I'm a bad staffy mom!

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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by jshrew Mon Dec 22 2014, 13:57

Well took Ledger off up Snowdon yesterday knowing he'd happily walk 10-15 miles with me and this route would be about 9-10 plan was if we hit snow we'd come back down as it wouldn't be nice for him to walk in all went really well with him pestering me to keep going when i stopped for a brew, kinda expected to do his heel dig in and turn around when it got a bit windy and rainy but nope! No snow or ice and we got to the top.

He did carry one of his back paws about 2 miles from the end, I checked it and found some sheep poo between his toes and fished it out, limp stopped. we carried on, stopping at a cafe for a warm in front of the fire before heading the last mile back to the car then because there was enough light we stopped at the beach and he had a ball running full pelt across the sand and padding in the pools on the beach.

Then we were curled up on the sofa and as usual i was stroking his paws when he flinched, on checking he has worn down a small patch on one or two pads on each of his paws, they aren't and haven't bled and aren't red raw and he isn't licking or chewing at them but this morning you can tell they are sore for him to walk on Sad have called the vet for a bit of reassurance and concern as they will be on emergency visits only in the next few days and they have just backed up by reccomending what I was already doing, short walks on grass/mud only and bathe the feet in salt water on the return home. Luckily the park is just behind my house so not far to carry a 20kg staffy lol

I feel so guilty, not that I could have done much up a mountain to get him back sooner and he has done similar walks on terrain and distance before with no problems but he looks so deflated today
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by stella Mon Dec 22 2014, 15:49

i'm sure he'll be fine in a couple of days Jules,they soon bounce back,i think we are all guilty of feeling like bad parents some times Smile
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 22 2014, 17:08

Given one of my pet hates is people who don't walk their dogs enough (or in the case of my neighbours at all!), I'm not going to call someone who takes their dog lovely long walk a bad mom! A couple of days rest and he'll be fine, raring to go on the next hike.


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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by peppa Mon Dec 22 2014, 17:32

I felt very guilty when i took pupsky to walk other dogs and after few hours of walking/ running mad in the park she was limping on the way home she must have stepped on something on stretched a muscle as it passed by itself but i did feel like a bad mummy and gave her a good rest the day after but as liz said underwalking them is the worst.
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by jshrew Mon Dec 22 2014, 18:24

Thanks all it must look daft me carrying a 20kg staffy to the park but once on the grass he is moving about much better just carrying his back right paw a bit as oppose to trying to limp on all four this morningĀ 

and he is extremely agile as soon as he spots the pot of warm salty water! I'm working early the next couple days so he will be staying at my parents so has the garden option at least
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by -Ian- Mon Dec 22 2014, 18:52

Aww bless him Jules. I'm sure he'll be fine with a few days of soft walking. To be honest it isn't something I would have thought about either.

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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by Inez Maria Mon Dec 22 2014, 19:22

Sure he will be ok Jules, some booties next time? Big Grin

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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by Bane Mon Dec 22 2014, 21:22

Aww but I bet you both thoroughly enjoyed it Smile I hope he heals up quick!
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by RiV Mon Dec 22 2014, 22:18

Sounds like a case of having way to much fun to me a bit of R&R and he will be ready for it again.
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I'm a bad staffy mom! Empty Re: I'm a bad staffy mom!

Post by jshrew Mon Dec 22 2014, 23:57

Inez Maria wrote:Sure he will be ok Jules, some booties next time? Big Grin

Yeah I actually did get him some for Xmas for when it gets icy don't want to try them now for a while so he doesn't associate them with pain but noted for future adventures

The lump is getting far too used to being carried! He is being good letting me bathe his feet tho and doesn't seem to be licking his paws so hopefully he'll be back to his old self in a day or two
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