Rough Play

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Rough Play Empty Rough Play

Post by Jane Sumner Wed Mar 02 2011, 05:03

Last October we were given a (about 8 months old) female Staffy, we think she may be a cross, she is a darling dog with a placid nature, we have allways taken her to the local dog park where she socialised really well and was happy running and making friends . But recently she only wants to play rough and will sometimes pin down certain dogs causing upset for the dogs and owners. We have stopped taking her to the dog park, and we walk her daily, she loves meeting and greeting the people and dogs that we meet on our jaunts. We have not seen any obvious indications of agression in her but are worried that her rough play might lead to aggression.
Are we doing the right thing by keeping her away from the dog park, will it affect her socialisation, does anyone have any techniques to manage the rough playing?
We would really appreciate some help or advise.
Many thanks
Jane , Paul and Sadie of course!

Jane Sumner
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Rough Play Empty Re: Rough Play

Post by Cornish-Muscle Wed Mar 02 2011, 09:07

I wouldn't stop taking her to the dog park, but keep her on a lead and make her sit and be patient before she is allowed to approach another dog, then if she gets over excited, walk away and make her wait again. She'll soon learn that being calm and gentle gets much more fun than being all bouncy and rough.
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Rough Play Empty Re: Rough Play

Post by Guest Wed Mar 02 2011, 09:57

Staffs do play very rough which can sometimes be a problem when they are playing with smaller or gentler dogs. When ever she gets to rough put her back on the lead and walk her away from the other dogs, when she is calm ie) no jumping or wimpering she can go and play again. But keep reapeating this EVERY time she gets to rough and she will learn. She will probably be on the lead more often than not to start with but she will get there! x


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Rough Play Empty Re: Rough Play

Post by acidrane13 Wed Mar 02 2011, 11:31

I think its just staffy nature to play rough lol, Chase plays very rough. I just manage it by only letting him off with dogs/owners that don't mind. Its not aggression or dominance, His just very heavy handed.

I was walking him the other day on the park and came across a man and a greyhound, we started talking and let the dogs off together, They were all over each other, jumping on each other, play fighting, play biting, crashing into benches and posts. About an hour later we put em back on their leads and they were both covered with grazes n little cuts n each others dog slobber lol.
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Rough Play Empty Re: Rough Play

Post by Jane Sumner Thu Mar 03 2011, 11:07

Thank you so much for your replys and and help we really appreciate it. We will put your suggestionsand help into practise an let you know how we get on.
Jane , Paul and Sadie xx

Jane Sumner
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