Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 19:59

JUST when I think he is getting calmer and growing up a bit. First he goes into the garden and tries to dig through under the fence between us and our neighbour - The Great Escape re-enacted without the subtlety.

Then the plumber comes and when he "popped out" to his van he left the front door open and Kuchar made good his escape. I chased him (Kuchar, not the plumber!) around various roads, calling him "come here, sweet darling little boy" etc, but selective deafness struck the little blighter and if I got near he just dodged round me, what a great game he thought. He finally got into a back garden through a broken paling and startled the bejasus out of old lady sitting in her garden in her dressing-gown. Bless the old lady, I got Kuchar trapped in her kitchen and carried him home (half a mile by now).

Next, at his normal "walkies" time, I had to wait in for an important phone call from my GP and he clawed my arm to bits begging me to take him out. My son, my grown-up son, condescended to take Kuchar for his walk. When on this walk, he let him off the lead to play with his favourite doggy friend, but also took the collar off as well Rolling Eyes and lo and behold another dog hove into sight which Kuchar immediately chased after wanting to play, and couldn't be caught for ages (selective deafness again) and annoyed the other dog owner as well. Son comes back in a bad mood.


Rant over


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:01

Poor you! >Big Grin< They do have their days, eh?


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:10

Oh, dear.

Kuchar, listen to your mummy & don't upset her again! ok?

Lynda - he will grow up, honestly.

Unless you kill him first! angry


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Kathy Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:16

Ohhh dear, Momma said there'd be days like these Crying or Very sad

tomorrow is another day and a better one hopefully Smile
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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:22

Oh no, I hope tomorrow is a brand new day Smile


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:22

Ohh Kuchar, you have been a bad doggy!

Hopefully a better day tomorrow >Big Grin<


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 20:23

Tomorrow is another day praying and maybe ONE day he'll grow up praying

Thank you, kind friends.


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 21:24

They wouldn't be who they are without days like this Smile


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 22:10

Glad I'm not alone (apparently) in having the dog from hell (well today, anyway). Oh he's not nasty, not at all, but MISCHEEEEVIOUS in the extreme, and he would pick today when I had so much on, what with one thing and another. I love him to bits, the little git, and wouldn't really skin him alive although I threatened to today.

Feeling a bit better now after all your kind messages and a couple of pints of Caryll's water-saving recommendation Big Grin


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 22:11



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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 23:22

ah the joys of dogs ey?


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Mon Jun 03 2013, 23:34

Joys? He's still at it - I think he's gone mad.


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Kathy Tue Jun 04 2013, 11:28

How is Kuchar behaving today Lynda ?

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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Kell Tue Jun 04 2013, 11:36

Better hopefully Smile They are truly wonderful at testing our patience ... those wonderful puppy eyes are a god send though, they are the only thing that gets them through some days I think Laughing
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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Tue Jun 04 2013, 19:58

Ah, thank you for asking Kathy and Kell.

Well, he's "normal" - for Kuchar that is. He was not let off his extendable lead on his walks and had to play with his doggy friend with it on, which didn't bother him one bit. Good job he had his lead on cos blow me down the same girl with same dog he chased after yesterday (and the day before, incidentally) came along again. I had apologised to her the first day; yesterday I don't know what my son said to her; today I gave her a cheery "hello" - and she walked by stony-faced. I've never seen her before and here she is 3 days running, either she or the dog are new to the area. Whatever, she seems determined to be an enemy Sad


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Tue Jun 04 2013, 23:56

Might not of been a good day for you Lynda >Big Grin< but on the bright side sounds like Kuchar has had a ball >Smile


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Wed Jun 05 2013, 19:35

Mike wrote:Might not of been a good day for you Lynda >Big Grin< but on the bright side sounds like Kuchar has had a ball >Smile


Oh yes - if he wrote a diary he would have written "had the best day EVER!"


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Kuchar is being such a little s**t today Empty Re: Kuchar is being such a little s**t today

Post by Guest Wed Jun 05 2013, 19:38



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