Visiting the Parents (Long post)

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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Bane Mon Apr 07 2014, 23:22

Bit of a long post with lots of pics! Feel free to skip the essay Big Grin

We popped down to my parents over Mothers Day weekend and took Banedog along for another countryside adventure. We only expected to be staying a couple of days as seperating Bane and Domino (parents Staff, not very dog friendly) is pretty hard work... 

So we arrived, saddled Bane and Domino up and took them straight out for a walk together so they could meet again on neutral ground. Domino was a little unsure to start with but after a couple of seconds of Bane bouncing around him he actually looked as if he was trying to play!
We had a great walk, they had a few sniffs and no snapping from Domino. Once back in the house my bro took Domino into the living room while I sorted Bane in the conservatory, but he forgot to shut the door  doh Domino came charging in, right up to Bane and I just froze keeping a hold of Bane, hoping that nothing was going to kick off!  nail biting Bane was fantastic and just stood and let Domino have a good sniff around and then he went back into the living room!  Surprised 

I got the OH in so we could both supervise while they got to know eachother. Domino was very dominant at first, when Bane got excited and started to play Domino would really growl at him, put his paw on his back or try to hump  doh Bane never reacted once! He just stopped and let Domino do what he had to do. We had to step in a couple of times as Domino got a little carried away, but never looked as if he was going to hurt to Bane. Over the next day or two Domino relaxed more until they were playing together with no growls and from what it looked they were showing equal amounts of dominance towards eachother.

We were all amazed to see how well they were getting along as Domino has never really had any other dog socialisation. In the end we decided to stay for almost a week as they were having such a great time! Every day playtime would start at 6am when my mum got up and they would be shattered by midday! Laughing They turned the living room, conservatory and sofas into a race track which when the door was open continued outside and around the garden! We had such a great time! When we got home, Bane slept for almost 2 days Laughing

So anyway here are the photos! I will try and get some videos put together too! I wish we had kept the first video we took of them together as the difference between day 1 and when we left is amazing!

Domino is so happy to finally have a friend!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 0455F774-8415-4BE8-A10A-FBFDDD402182_zpsufneslxa

Action shot! Domino is a little tubby from winter so always conked out first...Bane then proceeded to annoy and pester him as much as he possibly could until he too conked out!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 1C6B242E-1C02-406F-A30B-FF254A68D07C_zpsjdb2jc19

Catch me if you can!!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 0C481A1C-20F1-4AAC-8599-6EC662DBBC3E_zpsq7zpbcrf

Bane is a little taller than Domino now! Not sure if him being bigger has helped Domino accept him more?
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 2C757A0D-3565-46C2-9912-342728F8EBBA_zpsaknazinv

Both conked out after a morning of madness!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) AA1AC619-9AA1-4849-8FAC-36AE792D8419_zpstthljm0a

Out walking with the two of them:
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 19497197-435B-402C-A38F-2DD2B5EDBF88_zpsiqv1wcqk

Domino didn't want to share!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) F8750F2F-22E4-4487-8249-14B82D4CD295_zpsq1jyjv5v

Although fatter than Bane, when balls are involed Domino is always the first to get there! I think Bane was more interested in chasing Domino!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 66955B1C-B0F5-420F-AFC8-8153F17000B0_zps1vs3qhrl

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Chilling on the floor!
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To explain this one...someone discovered my parents' chickens at the same time he realised his prey drive and got a big telling off hence the feeling sorry for himself look!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) 8C598288-742D-488D-B367-F2E3F7097E58_zpslz3ak5uu

They thought that we were cooking them dinner! Ha! Poor dad who is somewhere under the 40kg+ doggy pile up!
Visiting the Parents (Long post) B291AA47-A1C7-4F4F-8291-B1AB6C916588_zpspvyafamf

It was obviously hard work looking after Bane for us Laughing
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We also went to the beach and did some other stuff will post photos when I get them from the OH :)I really can't wait to go back now! I hope they have become friends for life! day dreaming
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by jshrew Mon Apr 07 2014, 23:34

Sounds fantastic and lovely pics, shows what a bit of time and gradual unforced introduction can do.

I guess a little alpha placing will always go on it certainly happened with Ledger and my parents springer/collie cross she was 14 when I got Ledger she naturally can be quite snappy when she isn't happy with another dog and a couple times Ledger put her on her back and got a mouthful of fur but she exerted her authority and still does now he backs straight off if she decides she wants some scraps that are put down and he doesn't bat an eyelid when she trips over him (result of 3 big strokes and poor eyesight)
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by -Ian- Mon Apr 07 2014, 23:35

Oh that is great... So pleased that they are friends. I had reservations with Flo's Bloodhound cousins, but all is cool too. Just makes it a pleasure doesn't it  Big Grin 

Great picture set too.

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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Simi Mon Apr 07 2014, 23:56

So glad it all went well and lovely pictures of the two of them
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 08 2014, 05:46

Ah they're gorgeous together - new best friends Smile


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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 08 2014, 08:17

Aww Hun that's fab, loving the pics too xx


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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Rachel33 Tue Apr 08 2014, 08:20

Big Grin wonderful! LOVE these! x
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by shegsy Tue Apr 08 2014, 08:23

Friends for life I'd say. Looks like they had great fun together. Lovely pics by the way!!
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Bane Tue Apr 08 2014, 10:07

Thanks guys Smile It means we now have a dog sitter if we ever go away Wink
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 08 2014, 10:19

Great Emma they got along looks like they had a fab time! Bane wanted a chicken lol! fab pics hun xxx


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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Kathy Tue Apr 08 2014, 11:22

Looks like they both had a really good time, great they along so well together
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by flowerbud Tue Apr 08 2014, 19:08

Oh Emma I am so pleased for you all, sounds great! How lovely to see them have such fun together and then passed out from exhaustion!  Laughing 
Did the chicken survive?
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by stella Tue Apr 08 2014, 19:53

ahh looks like they had great fun together  Love Struck ,so pleased it went so well for you  Big Grin 
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Sazzle Tue Apr 08 2014, 20:02

Fantastic pics, so glad they got on well this time  Big Grin 
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Sara n Ozzy Tue Apr 08 2014, 22:46

So pleased everything went well and by the looks of it they both had a great time what happened to the dog which looked like Bane you were going to get?
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Visiting the Parents (Long post) Empty Re: Visiting the Parents (Long post)

Post by Bane Tue Apr 08 2014, 23:27

Thanks everyone! Smile

Jules and Ian so sorry I missed your posts! The only problem we could still see between them is when food or toys came into the picture. Bane is fine to share his toys but Domino isn't. If Bane had a toy or his antler, Domino would take it and guard it just because he didn't want Bane to have it, and then got a bit funny so all toys had to be removed.
We also saw Bane snap at Domino when he had a bunny that the cat brought in. Bane wasn't eating it but as soon as Domino got close he growled and snapped and then ran like lightning with it. Luckily Domino accepted it and just walked off. It was a surprise to us but I guess he isn't used to eating around other dogs.

Flowerbud: The first time she did as he just nipped her butt and they were making such a row we managed to catch him...but the second time he was like a ninja and managed to kill it unfortunately.

Sara: She wasn't neutered and the kennels weren't comfortable with us fostering her while Bane was still entire. We would have loved to have her, but wouldn't have wanted any accidents to happen from our inexperience. They did then say they found a vet who would spay her early for us (was only 6 months) but we weren't happy with them doing that just for us, incase it turned out they weren't ok together and she had to go back. She went to a proper rescue centre a while back and I think being fostered so fingers crossed for her Smile She was adorable, so gutted!
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