Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

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Sleepy Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

Post by sheb Tue Aug 13 2013, 14:23

Hi All

We have an amstaff he is years old and is our pride and joy. He started limping again recently so we took him to the vet and the he did an xray and said it looks like a tumour and he needs to do a bone biopsy. We took Jake back to the vet and he did the biopsy and currently we are waiting on the results. I asked the Vet what he thinks and he said Cancer the problem is this tumour is in the middle of his bone on his back right leg. I asked best and worst case scenario should it be cancer he said best case we remove his back right leg and worse case is it is aggressive and there is nothing we can do. What I am asking from you all is to contribute your thoughts with regards to removing the back leg, he is stocky and weighs a fair bit and I worry that he may not be able to adapt due to his age or he may end up putting a lot of pressure on the left leg. I have never had amstaffs before both our current dogs are amstaffs and they are my boyfriends I have only been in their lives for 4 years so I don't really know the breed and if Cancer is common etc.
Any advise or comments will be much appreciated because I am heartbroken right now.

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Sleepy Re: Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

Post by sheb Tue Aug 13 2013, 14:24

Meant to say he is nearly 10 years old

New Staffy-bull-terrier Member
New Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Sleepy Re: Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

Post by janey Tue Aug 13 2013, 14:37

I am so sorry to read this, you must be in bits. I can only say what I would do and if it was Moo I would have her have the op at the drop of heart beat, but I am not in your situation.

If you feel up to it come and say hi
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Sleepy Re: Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13 2013, 15:43

I'm so sorry you're going through this.

Despite your dog being heavy/stocky, he'll cope very well on three legs - dogs just do! You will, however, have to keep him the slimmer side of lean. Not skinny, of course, but no excess weight.


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Sleepy Re: Need some advice or just your thoughts urgently

Post by sheb Wed Aug 14 2013, 09:47

Thank you both for your replies they are much appreciated. I have been going on to various sites etc. to read up about amputation.

New Staffy-bull-terrier Member
New Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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