RIP Tessa 05/09/05

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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 11:56

i've finally found the strength to share my first baby with you Tessa who sadly died over 5 years ago. it broke my heart and took me this long to venture into ownership again with Woody. Here is her story.

I had always wanted a staffy from as long as i could remember and was green with envy when my sister got Rex.After a couple of years she told me she was getting a female rescue staffy as a companion for him -i nearly burst with jealousy. Tessa was 4 had been a "breeding dog" and when told she couldnt have any more litters (after 4 caesareans) they werent interested in her anymore so sis took her on. The first day she got her Rex had a stick and Tessa wanted it and they ended up in a massive fight - sis phoned me and asked me if i wanted her. Of course i was there witthin about 30 minutes and she leapt into my lap and that was was love.

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000031

Tessa was always a bit of a lap dog and a bit of a softy, no rain or puddles for her, she would walk round them like lady muck not wanting to get her paws wet. she was never happier than when she was curled up on the sofa

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000041

thats not to say she couldnt protect mummy when needed - an ex of mine kept hassling me in the street and once when i was walking Tessa she let out a ferocious roar (she was normally mute) and the idiot never came near again - good girl tessa

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000051

She was my best mate for years just me and her and then i met a new man who eventually moved in - now Tessa had been used to sleeping IN my bed under the duvet with her own pillow with which to lay her sleepy head and was relegated to an armchair in the bedroom when Steve moved in.However she was very clever and worked out that if she snored Steve would remove himself to sleep in the spare room and she could sleep with mummy again - as soon as she was back in the bed she didnt make a noise all night - clever girl (and towards the end of my relationship i actively encouraged this snoring!)

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000021

now comes the sad part,Tessa started to get older and signs of ill health started to materialise, her breathing sounded like darth vader, she put on weight at a vast rate and she wasnt able to get in and out of the house with ease and her toiletting started to be out of her control - although i knew it wasnt going to be easy i lifted the phone and called the Vets to make an appointment.

Even though by this time i was a grown woman (31) i needed my mum by my side. The Vet suspected something called Cushings disease and arranged for numerous blood tests to done and i took my baby home whilst we awaited the news. When they rang and asked me to go back with her i knew it was going to be the hardest day of my life (sometimes you can sense the outcome cant you).

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000061

They advised it was Cushings disease and she would simply deteriorate more and more and her quality of life would decrease. I couldnt see my big brave girl suffer any more - and i knew that if i took her home i would never take her back to the vets knowing what i was taking her back to do.I made the decision for them to end my baby's suffering thats day - luckily my mum was again on hand to hold my hand whilst we wept buckets and held her as she closed her eyes for the last time (im actually crying now all these years later remembering that scene).

She had a good innings at 12 years old and i like to believe i made her very happy even though the end left me heartbroken - appropriately enough when i got home to my empty house with an empty dog bed the radio was playing "so youve had a bad day" - i led on the sofa and wept buckets.

I will also always appreciate the sympathy shown by the vets that day and subsequently - the first item i received off them through the post was a sympathy card advising they believed i had done the best thing for Tessa - i didnt receive a bill from them until about a month later which i really thought was very understanding and considerate.

Here is a picture of Tessa in her last few days , i only hope that i can make Woody as happy as Tessa was.

Love you baby xx

RIP Tessa 05/09/05  000000011a1


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by janey Wed Jun 08 2011, 12:22

Thank you for sharing that, even though I'm now in tears. She had such a happy life, I love the snoring bit, clever Girly, made me giggle. Rip Tessa she was a gorgous Girl
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 12:25

oh i cried for years thought it was time to spread the load! it used to amuse me everytime she did it

Last edited by nicolalouises on Wed Jun 08 2011, 13:05; edited 1 time in total


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 12:36

What a heartfelt, touching story.
Well, good job i have a box of tissues next to me, coz I too am in tears. It brings back the memories of when I was in a similar situation last year with my 16yr old Border Collie "Missy".
Tessa will no doubt always have a special place in your heart, but i'm sure Woody has, and will continue to fiill the void that she left.

