Bacchus update

paul l
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Bacchus update Empty Bacchus update

Post by reuben Fri Jun 20 2014, 22:03

Haven't been on for a while so a quick update. Bacchus is nearly 2 now ( can't believe how the time has flown since I brought that wee rascal home)

Bacchus update A2663aae-1eb2-4544-8328-0bc7ee477755_zpsec3d14c3

He continues to amaze me with his personality and how we have bonded. My wife says I'm a bit obsessed with him, which is absolute nonsense of course. I'm TOTALLY obsessed with him. Love Struck 

He has sired a litter of puppies, all beautiful of course, and they have all found loving homes, 1 in Wales, 1 in Sunderland and 1 here in Aberdeen.

I started him on BARF back in November and he is looking amazing on it with lovely firm poos and no more smelly bum burps.

I still have to be careful with him and keep him on-lead unless I can see all around us as he is not good with unfamiliar dogs if they get in his face. His recall is very reliable but unfortunately, like many of you, I have had several occassions where I've had to ask people to call their dogs as they seem oblivious to the fact that he is on-lead and of course their dogs have no semblance of a recall. It's the usual "It's ok he's friendly" Yeah well mine isn't. Don't you think the fact that he is on-lead is a clue??? They seem to assume that he is on his lead because he is disobedient like their dogs. Still we are fortunate to have lots of places where I can exercise him off-lead.

Speaking of exercise. Any ideas for tiring him out? He has 4 long walks per day, and on at least 2 of these we spend 20 to 30 mins. playing retrieve and flirt pole. He is very fit and the fitter he gets the harder it is to tire him out. I would normally give him his main exercise at lunchtime but with the warmer weather I take him out at 6am for his main aerobic exercise and limit his lunchtime exercise to a brisk walk as I worrry about him getting overheated. Then some vigorous exercise early evening and a toilet walk around 11 pm.

Will try to keep up to date on here but thought you would like to know that he has become such a huge part of our lives.

Bacchus update DSC00833_zps34fc5d8c
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

Status Status :

Age : 77
Location : Aberdeen
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bacchus ( The Wee Man )
Dog(s) Ages : Born 18/07/12
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by -Ian- Fri Jun 20 2014, 22:10

Fantastic update and he does look good. They do tend to take over your life and I bet you can't imagine life without him always being there, I get concerned when Flo isn't somewhere nearby  Laughing 

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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by shegsy Fri Jun 20 2014, 22:18

He is gorgeous. What beautiful markings he has. Yes, they do change your life, for the better of course.

Sorry I can't give you any advice on tiring him out Laughing 
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by janey Fri Jun 20 2014, 22:25

Wow time flys!
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by Sazzle Sat Jun 21 2014, 00:18

Great update  Big Grin 
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by lumpydog Sat Jun 21 2014, 02:32

Beautiful looking dog. Good update too.
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by paul l Sat Jun 21 2014, 10:55

All sounds very familiar when we got Buster we had all these rules we we going to enforce and we were going to stick to them i.e not getting on furniture etc however were now lucky if we can fit on with him. He has totally taken over our lives. Buster is also nearly 2 he gets a couple of walks a day and a a half hour playing fetch with his chuck it ball this tires him out also plays with his boomer ball in the garden this just frustrates him because he cant get it in his mouth. Definitely the way to tire him is chasing his ball which he can become obsessive with I have to stop it after half hour or so as he would just keep going untill he collapsed. He`s also very fit but tends to get sore paws after on long walks if there is a lot of pavement.

Last edited by paul l on Sun Jun 22 2014, 15:35; edited 1 time in total
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by Kathy Sat Jun 21 2014, 11:01

Thanks for the up date, with regards to walks Rocky has 2 long walks a day now of about an hour and half each time, these tire him out just fine. You want to up the length of time you are out with Bacchus to about an hour at least each time, you may well find you only need to do this two times a day.
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by Guest Sat Jun 21 2014, 11:44

Wow Rodger he looks great Smile thanks for the update. Xx


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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by flowerbud Sat Jun 21 2014, 17:58

He looks great thanks for the update  Big Grin 
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by dave-irl Sat Jun 21 2014, 18:56

wow what a stunning looking boy he is!! as for the tiring him out, is he a swimmer? id give swimming a go if he likes it, another idea is clicker training. working there minds seems to be every bit as good at tiring them out and clicker training really gets them thinking. a friend of mine has started clicker training his 5 year old staff, and he is loving it. Karen Pryor has a great yet simple book entitled clicker training for dogs.

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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by stella Sat Jun 21 2014, 21:30

brilliant update,i can see why your totally obsessed with him,he's a gorgeous lad  Love Struck 
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by Lynn&Pete Sat Jun 21 2014, 22:05

When I picture a Stafford, Bacchus is what I see! He's a stunner, with an interesting name. Is it from the god of wine?  * geek alert* We named Theia after the exo-planet that crashed into earth billions of years ago and it then became the moon. Theia is the greek god celestes' (the moon) mother.*geek alert over*. There's an Athena on here too. Just shows you what we think of them naming them after gods!
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by reuben Sun Jun 22 2014, 13:13

dave-irl wrote:wow what a stunning looking boy he is!! as for the tiring him out, is he a swimmer? id give swimming a go if he likes it, another idea is clicker training. working there minds seems to be every bit as good at tiring them out and clicker training really gets them thinking. a friend of mine has started clicker training his 5 year old staff, and he is loving it. Karen Pryor has a great yet simple book entitled clicker training for dogs.

Hi Dave, we live in a fishing village and have tried to coax him into the harbour but he's not stupid enough to go into the North Sea with the temperatures up up here. Laughing Laughing He'll go in up to his chest after a stick but that's about it.  Mind you I had a GSD a number of years back who refused to swim until he fell in one day, then we couldn't keep him out of the water.
I do a bit of training with him on an almost daily basis...recall, sit stay, down stay, recall, off lead heel work etc. I have a clicker which I've never used much but will look into it. I know the theory of clicker training but does her book give actual exercises to work on?
Re tiring him out, it's just at the time he doesn't seem to tire but when we get home he usually goes to his crate for a sleep and he is very content around the house. Maybe I'm just being over anxious.
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by reuben Sun Jun 22 2014, 13:17

Lynn&Pete wrote:When I picture a Stafford, Bacchus is what I see! He's a stunner, with an interesting name. Is it from the god of wine?  * geek alert* We named Theia after the exo-planet that crashed into earth billions of years ago and it then became the moon. Theia is the greek god celestes' (the moon) mother.*geek alert over*. There's an Athena on here too. Just shows you what we think of them naming them after gods!

Yep. Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and frivolity. Like you, we try to give our pets original names. Our Siamese tom is Rufus, after Rufus Wainright, our Siamese girl is Willow ( just because we liked it) and our moggie is Kedi, which is just " cat" in Turkish.
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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Age : 77
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Bacchus update Empty Re: Bacchus update

Post by reuben Sun Jun 22 2014, 13:25

Thanks for all the lovely compliments folks. Naturally I think my wee boy is gorgeous Love Struck  but it's always nice to hear it from others.
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