Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by SkyBlue Mon May 02 2011, 16:17

Just been for a lovely long walk with Sky and my family.... was enjoying it right up to the point where a dog attacked Sky!! Sad I saw the woman walking in the distance so put Sky on the lead, she started walking in the other direction calling her dog but it didn't go back to her!! It came waltzing over to Sky and even though Sky was all waggy tailed it went for her Surprised I grabbed the dog by its collar without even thinking, trying to pull Sky away with the other hand, by now she was retaliating!! My husband grabbed Sky and eventually the owner got to us and apologising grabbed her dog and swiftly moved on!!! She even let her other dog come over too! Surprised I mean what is wrong with people, if they aren't friendly or you have no recall, keep then on a bl**dy lead!!!! banghead Sky is fine thank doG but I now have a big chunk out of my finger,thought I'd been bitten to start with but it turned out I did it on the lead! crying

Sorry for the rant, feel better now!! furious
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by janey Mon May 02 2011, 16:28

Its so infuriating and seems to be quite commen!! Agree, if you recall is sh*t then it should be on lead, you can onlt lead by example. Glad you and Sky are ok and that your OH was there to help intervene!! Makes your blood boil Surprised
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by SkyBlue Mon May 02 2011, 16:33

The other dog looked like a lab x collie..... can you imagine the verbal abuse I'd have got if it had been the other way round, having a so called 'dangerous' breed yawn
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Bruno311210 Mon May 02 2011, 16:35

awwww i hate people like that, glad sky is alright Smile but it must have been scary for her xx

We've got a guy with a black and white staffie and a rottie, well lets just say he's well known around here and he can't control his dog, he lets it off the lead and it tries to jump the fence that belong to the house that back onto the field including mine.
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 16:49

Glad everything is ok in the end. It could've been a lot worse without your quick action. Good job your OH was there to help out.

It should not have happened in the first place, bot hopefully this incident will make her have a good hard look at the fact she needs to control her dog better. I'm with you.....Ggrrrrrrrrrr at wits end


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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 17:03

some people are such morons aren't they..........keep your dog on a lead if it doesn't come back to you .. you twit !!! angry


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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 17:18

Same as everyone else!

Just so glad that Sky wasn't injured


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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Aniemother Mon May 02 2011, 17:22

Bah.. I hate that kind of people - rude and irresponsible, such a wonderful combo... at wits end
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 17:23

Aniemother wrote:Bah.. I hate that kind of people - rude and irresponsible, such a wonderful combo... at wits end

..and don't worry we get them here in Australia too !!!


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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by gem Mon May 02 2011, 17:31

I agree with you 100% and my boy only comes off lead in a secure area and thats not because his recall is bad cause he is ace its because of morons like this who have no control with theres. I know if he aint on the lead and a dog comes too close then its overwith and my boy getting blamed for something that comes natural to him.
I do my best to keep my boy safe and also other dogs its hardly my fault if some moron shouts its okay fluff wont touch him lets there dog come over when they must realise that he is on a lead for a reason Smile
You were right to rant I would have gone mad if it were me it wouldnt just be the dog getting a slap:)
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by SkyBlue Mon May 02 2011, 17:35

I think if my kids hadn't been with me I would've totally lost it with her.... she couldn't get away quick enough though... I wonder why!!!

I keep Sky on a lead whenever there are other dogs around as she is very playfull and not all dogs like to be jumped on Wink so for us its the best option and she just gets let off with dogs we know well or in a safe environment!! Its called being responsible for your dog eh!! wink
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 18:02

It is really infuriating. I would never walk my dog off leash in a public place no matter how well he was trained. The only time Saxon has been off leash (besides being indoors) is when he was on the beach, which is a very secure place. It is just too dangerous to have dog off leash. The dog could run up to the wrong dog and be bitten, the dog could run across the road to chase a squirrel and be hit by a car, there are a thousand things that could happen.

The other day Saxon and I got charged by an off leash Boxer. She darted across the road and jumped Saxon. Luckily she was friendly and didn't do anything but scare the crap out of us both. The woman walked up and said, "I'm so sorry, but don't worry she'd friendly!" I felt very lucky that her dog was as friendly as her owner thought, but the more I thought about it, I realized she was the lucky one! If I had been walking my old foster dog, her Boxer may have been bitten. He was dog sensitive and would probably have taken this Boxer girl's rude approach as a threat and reacted defensively. And that would have been bad for all involved!

People need to think about all of the possible situations that a dog could get into when not on a secure lead!!


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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by ardvark Mon May 02 2011, 20:30

OMG some people grrrrrrrrr at wits end polite version 'idiots' glad you're ok :0)
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Rant... Grrrrr.... :o( Empty Re: Rant... Grrrrr.... :o(

Post by Guest Mon May 02 2011, 20:34

they seems to be more and more idiots like this going around so glad to hear she is ok xx


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