tips on tiring Boss out

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tips on tiring Boss out Empty tips on tiring Boss out

Post by BIG SBT Mon May 13 2013, 13:03

hello Smile
Has anybody got any tips on tiring Boss out as walks and runs just arnt doing the job.. sometimes he would be out for a few hours running about and come home still jumping all over the house. last night i had him in a forest park (which is all up hill basically) and he loved it but just didnt seem to be enough?

anyone else experience this?
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
tips on tiring Boss out Top_ra10

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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 13:04

They are a very energetic breed. Just be carefull not to overdo it at his age. Have you tried training sessions or other mental stimulation to help tire him out?


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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 13:05

Here's a link for indoor games that should help


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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 13:06

Yeah, when Loki's had a big walk, he carries on playing when he gets home Laughing he's usually full of energy until the evening, that's when the tiredness kicks in. Boss is still young though, so try not to overdo the walks Smile it's five minutes per month of his age per walk. So if he's five months old, it's 25-minute walks two or three times a day, plus some off-lead running and playing. Too much can damage his joints even though he has the energy for it.

You can play hide-and-seek, tug-of-war, fetch, etc. Training helps tire them out too because it's mentally tiring for them to learn tricks and use their brain. I'd also recommend a Boomer Ball if you don't have one. It's the only toy Loki's got that tires him out enough to pant.


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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 13:06

Have ya tried any mental games like Hide N Seek, Logan is brilliant at it and it tires him out.

Just make him sit then set a treat/toy is full view then make him "find it". Then make it progressively harder. Under blankets etc.

Logan can now find it in the next room in behind a radiator Smile

He's a bit young yet but when he hits about 15-16 months you could think about flirtpoling Smile


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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by BIG SBT Mon May 13 2013, 13:16

cheers for the replies, il start by trying to hide his toy and see how that goes Smile
as for the boomer ball i was looking at them and id like it to stay out the back but the problem is Boss is very nervous and wont go out the back without somebody being with him incase they close the door LOL. so really walking him to the field and letting him off the lead is the main 'exercise' he has been getting.. trips in the car seems to really take it out of him, hes sleeping in 10mins Smile but as its not ideal it cant be done all the time haha.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
tips on tiring Boss out Top_ra10

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Age : 31
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Dog(s) Ages : 9 months
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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 13:23

Darcy can sometimes be bouncy after a walk, we just play games or some training. She also has 2 or 3 45 min walks on & off lead per day. Smile good luck with the games.


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tips on tiring Boss out Empty Re: tips on tiring Boss out

Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 17:16

lots of games or training thats tests him mentally, frozen kongs, indoors games things like that


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