Suggestions to keep dogs cool

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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by Cait Thu Jul 17 2014, 08:58

Pink is struggling with the heat and letting us know she is not so happy about being too warm.

Her normal temp is warm but by afternoon the poor girl is plain old hot and bothered and thats making her a bit of a handful. With a weekend heatwave on offer I am expecting her to go from feed-up and daft to plain old miserable and grumpy.

Doing the sensible things like walking her early and late evening, letting her play about every so often with the hose pipe turned on, letting her slump on my quarry tiled kitchen floor but she is still way too warm and is behaving like a very daft six month old pup. My house is filling with the mortal remains of dead balls and chew toys after the chomping the chairs because its too hot for her to want to sit and chew in the the garden. Been airing the car and using the air con on full to take her to shady places with streams to walk but she is still doing the cruel mistreated staffy made to walk in the desert in full sun look. Going to make her a frozen kong as an after KC training treat and try and persuade her to stay in the back of the house as its cooler.

I did get to the point I offered to let her sleep in the freezer if she did not stop being a pest nd let us get some sleep last night so any suggestions for making her a tad cooler and more comfy and hopefully less of an utter numpty around the home. The big problem seems to be she loves her snuggy fuffy dog bed but trying to snug up is making her too hot and she refuses to try the crate mat on the tile floor as a cooler option. Any suggestions how to make her dog bed a bit cooler during this heat wave so I can get some sleep.

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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Re: Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by Guest Thu Jul 17 2014, 09:12

We have one of these for cooling in the day and for walks we use one of these, you could also try a damp towel over her. Fill a small ballon with water/stock and freeze, frozen kong, I also freeze natural yogurt in an ice cube try and give these Smile


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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Re: Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by JStaff Thu Jul 17 2014, 12:42

There are cool collars and shirts that work okay. We also have cool sheets on the bed and that helps out
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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Re: Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by shegsy Thu Jul 17 2014, 15:05

I would try an electric fan near her bed at night as long as she would'nt be able to knock it over. This works for Stella during the night when it's too hot
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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Re: Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by kattie Thu Jul 17 2014, 15:57

Hi you can get a cool coat for when out walking they are brill my friend has one for her staff works wonders Smile
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Suggestions to keep dogs cool Empty Re: Suggestions to keep dogs cool

Post by Cait Thu Jul 17 2014, 17:50

Many thanks.

She is dozing on the sofa with an electric fan on after getting soaked with the hose. Managed to get a cooling mat from Pets at Home this afternoon. She does not know what it is or what its for at the moment but hopefully she will work out its a source of cool.

New kong packed and in the freezer for tomorrow. Definatly preferred iced water from a frozen bottle to plain water so I will continue to take those out when walking. Keep showing her I am changing her water bowl as she can be a bit funny over what she will drink [running water than you very much] Tried offering her ice-cubes but she looked at me as if I was bonkers. Going to try adding some strips of ham to them make them more fun.

Going to look for a cool shirt - good idea.
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