Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Lee w
Tony n Jane
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Would you enter a frozen lake/pond to save your dog

Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Pbucket61%Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Pbucket 61% 
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Total Votes : 46

Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by stig Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:12

I've heard a lot of stories on TV when the freeze comes about people jumping into frozen lakes/ponds to rescue their dog, ussually the dog gets out and the owner dies, sometimes innocent bystanders also get hurt/die trying to save the owner, in short, NO, I would not jump into a frozen lake to save my dog unless he was close enough for me to break through the ice from the edge and create an ice free track for my dog to swim from.

However, whilst I have no affiliation with mensa I feel I have adequate common sense to be a responsible dog owner, and as such I take reasonable precautions in such circumstances. My dog is now getting stronger and he pulls a lot, he has caused me to slip on wet mud and snow countless times however I've always managed to keep a hold on the lead, though I do appreciate at some point holding onto the lead may not be possible, so my answer to walking my dog in frozen conditions is to, walk him somewhere else. His ussuall walk involves walking past 2 ponds and occasionally a river, but when it freezes I tend to respect the dangers that nature sometimes brings, therefore I choose to walk my dog to a completely different location where there simply are no ponds or lakes, so, would you take the plunge?
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Top_ra10

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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:14

I voted yes.

However we would never purposely go close to a frozen lake anyway


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by janey Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:17

I had to vote yes, I think instinct would take over and I just wouldn't think of the consequences. Stupid yes, human nature.....yes Xx
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:40

as others yes , nut also as others they would not be near one and if they were then they would be on harness for more security


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:47

In a heart beat.. Done it before I'll do it again


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Jackieb Sun Feb 10 2013, 18:56

Yep, my kids....my dogs.... Do anything for them <3
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 19:14

I would never be near one anyway but no i wouldn't. In most cases where people have died when going in after their dog, the dog has actually got out itself, so its a bit silly. I would immediately call 101 or 999, and of course i would try to lasso or grab her any way i could, but like i said, in most cases the dog gets out by itself.


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 19:57

ella wrote:I voted yes.

However we would never purposely go close to a frozen lake anyway
janey wrote:I had to vote yes, I think instinct would take over and I just wouldn't think of the consequences. Stupid yes, human nature.....yes Xx

Same here - silly, I know, but I doubt I'd wait long enough to really think about it properly!


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 20:02

Yes. As has already been said, it'd be daft on my behalf, but I don't think I'd stop to think. It'd be like if your dog gets in a fight - you react instinctively.

But yeah. He wouldn't be anywhere near a frozen pond if he was off lead.


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by racamoe Sun Feb 10 2013, 20:18

I chose option 3 :-)
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by rebeccaleanne Sun Feb 10 2013, 20:39

yes i would same as i would for my little one and OH but i wouldnt go near an iced over lake or pond
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Fryfogle29 Mon Feb 11 2013, 05:21

I voted Yes. Though I'm not sure weather to say I'm fortunate or missing out as I live in the city and there are not any bodies of water close by. Even the park which is one block from my house has a fenced in swimming pool but absolutely no ponds.
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Top_ra10

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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Tony n Jane Tue Feb 12 2013, 20:26

Would like to think i would never get into such a situation but if i did then 100% yes, Ella is not just my dog she is my child and would look to me to protect her no matter what.
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Top_ra10

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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12 2013, 20:36

I voted Yes. It's not likely to happen because Kuchar is nearly always on a long line, except when he's playing with a dog he knows, and the river we have near us is too fast flowing to freeze. But I can imagine the scenario all too easily, and I'm afraid that if he was in trouble, my instincts and love for him would overtake my commonsense and I would do whatever I could to save him.

And I say this even though, about 30 years ago when I had Dobes, I knew a young man whose Dobe (his name was Chester, the dog that is) fell through the ice into a canal. Chester's owner plunged into the canal to try to save Chester and had to have several days in hospital. Chester's body was recovered later.


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by johneva Wed Feb 13 2013, 14:39

Voted yes as I know natural instinct would kick in, already had to jump into a stream that was much deeper and faster flowing than normal during the floods we had. (Was more like a fast flowing river)

Though I would generally try to avoid frozen lakes ect, to unpredictable and you know dogs they will wonder off everywhere given the chance.
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 03 2013, 09:48

No, but only because I can't swim, so that'd be pointless. That said, I wouldn't let Loki anywhere near a frozen lake or anything. I won't even let him in a normal lake unless he's on a long line or has a life jacket on, so better safe than sorry.


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 03 2013, 09:59

I voted yes. I avoid places with frozen water so it's not likely to happen but if it did I would be in after them.


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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Lee w Wed Oct 08 2014, 16:30

Yes I think I would , although when the ones where I live freez over Gus would be kept on his lead around them
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by JStaff Wed Oct 08 2014, 22:52

Suki won't go near the water but I would go in after her if she did
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Hannah&Michael UK Sun Oct 26 2014, 14:51

My dogs dont really like deep water but say they fell in or got stuck woth out a doubt id be right in there after them

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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Top_ra10

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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by knarla2014 Mon Jan 12 2015, 14:14

yes in a heartbeat, i think anyone who says NO would think differently if it ever come to it, instinct would take over..

but me personally would YES Smile
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

Post by Tenby Sun Apr 19 2015, 14:57

We never really know until we are in that situation.
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Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog? Empty Re: Would you go into a frozen lake/pond to save your dog?

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