Daisy's weekend

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Daisy's weekend  Empty Daisy's weekend

Post by Sazzle Sun Apr 07 2013, 21:25

This weekend I've been full of cold and not felt great so wasn't up for the usual long walks (shame with the weather I know!) Anyway instead we've had to do shorter walks with lots of play on the training line with a ball. We are loving the training line, I would definitely recommend it to any one thinking of getting one.

On the lead walking Daisy really seems to be improving, walking much better with less pulling and getting distracted Smile

On the training line, I'm still bribing her to bring the ball back and drop it with food, but hey, these things take time!! I do think her recall is improving though and I always hold her collar before she gets the treat and she's now less bothered by that, so that in itself is a massive improvement Big Grin The best thing though was that there was lots of people and dogs about, a few people spoke to us (and said how lovely she is Big Grin ) and let their dogs play with Daisy which was great and she was very well behaved. The down side is that she is still jumping up at people, this is my fault and I'm really going to have to crack down on it.

I was also trying to get her into the frisby but she wasn't bothered, any ideas on how I get her interested? Thought a change from the ball would be fun!

Anyway, just thought I'd give a little update.

Sorry I didn't take any pics this week Sad
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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Age : 43
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Relationship Status : Single
Dogs Name(s) : Daisy
Dog(s) Ages : 3 ish
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2012-12-13
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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by janey Sun Apr 07 2013, 21:27

Sounds great, hope your back to yourself soon Xx

Double pics next time! Xx
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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07 2013, 21:31

Sounds like a good weekend.

I love training leads too. They work wonders. I don't think Logan would play with a frisbee conventionally, he'd just want to chew it, so I can see what you mean by her not getting into it yet.

As for jumping up, it's a really hard thing to get out of them so don't beat yourself up. Logan still does it on visitors for the first few minutes.


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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07 2013, 21:32

Aww sounds like you had fun dispite you being ill, can't wait to see the double pics next time. thumbs up


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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07 2013, 22:40

Sounds like great weekend Big Grin apart from the cold Sad get well soon! X


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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Guest Mon Apr 08 2013, 01:01

Hope you feel better soon >Big Grin< Sounds like Daisy is doing very well with training Big Grin


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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Guest Mon Apr 08 2013, 06:15

Hope you feel better soon! Don't worry about the jumping up, it's hard to train them out of it but you'll get there with persistence. Glad to hear she got to have a good play with other dogs and that her training is going well Big Grin


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Daisy's weekend  Empty Re: Daisy's weekend

Post by Sazzle Mon Apr 08 2013, 09:57

Thanks guys Big Grin

Promise double pictures soon Big Grin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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Age : 43
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Relationship Status : Single
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Dog(s) Ages : 3 ish
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