new strain of tic - advice pleas

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new strain of tic - advice pleas Empty new strain of tic - advice pleas

Post by smudge95 Thu Mar 17 2016, 16:03

Hi - I'm sure you have all seen the press about the new strain of tic , that we are being warned about.. well I live around 20 minutes from the area it has killed a dog in so I want to make sure I get Buddy protected.

I spoke to my vet and they advised advantix - but I cant use that as it is toxic to cats ad I have a 17 yr old cat .

Buddy is on Advocate and Drontil ( wormer) but the vet advised a seresto collar - but I have heard that a lot of dogs have had a reaction to it - I had a greyhound before Buddy and a recommended flea collar nearly killed him so now I am a bit wary about collars for parasite treatments

Any one had any experiences with the collar ?

I have also looked at the my itchy dog site and wondered if any of their products would help but am sceptical I have used their natural wormer on my greyhound but not on Buddy

Any help would be appreciated am quite worried about this as it can spread so fast want to get him sorted as soon as I can


Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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new strain of tic - advice pleas Empty Re: new strain of tic - advice pleas

Post by Guest Thu Mar 17 2016, 16:30

Ian's got a thread about this too:

To be clear, it's not a new sort of tick, it's the disease that is carried by the ticks that is the problem. As Lyme's Disease and others are also carried by ticks, we should all be up to date with tick treatments and if you are going anywhere that you think might be prone to ticks, check your dogs after walks. We have quite a few walks, tracks with long grass along them, that are well known round here to be popular with ticks. Nola, with her longer coat, often has a few on her during the summer.

There is some fantastic information here:

It's worth taking a look around the site (which looks like it might close soon!) as there are photos for those who don't know how to recognise a tick, guidance on how to deal with them and information about tick-borne diseases.

Carol, there appears to be 2 collars, one is ok for cats and one isn't. Both are on that site. I personally wouldn't be putting my trust in herbal wormers, etc. If you think about it, you want something that will kill a tick immediately.


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new strain of tic - advice pleas Empty Re: new strain of tic - advice pleas

Post by smudge95 Thu Mar 17 2016, 16:49

thanks Liz - I know its not a new strain of tic just couldn't think what else to use as a title lol - it wasn't the collar that would harm the cat it was the use of Advantix that would .. the vet said if the cat got near the dog after putting it on him it could kill him - he is up to date with all his treatments but local vets are suggesting additional measures if near the affected area - which I am - just a bit concerned about some of the side effects of the collar .will have a read of the other threads - have removed many ticks from our cat - but at 17 he doesn't go out any more bless him .. just want to keep my little man safe...
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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new strain of tic - advice pleas Empty Re: new strain of tic - advice pleas

Post by Guest Thu Mar 17 2016, 17:08

This collar seems to be for cats and dogs. Worth looking into?


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