Woohoo!

He's now booked in for eight more sessions for £25 and then eight more sessions after that for £20 which includes awards from the kennel club when he reaches certain goals plus paperwork and proof that he's been properly trained!

A little bit more of Chase the "normal" staffy came out this evening. He was happy to run and play with the kiddies after his session and didn't jump at them once!

She said once he's been snipped it will help him to concentrate better and he won't be so wound up looking for a female!

I'm so happy!
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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by Mistys Mum Wed Sep 13 2017, 02:56

Fantastic news! They are so intelligent and just love to learn.

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The totally trainable pup! B110
Mistys Mum
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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by Jnestie84 Wed Sep 13 2017, 07:02

Brilliant, well done chase.

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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by Guest Wed Sep 13 2017, 08:16

That's brilliant! I like the sound of your trainer, all very good stuff.

I don't think Chase has been testing you deliberately, more that he'd settled into a set of behaviours that worked for him at that time. So often, dogs (and kids!) benefit from being given structure, boundaries, guidance - without them they just have to make it up themselves.

Good boy, Chase! star


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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by Paris1990 Wed Sep 13 2017, 08:18

Amazing news! Well done Chase Big Grin keep up the good work!
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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by MattsBabe7 Wed Sep 13 2017, 10:12

Honestly I'm so happy!
I don't think it will take him long to pick things up and learn the right way. He's so intelligent!

Not sure if it will help but I've moved his crate into the front room with us.
I've been reading and it said the best place for him was where we spend the most time.
The children will have to learn to leave him (especially our youngest) and not fuss him while he's in his house but we need to get him used to being around them sooner rather than later!
Plus he was in front of a radiator in the hallway and its almost cold enough to light the wood burner which powers the radiators ... We don't need a cooked doggy!
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Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by -Ian- Wed Sep 13 2017, 15:59

No wonder you're so happy, that's fantastic news really pleased for you Big Grin

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The totally trainable pup! Empty Re: The totally trainable pup!

Post by gillybrent Wed Sep 13 2017, 18:32

Sounds great - so pleased for you!

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