Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by b_phippsy Sun Jul 19 2015, 09:41

Hi everyone, I've noticed some differences in Harley's behavior recently and some of the things seem out of character for him wondering if anyone could shed some light he is nearly 12 months old.

1. Out walking the other day and he spotted a rather large Boston terrier cross, Harley laid down and the Boston came over and stood there, Harley then got up and growled and went to go for mostly just noise I think. Luckily my partner grabbed his harness in time it worried me as he has never show aggression to dogs  and normally runs away when dogs take a disliking to him. He has also found confidence when other dogs go fr him, before he would run away but now he growls back and tells them off.

2. I feel bad because hes constantly on the long lead when out on walks cant trust him if there's anyone around because he very friendly and runs over to say hello and jumps up. A lot of people do not like this and I normally get a mouthful of abuse. I've tried treats (sausage, cheese, ham) and calling him back on long lead it works for a bit but when hes off lead he doesn't listen :/ he spots someone and hes off. He listens more when I throw his ball but is still very nosy if a dog/ person walks by but is not as persistent. Will he become less interested in people/ dogs as time goes on as I am on edge every time on walks.

3. Become naughty in agility class, when he goes through the course he will grab my arm in excitement and growl and think its a tug of war game. The trainer suggested to get him to focus on one of his toys and tug it at the end of each jump his bites hurt and are drawing blood regularly.

4. He walks very nicely on his lead but when he doesn't go where he wants or if he leaves the park he will bite up at the lead or pull on my trousers and catch my leg.  and rolls around on the floor kind of like a tantrum lol.

Any advice would be great. I feel like I have a naughty dog but cant understand why as I've put so much effort into training him Sad
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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by Mia05 Sun Jul 19 2015, 10:51

Hiya beth it does sound very much like the teenage phase and hes pushing. Boundaries his hormones will be all over the place. Try folding your arms when he becomes naughty and ignoring him. He is sensing you are uptight try relaxing when hes on lead with your arms and also the lead harley will be sensing this.when he pulls on your trousers a firm no is what you need it has to be firm enough to know hes done wrong .

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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  B310
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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by -Ian- Sun Jul 19 2015, 14:22

Yup it would suggest he's in that phase Beth. Stay strong with the training, It'll be frustrating for a while but keep consistent and he will learn what he can and cannot do. Just remember, it's a battle of wills at the moment but it will get better.

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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by Mia05 Sun Jul 19 2015, 15:58

Id still rather suffer a dog teenage phase than a human one though Laughing

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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  B310
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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by Rachel33 Sun Jul 19 2015, 17:43

Has the behaviour started suddenly, or been building up over a little while? He is technically an adolescent now, so new behaviours are likely to have come about due to changes in hormones etc, though some may be learnt behaviours.

I'll attempt to briefly advise on each section (I'm on my phone so can't type loads!)
1) Is it usual for him to lie down when he sees another dog? If not, this may have been his signal that he was unsure about meeting - and as that signal wasn't acted on he took things into his own "paws" and reacted. Sometimes dogs pick up on things from other dogs that we don't - is Harley still intact, and was the other dog male/intact?

2) what's your concern with the line? He still gets to run around doesn't he? We have a 50ft line if you want a slightly longer one - if his recall isn't reliable the line is the best of both worlds IMO. Bug is exercised on her line every day - her recall is good but she is unreliable when surprised/scared. I doubt he will become less interested - recall is about starting small and then upping the distractions gradually until he will come under all circumstances - more impulse control that anything. You need to make yourselves more interested that them, and train him not to act on impulse (by bolting up to people/dogs) which is hard because that in itself is a very self rewarding behaviour - especially when the dogs play/people give him positive attention.

3) I agree with the agility trainer - have a raggy with you and redirect onto this. Pretty usual behaviour for an overstimulated terrier. Bug automatically goes and gets a soft toy whenever she's too excited, to avoid mouthing us she gives it a good chew/rag.

4) does he know "leave" or "enough?" I would teach these commands and say them firmly when he's grabby. And be consistent - keep walking and reward like mad when he complies. Ignore when he's throwing his tantrums. Walk away a little if it's safe to.

As others have said, he's seeing what he can get away with and pushing the boundaries. It's soo frustrating when you feel that your training has gone backwards - but how you work with these behaviours now will mould how these behaviours progress Smile
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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by b_phippsy Sun Jul 19 2015, 18:57

Hi thanks for all the reassurance guys and Rachel thank you for such an in depth reply. Yes he is still intact and I am pretty sure the Boston was he generally lays down like a sheep dog some times pounces and other times he doesn't hes never done that before so was a little shocked but the Boston was standing over him maybe he was being dominant and that's why Harley reacted. I will try and follow your advice. He is starting to calm down around the house now and will settle down so that's a good thing Smile
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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  Empty Re: Change in behavior.. teenage phase?

Post by Mia05 Sun Jul 19 2015, 21:47

Let us know how u get on beth

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Change in behavior.. teenage phase?  B310
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