Lovely suprise

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Injured Lovely suprise

Post by pongy Tue Jan 15 2013, 13:40

Cassie and myself have just been for a lovely walk, a lady with a older and a pup lurcher walking towards me off lead. I thought here we go another time i have to say can you put them on leads please but she beat me to it. We drew level with each other and to my suprise she stopped to speak to me and said her dogs won't bother Cassie do i mind if she lets them off, i was so impressed and told her we have not had too much socialisation with Cassie and don't know how she will be. The woman then said lets see and Cassie went mental, she bounced on her lead squealing and staffy noises like a mad dog, the woman said to me let her off you cruel bugger. Oh my god i could of cried, Cassie went mental Big Grin she played for ages running,fighting and some very strange noises. I am so proud of Cassie she played so well, the woman said she would of adopted a staffy if she hadn't of gone to the dogs home for the lurcher pup as she thinks they are lovely and misunderstood thumbs up . I am hoping that we can bump into Cassie's new friends again soon and i am so thankful to the woman for making this the best walk ever Love Struck
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

Status Status :

Age : 59
Location : Devon
Relationship Status : Prefer to not say
Dogs Name(s) : cassie
Dog(s) Ages : 2 years (we think)
Dog Gender(s) : female
Join date : 2012-10-11
Support total : 163
Posts : 1327

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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Kathy Tue Jan 15 2013, 14:02

Sounds like Cassie has made some good friends there, this can make so much difference, hopefully you will bump into them again.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Guest Tue Jan 15 2013, 14:03

What a lovely story >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Mark Tue Jan 15 2013, 14:22

Nice when they get to have a good play. Also when other dog owners understand staffs Smile
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Age : 59
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Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Miley and Dylan
Dog(s) Ages : 2 and a half and 2
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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by pongy Tue Jan 15 2013, 14:30

I was so excited and proud (sad i know) i forgot i had my phone on me and could of recorded them, but i won't forget next time Big Grin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

Status Status :

Age : 59
Location : Devon
Relationship Status : Prefer to not say
Dogs Name(s) : cassie
Dog(s) Ages : 2 years (we think)
Dog Gender(s) : female
Join date : 2012-10-11
Support total : 163
Posts : 1327

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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Guest Tue Jan 15 2013, 15:10

Aaaww, that's so great Big Grin all the dogs you get running up to you and you getting the blame, it's nice that you come across someone who's not only responsible but also friendly. Glad you had such a great walk, and I'm sure Cassie had a lot of fun playing.


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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Guest Wed Jan 16 2013, 00:01

Nice story and hopefully you will get to see them often


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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Guest Wed Jan 16 2013, 00:10

Thats great Big Grin Glad she played well, it's always lovely when they make new friends Love Struck


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Injured Re: Lovely suprise

Post by Guest Wed Jan 16 2013, 10:41

Sounds like she had a great time Big Grin


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