Tellington Touch Workshop

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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Mistys Mum Tue Aug 09 2016, 16:56

Ohh Im quite excited. Our dog training class is having a special Tellington Touch workshop this Sunday and Ive just booked Misty and I in for it.
Im really looking forward to it- Ive heard that this is a fantastic way to calm and reassure dogs and helps strengthen the bond between dog and human. I cant wait!

Has anyone else done a course or workshop on TT Touch?

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Tellington Touch Workshop B110
Mistys Mum
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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10 2016, 08:44

I've not done a course but have positive experiences of this sort of work with horses and have had a sample session on myself which was very relaxing!

My pony, Zorelle, now up at Shy Lowen in Liverpool, came to me feral and very scared. I'm sure she has physical issues we've never got to the bottom of because she was unhandlable and is still very difficult, so a proper vet check is out of the question. The only time I've ever seen her relax in the hands of a stranger was when she had a TTouch session. I had a similar case with a pony I had on loan from World Horse Welfare, again a very nervous and tense girl. She almost went to sleep when she had her TTouch!

Do let me know how you get on, Emma, I bet you'll love it.


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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Mistys Mum Wed Aug 10 2016, 11:47

Ah thats great to hear Liz. Id never even heard of it until a few months ago when the training class advertised a workshop. I didn't attend then but its come around again and I thought it would be good to go.

Our trainer said it will be great for Misty. Ive been doing some reading and people do have really positive experiences with dog/horses and people like you said.

Its quite nice as they are giving people who work in kennels and rescues a discount to attend. Its 5 hours long so I just hope Misty doesnt get overtired but we have been told to bring a bed with us so hopefully it will get to work on calming her and she will sleep for a bit!

Ill let you know how it goes- fingers crossed!

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Tellington Touch Workshop B110
Mistys Mum
Mistys Mum
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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by -Ian- Wed Aug 10 2016, 15:19

I think Rachel has experience of T Touch Emma

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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Mia05 Wed Aug 10 2016, 18:48

great news emma let us know how you get on

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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Mistys Mum Fri Aug 19 2016, 14:59

Well it was amazing!!
First off I was very proud of how well Misty did. It was five hours outdoors with four other dogs. She was a star- we kept her entertained with chicken and two packs of dog treats we bought from the class as we had severely underestimated the amount of food we needed to keep her quiet for so long!

The class started out with everyone, one at a time, walking their dogs and then the class would say what they saw. Ie that dog walks more on their left legs or that dog walks with their tail down etc. We then talked about how our dogs hold themselves and started with some light touches.
Throughout the day we made the dogs use their brains to figure out some agility equipment with no help from the owners. This wasnt a race but more to see how each dog approaches a task.

We learnt how to do some more touches on our dog and what we can try to help our dogs cope with stress. The instructor said that the Bull Breeds can hold their tension in their jaws and so she taught us some touches for Mistys jaw and even some movements we can do inside her lips as she said stressed dogs get dry gums and these can help with that. I will say that Misty simply ADORES her throat being rubbed and I use my nails to very gently rub her throat and she goes into a sort of trance when I do that so I definitely thought the lady was correct about the jaw line and mouth of Bullys.

When we were doing our walk people commented on Mistys frown lines. Now if she is thinking about anything or trying to work out what we say she crinkles up her forehead. I had always thought that was just a response to her thinking (a bit like a human) but the lady said it can well be that but it can also be a stress sign. She said her dog only started crinkling her head when she got dementia and had never done it previously. She said to us not to worry and to try the touches and see if it helps. She said it could well be that is it Misty is just thinking and for me not to worry. She said that she had a Staffy x Whippet and they are very sensitive dogs and she thinks that Staffs are just ultra sensitive. I did ask our trainer about it at the end of the class and she said Misty does get stressed but all dogs do. She said Misty is absolutely fine just work on the touches and keep doing what we are doing. This reassured me a lot- I would hate to have Misty stressed.

One more thing we learned which I tried out last night- stroking the lead while you walk. Instead of just holding it stroke it with your thumb or fingers. I did this last night and for some reason Misty didn't jump when a guy appeared from nowhere infront of us, normally she would have reacted but she stayed calm. Whether its down to this I dont know but I did it for the rest of the walk anyway!

So I had a wonderful day and learnt so much. Id definitely recommend a TT workshop for everyone!

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Tellington Touch Workshop B110
Mistys Mum
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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by Guest Sat Aug 20 2016, 07:48

That sounds so positive, Emma. And wonderful to hear someone who agrees that staffies are ultra sensitive. A staffie whippet cross... who would want one of those? (eh, Millie?)

What next, practise with Misty of course, but are you going to take this any further?


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Tellington Touch Workshop Empty Re: Tellington Touch Workshop

Post by TwoSocks Thu Aug 25 2016, 18:48

Thanks for posting so much detail Emma, it sounds really interesting and I love the idea of stroking the leash. I'd love to hear how you and Misty progress with this Smile
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