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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by friendlywendy Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:04

Hi all Big Grin 
If anyone can provide some advice, it'd be much appreciated.

Sox is now 16 mths old, he's a wonderful dog, loyal, obident, great natured - the best! So we decided to get him a play mate. Spud is 8wks old male staff ... we've had him a week (a lil early but the breeders were moving home & we took him a wk early) .... all has gone great this first week & Sox has been wonderful with him .. we crated Spud immediately so each have their own space .....
yesterday they were both playing & it became a little heated! Spud kept biting Sox, Sox never once bit him back, he continuously nosed him away... Spud started growling & showing his teeth, he was relentless ... we left em to it & observed closely .... Spud was appeared to become quite vicious & it resulted in Sox 'pinning' him down! We seperated them both for a while to diffuse the situation ....... both then went & laid together & fell asleep?!
The same has happened at again this afternoon & I'm concerned now ?? Is this normal behaviour? I am 100% confident that Sox will not hurt Spud (the puppy) but will SPud (the puppy) hurt Sox???

Any advice would be greatly appreciated ...
Wen Big Grin 

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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by janey Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:07

I am sorry I have never had 2 dogs together, but my oh my you are gonna have your hands full!
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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by friendlywendy Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:14

Thanks anyway Janey Big Grin 

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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by janey Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:16

Can I request pics pleeeeeeeease! Smile
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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by friendlywendy Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:21

I'd love to put pics on Janey, but I don't know how to do it lol..... I have some great photos of them both together, Spud is currently lay on top of Sox & they are both snoozing .... generally they have fun together but just yesterday & earlier today Spud appeared to get a little aggressive .... really hope somebody can tell me I have nothing to worry about lol

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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by janey Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:22

This will help with photos, if you struggle just shout.....
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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by Guest Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:24

I wouldn't be too concerned , I was when we first got Tommy and then learned quickly this is how staffy pups play , they really can be little terrors , if you think it gets too much and your older dog has had enough then separate them but do not molly coddle them , your older dog will let her know when she is fed up


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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by friendlywendy Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:39

Thanks Janey I'll try & load some photos - I have some great pics ofthem both! lol

Thanks Dave, that does put my mind at ease. When I look at them both now all snuggled together (melts my heart) I have no concerns - I'll monitor the situation & share on here, I've always received great help & advice from you guys on here - at times it's been a god send! lol

Thanks again guys
Wen Big Grin 

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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by Guest Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:43

Tilly is riddled with scars from her puppy play with Tommy , that's staffies for ya , but sitting watching them together on the bed this morning , yawning nose crunch ( pretends to yawn and bites nose instead ) to lizard tongue ear cleaning they are a mad bunch but love each other to bits


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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by friendlywendy Sun Aug 11 2013, 15:47

Awh that's so sweet Dave ...... I'll try & get some photos on soon
Wen Big Grin 

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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by Nathan Sun Aug 11 2013, 17:55

at that age despite what it looks like its play. Spud is still learning what his boundries are and Sox will let him know when he execeeds them.
both mine were the same and when laska used to get out of hand marley just used to floor her with one foot and hold her away.
You may want to learn a few tricks of Sox too, it wont be long before you'll need to start teaching him bite inhibition on humans too Wink  and I bet in 5 to 6 months time you'll be posting of your joys when those little razor teath start falling out lol
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Introduced New Puppy ... Empty Re: Introduced New Puppy ...

Post by CaraElizabeth Mon Aug 12 2013, 02:53

This is totally normal! Puppies don't know when enough is enough! Sox will warn Spud when he has had enough and eventually Spud will learn to listen to these warnings! Staffies play very rough! I would always supervise them closely! Sounds like you are doing everything right by watching closely but letting them carry on if you separate them every single time they start to rough house Spud will never learn what kind of play is acceptable and when the other dog has had enough! I'm sure you have your hands full! Keep up the good work!
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