Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by EmLou28 Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:02

I took Maggie out for her morning walk today, we walk in a big circle finishing up going through the local park. It's usually pretty quiet in the morning so we usually play a big game of catch before we head home.
Now I'm used to passing and dodging piles of dog poop along the bike path and it annoys the hell out of me how people can't clean up after their dogs but while we were playing catch, Maggie slid through not one but two piles of dog poop angry It was not pleasent, not just for me as I had to bath Maggie when I got home but also for Maggie (she hates baths) How can people not clean up after their dogs?! Especially in a childrens park where they play football and run about. It really angers me that people don't automatically do it, they have a dog so surely cleaning up after them is a given grrr angry
And whats even more annoying is there are so many dog bins along the bike path and there is even one in the park itself so its not like they have to carry it far, which shouldn't even be an issue if they had to anyway. Grrrrr angry I know picking poop up isn't the nicest thing in the world but its (in my opinion) part and parcel of having a dog and being a responsible owner!!!
Sorry for the rant but feel better now I have done Smile
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:07

I agree totally. I always clean up after Logan, it's just another part of being a responsible owner.

There is a wee old woman I meet on one of my favourite walks who goes around cleaning up after others, it's not her job or anything. I asked her why she does it once and she said "it's horrible for the children to have it all over where they play". Poor wee doll only wants to help. Sad


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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Kathy Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:11

Ohhh well you see it's a complicated procedure putting your hand in a bag and picking it up Big Grin This one of my pet hates too.

we have the same problem in our local park and it's one reason why I stopped walking Rocky there it was just everywhere. There's a bin every 100 meters too so no excuse for leaving it really.

I now take Rocky on another walk which to be honest is getting as bad as the park and they have just taken one red bin away at wits end We need more of them not less.
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Jenc Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:15

I had the idea of a nice walk in the nearest town's park today, bad idea it was absolulty covered in dog mess. I cant believe people can be so lazy. I'll go back to walking her in my village, most of us clean up at wits end
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by janey Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:25

Couldn't agree more angry

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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Jackieb Mon Feb 11 2013, 19:36

It's terrible in my villiage, forever dodging poop Sad

I always clean up after my 2, how anyone can walk away after their mutt has pooped is beyond me.

Plenty of dog poop bins around, or even litter bins, so long as it's bagged u can put it in normal bin if needs be.

One of the fields I walk mine in is used by football team at weekends, the footballers have to search the field clearing it of poop before the match! Incase one of them faceplants a poop ! (insurance nightmare)

Really is basic dog owning etiquette.
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Mark Mon Feb 11 2013, 20:22

most dog owners are arses Smile they turn their nose up at us staffy owners.
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11 2013, 20:28

I agree it bloody well annoys me too. I always have poo bags and our pavements are disgusting every couple of steps yet another pile. There also are no proper dog bins anywhere which if there were it may encourage people to pick it up!! The trouble is when I pick Vinnies up I am more often than not collecting someone elses with it!! Surprised


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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by buddy boy Mon Feb 11 2013, 20:51

I use a wheel chair and if I can pick up then any one else should be able to, what would happen if babies nappies were dumped all over the place when they are changed outside?

just my thoughts and opinions
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by EmLou28 Mon Feb 11 2013, 20:52

You really would think its simple dog etiquette wouldn't you but people round here obviously didnt get the memo. I hate it, its actually that bad down my way that I'm thinking about reporting it to the council to see if there is anything they can do. Apparently the OH got talking to another dog walker and he was saying thats what he did and they did an inspection and caught 4 dog walkers who didn't pick up after there dog so we will have to see if my complaining will actually do anything.
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by janey Mon Feb 11 2013, 20:57

We have a huge park and nature reserve where there are a lot of walkers, it got reprted because of the mess and the council started a scheme to spray luminous paint around the poo in the hope it would make people pick it up!

Needless to say that was money wasted and lasted about a month! What a stupid idea! (I choose not to walk there!)
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by EmLou28 Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:12

janey wrote:

We have a huge park and nature reserve where there are a lot of walkers, it got reprted because of the mess and the council started a scheme to spray luminous paint around the poo in the hope it would make people pick it up!

Needless to say that was money wasted and lasted about a month! What a stupid idea! (I choose not to walk there!)

What was the point of that?! Maybe it wasn't meant to make them pick it up it was just there to make it more noticeable so you didn't stand in it Laughing Shame though that the state of the area stops you from walking Moo there. It is annoying as well as disgusting
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Pollyanna Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:19

I live next to a coastal walk, brilliant for exercising dogs as they love it but its a shame about the owners. I have seen people ignore it, or pretend to pick it up, or loiter as if they are searching in their pockets for a bag until you pass. The worse ones are the ones that pick it up and leave the bag on the wall - what is all that about, they have done the hard bit and the place is awash with litter bins they could use. I have even asked people if they would like a bag, giving benefit of the doubt as they make have forgot to bring one out - and have been told "No, its OK". There are signs saying maximum fine is £50 but what the point if no-one is there to enforce it. I think dog wardens should randomly stop dog walkers and check to see if they have bags with them and if they haven't then fine them on the spot - if you haven't got the facility then you can't abide with the law. Sorry to rant but this is a natural place of beauty and also my back yard and I hate to say it but on this occassion, I am a NIMBY! furious
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by patchandbubblesmummy Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:24

where i live there r no red bin but stillpick it up its not fair on anyone if u leave there
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:27

