obsessive behaviours

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obsessive behaviours Empty obsessive behaviours

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jun 19 2015, 20:58

So my bella had a knee op back at the end of april and hasnt been able to go for walks she now took to licking her paws to the point that they are sore any ideas what i can do to stop her ive tried putting a sock on her paws she just takes them of she has toys chews teddys so she does have things to keep her entertained i cant put that apple bitter on her paws as it will irritate her sores
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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by -Ian- Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:02

Tricky one as the reason for the licking isn't obvious. Is it all paws or just one and if so which one ?

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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:05

Its two of her paws checked them both and cant see anythink stuck in them that could be irritating her
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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by -Ian- Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:07

Sorry to keep asking questions but is it front or back or one side ?

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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:09

Its both front and back on the left side
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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by -Ian- Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:19

Last question... Was that the side she had the op ?

It could be what the vets call pain transference where they can't get to what is causing them discomfort so they nibble the paws. If that's the case then a visit to the vets and describe what she's doing so they can check it out.

If there's no obvious reason then it could be allergies. My Flo has them and used to be terrible in the summer with her back paws. We waited until she wasn't sore and then used Thornit powder which worked wonders on one paw. The other is still work in progress though. Try some E45 or equiv creme to soothe and heal.

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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:31

Yeah she had her op on her back left leg I did put e45 well suddacrem (cant spell it lol ) she just licks it of she has got a check up monday so will mention it to them its only been the past 4 /5 days that she has been licking it part of me thinks that she is doing it because she is bored she has been stuck in my bedroom because she not allowed to jump on anything or even stand on her back legs so to kept her in the one room to aviod accidenta
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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by -Ian- Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:46

Could be boredom too. You could try some mental stimulation games like hide the treat etc to take her mind off being bored, certainly worth a try in the meantime.

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obsessive behaviours Empty Re: obsessive behaviours

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jun 19 2015, 21:51

Ok thank you for your help
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