Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Lis Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:06

My boy makes me laugh, he hates the rain or being wet soooooo much!

This morning we had our first extremely wet walk in a few months. We were both drenched by the end of it.

He was so funny on way back home as the rain came down even harder his ears went back, he hunched his back as if trying to cower away from it and then tried to run and pull me all the way home.

When home he then runs around the house like a nutter rubbing himself over everything he can to get dry... even though I've already towel dried him as much as I can!

Funny boy! Laughing 

Anybody else's staffy hate being wet so much?
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Kathy Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:09

Rocky isn't too fussed about the rain, he loves to splash about in the puddles in the car park so I guess that's a good start to the walk. If it's really hosing it down and cold he will have his coat on so is saved from the worst of the weather. He does the zooming around thing when we get back too Laughing 
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Guest Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:09

Darcy hates the rain too, she's so funny, she tippy toes out in the garden pees and legs it back in Laughing


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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Guest Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:11

My old boy, Bandit was ok with rain, but hated wind & rain together! He'd just put the brakes on at the front door & it was murder trying to get him out!

Dempsey couldn't give a monkey's what the weather's like!Laughing 


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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Debs01 Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:13

Axl can't stand the rain, its a struggle to get him out the door lol.. once we threw his ball and it landed in the middle of a puddle, he stood on his tippy toes at the edge of the puddle and strained his neck out as far as it would go to get the ball...
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Rupertsbooks Wed Oct 02 2013, 11:33

Yes, and yes.
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Maria90 Wed Oct 02 2013, 13:47

Rocky hates the rain too, when he goes outside for toilet, he puts his front paws on the grass, reluctantly of course, and keeps his back paws on the concrete where it's dry, little sook Rolling Eyes 
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Guest Wed Oct 02 2013, 13:49

Sometimes Vinnie is and sometimes not, but I would say in general he couldn't give a stuff, he wants his walk whatever!Big Grin 


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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Shontelle Wed Oct 02 2013, 17:15

Charlie thinks he's allergic to the rain!! When I open the door if he needs a pee, he normally bomb out into the garden, but if it's raining, he won't go out even if he's busting!
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by stella Wed Oct 02 2013, 17:26

sash used to hate the rain now she does'nt care just wants her walks Big Grin 
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Mandz Wed Oct 02 2013, 17:32

I can't walk frankie in the rain.... He stands and squeals. There's been a few times its rained while we've been out and he squeals at the top of his voice and runs as fast as he can. I can't get him past the front door on a rainy day. Getting him to go for a wee in the rain is like a military operation!!! But weirdly he loves paddling in rivers!
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Sazzle Wed Oct 02 2013, 17:33

Daisy hates it, I have to drag her out, its like it's burning her skin!

It was raining this morning, she was so desperate to get out of it she jumped into the car boot before I had fully opened it so crashed into the cage and fell out!!
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by Staffy lover Thu Oct 03 2013, 09:42

Ooh Pixee is so fussy, she likes to wear her waterproof coat in the rain, otherwise she will take her self off home (We are lucky in that our house is not on a main road but over the canal lock, phew! ) or just stand her ground with that sad look on her face saying mummy you are getting my shiny coat all wet Crying or Very sad . However she loves playing in the rivers so long as her feet touch the floor, crazy or what Laughing 
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Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet? Empty Re: Does your staffy hate the rain/being wet?

Post by debs0109 Thu Oct 03 2013, 10:49

Mia hates going out in the rain but you take her on the beach and she's straight in the sea. She loves the hosepipe in the summer. But you try and get her out for a wee when it's raining! Takes one look and turns round back on the settee! They do have some funny ways don't they! Laughing 
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