Hugs to you >Big Grin< from me


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 12:39

What a lovely story, you gave her a wonderful life and I'm sure she'll be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge.

We were the same when Bandit died. It took us a long time to decide to get another dog.


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 13:05

wiping a tear away now as i type, you gave her a wonderful home and had many happy years with her, lovely story
RIP Tessa

>Big Grin<


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 13:24

what a beautiful and touching story... she looked a real darling ! Be proud you gave her such a wonderful and happy life...
sending you a big hug... XX


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 13:33

I got to the diagnosis of Cushings Disease and the tears were running down my cheeks. You are a very strong and sensible person and I can only imagine what you went through to make this decision. If I'm in the same boat one day, I hope I have someone there to hold my hand.
I'm sure she is running free in the rainbow bridge with her ears pricked high just waiting to hear your voice calling "Tessa" xx
Off the record - Woody's got my number Wink


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by burties35 Wed Jun 08 2011, 13:36

Oh thats a lovely story, am bawling my eyes out.

RIP Tessa. xx
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by youngkaiser Wed Jun 08 2011, 21:42

rip tessa thanks for sharing this lovely story you have me in tears now.At least you gave her a loving home for those last years of her life instead of being used as a breeding machine its so hard when they have to go
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 22:58

RIP Tessa. xx.


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09 2011, 01:23

thanks all really appreciate it - didnt know how hard it would be to write. i forgot to mention one story though, my favourite (and i may try it with woody the unstoppable eating/swiping/stealing machine).

not sure if our Australian friends have heard of chewing nuts - they arent actually nuts just a small ball of very sticky toffee covered in chocolate, why we call them nuts i have no idea! one night i had gone for a shower and left a bag of these on the fireplace - well out of reach. I came down stairs to find Tessa had swiped the entire bag off onto the floor and started eating them, as i returned shewas in the process of trying desperately to get them out of her teeth -if you have ever had them its very difficult even for us humans with fingers and nails to remove them from our teeth.i ended up sitting for nearl an hour picking toffee from between her teeth - funnily enough she never did the swiping trick again!


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09 2011, 02:06

Laughing Laughing


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by youngkaiser Thu Jun 09 2011, 23:02

nicolalouises wrote:thanks all really appreciate it - didnt know how hard it would be to write. i forgot to mention one story though, my favourite (and i may try it with woody the unstoppable eating/swiping/stealing machine).

not sure if our Australian friends have heard of chewing nuts - they arent actually nuts just a small ball of very sticky toffee covered in chocolate, why we call them nuts i have no idea! one night i had gone for a shower and left a bag of these on the fireplace - well out of reach. I came down stairs to find Tessa had swiped the entire bag off onto the floor and started eating them, as i returned shewas in the process of trying desperately to get them out of her teeth -if you have ever had them its very difficult even for us humans with fingers and nails to remove them from our teeth.i ended up sitting for nearl an hour picking toffee from between her teeth - funnily enough she never did the swiping trick again!

Aww bless her i love them chewing nuts they do get stuck to your teeth though and ive always thought the same why are they called chewing nuts when there aint a nut in them.
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09 2011, 23:51

Thank you for sharing you wonderful memories.
Im 6ft 1 and if anyone asks I never had a tear in my eye.
She was one stunning dog
R.I.P Tessa


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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by gem Fri Jun 10 2011, 23:22

Awww bless lovely story Smile
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Staffy Sat Jun 11 2011, 20:46

R.i.p Tessa.
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RIP Tessa 05/09/05  Empty Re: RIP Tessa 05/09/05

Post by Guest Sat Jun 11 2011, 21:06

Aww I don't know how missed this. RIP Tessa. She had exactly the same colours as Charlie, right down to her black mask and rims. What a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing, it must've been difficult. Well done to you for making her last years happy ones
Love Struck


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