How long does it take to get a bag out of your pocket & pick up after your dog? How many maths degrees do you need? Rolling Eyes


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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by buddy boy Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:45

Our dog warden is on the ball, but alas we still have those that give the rest of us a bad name Big Grin
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:48

sick , sorry, but i cant help but Laughing , but yes, i have to agree, it's wrong


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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Jackieb Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:50

I live in a tiny villiage, contacted the parish council, no luck, they don't pay the local litter picker to pick up poop !

Sometimes I hate letting my 2 off cause I know it's gonna mean a needless ordeal in the bath once home Sad
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Pollyanna Mon Feb 11 2013, 21:51

Caryll wrote:How long does it take to get a bag out of your pocket & pick up after your dog? How many maths degrees do you need? Rolling Eyes

Depends on whether you have a bag in your pocket in the first place - many don't, many pretend, many don't give a flying fig. Perhaps a degree in Social Science (the study of people and the way they behave in public) might help. Or Human Services (maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations). Or even Communications (focusing on interpersonal skills) might help.

Or perhaps they are just too dim to remember 4s - stoop, scoop, secure and store, its not rocket science!! I think I will have cards printed and start handing them out. But I suspect that they just don't care - pillocks. thumbs down
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Nathan Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:00

Agree, eapecially as i fell (got pulled over) in the dark and put my hand in a nice pile of it... Its not hard to pick it up and i always clean up after my two. Its a responcibility that comes with dog ownership. On a side note, has anyone else noticed people bagging it and throwing it into the bushes? On one of our walks there is a bush coverd in poo bags like some kind of monument to the god of dog *...what the hell are people thinking???
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by janey Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:04

I mean really?!?!?

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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Pollyanna Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:11

Nathan wrote: On a side note, has anyone else noticed people bagging it and throwing it into the bushes? On one of our walks there is a bush coverd in poo bags like some kind of monument to the god of dog *...what the hell are people thinking???

There was a little crap tree, nothing would it bear
But several bags of dog poo hanging in the air.
I wonder who has left it, and why they put it there
I can only think that those that did just didn't bloody care.

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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by EmLou28 Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:28

Yeh what is that all about?!?! If they have made the effort to pick it up in the first place then why not hold onto it until they come across a poo bin or litter bin, it doesn't make sense and defeats the object of picking it up they might as well leave it where it is.
Saying that your little poem there Pauline did put a smile on my face Smile
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Nathan Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:36

Pollyanna wrote:
Nathan wrote: On a side note, has anyone else noticed people bagging it and throwing it into the bushes? On one of our walks there is a bush coverd in poo bags like some kind of monument to the god of dog *...what the hell are people thinking???

There was a little crap tree, nothing would it bear
But several bags of dog poo hanging in the air.
I wonder who has left it, and why they put it there
I can only think that those that did just didn't bloody care.

Love it. Think i might print that out and hang it off the bush. Made me giggle ;0)
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by racamoe Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:43

I hate seeing dog poo being left its one of those things I can 100% say I have never done ! Even if I have been caught out and not had a bag I have gone straight back .. No excuse for that one !
Loving the poem :-)
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by rebeccaleanne Mon Feb 11 2013, 22:58

totally agree, im very lucky were tyke tends to bring it back home into the garden for my OH to scoop up but we always go prepared.

we were at the park today took my son and tyke, after we walk we let ryan play and as its fenced off you have to open a bolt to get through the gates we take tyke in with us but he kept on his lead at heel but right in the middle of the grassy area there was a massive pile.........needles to say that was the end of playing in the park!!

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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by Pollyanna Mon Feb 11 2013, 23:23

Nathan wrote:
Pollyanna wrote:
Nathan wrote: On a side note, has anyone else noticed people bagging it and throwing it into the bushes? On one of our walks there is a bush coverd in poo bags like some kind of monument to the god of dog *...what the hell are people thinking???

There was a little crap tree, nothing would it bear
But several bags of dog poo hanging in the air.
I wonder who has left it, and why they put it there
I can only think that those that did just didn't bloody care.

Love it. Think i might print that out and hang it off the bush. Made me giggle ;0)

Do it, do it......
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Why are some dog owners so disgusting?! Empty Re: Why are some dog owners so disgusting?!

Post by pongy Tue Feb 12 2013, 12:22

It is so disgusting that "dog lovers" can be so lazy, where i sometimes walk Cassie there are black bags been thrown onto barbed wire fences and they just hang there like in Pauline's poem. I don't know if i would prefer if these lazy idiots would just leave the poop where it fell out of their dogs at least it has a chance of rotting down on the floor instead of unsightly and dangerous to cattle bags slung everywhere. I must admit to be guilty of tying my bags to a tree when there are no bins available but i do retrieve it on the way back because it belongs to me and it is my duty
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