Together vs Alone Time

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Together vs Alone Time Empty Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 09:33


Roxy and Vinny are really starting to get along now. Vinny still gets a bit fearful - but he is also an instigator! We're doing the best we can for both pups to reach their full potential and we even had a behaviourist come in this week to make sure we doing everything "right." She suggested we spend more one on one time with each pup - take one out without the other; walk one without the other - that sort of thing. I do see the relevance but am on the fence somewhat and would love to hear your thoughts.

We do separate them during the day especially since the little guy needs lots of sleep still. I do give them a short time out if play is getting too much or Vinny starts growling at Roxy.

Oh, the other bit of advice was to take Vinny out to as many places as possible (except obviously parks until he is fully vaccinated) and get him to interact with as many dogs as possible so that he learns other breeds as right now he is typical staffie rough-playing with Roxy and the behaviourist said he may become a bully and not know his limits. She said this could be the same for Roxy who is still an adolescent. What do you think?

We do get them out and about - doggie classes every weekend, different walks, different people interactions etc just with it being the main holiday season here there isn't much chance to interact with other dogs.
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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 09:35

Sounds like good advice to me. Getting them to interact with as many people, places and dogs is great for socialization.


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Nosipho Fri Dec 21 2012, 09:40

Alone time is vital, as Vinny will just copy things Roxy does otherwise and won't actually learn how to be by himself. Especially on the socialisation and confidence building side of things x
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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:30

we were advised to take ours out separately even if it was just for 10 min per day (on top of all the together walks) as the first few times we had to take Tommy somewhere without Tilly he really bricked it so it gives him the confidence. Tilly doesn't have an issue she isn't joined at the hip to Tommy and often just takes herself to another room to snooze but enjoys their time together also


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:31

Thanks Dave, I can see the value in that as Vinny is a bit skittish right now!


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by pongy Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:40

I would love be able to advise you but i can't but i can wish you lots of luck
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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:42

RoxysMum wrote:Thanks Dave, I can see the value in that as Vinny is a bit skittish right now!

You're welcome but as you are no doubt very aware they are both puppies anyway are the ages correct on your profile or have you not updated


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:50

The ages are correct - Vinny is 2.5 months and Roxy turned 11 months yesterday -so yep, very much still puppies.

What are member's thoughts on two dogs becoming attached to one another - possible danger of them becoming harder to train and not knowing boundries? Will be interesting to hear!


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 10:59

I don't think attachment is so much a problem as long as they can handle separation as well you just have to keep a balance . Remember they will learn things off each other , some good and some bad . Tommy is a confirmed grass muncher from Tilly but he also learnt where to do his business very quickly from said princess. Tilly has lapsed little bits in some of her behaviour as in a little more jumping up with visitors lately , though very easy to control


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Gazagem Fri Dec 21 2012, 11:06

My gsds were never apart when they were young but when I got a delivery job I used to take my girl with me but never had any separation problems
Buster is very scared when walking on his own but this is not unusual as he can be nervous when walking with Skye
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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Kathy Fri Dec 21 2012, 12:29

Sorry I cannot really help as I have only ever had one dog at a time. Socialisation is very important though when they are young, this is something that our dog Rocky missed out on before we got him from the rescue centre. We have always socialised him and mixed with as many different dog of all sizes and ages as we could.
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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 13:49

Thanks everyone! One more question: Vinny is quiet the growler - he growls if I go to take something away from him (I know how to work on this and will start doing so immediately); he growls if I pick him up; he growls at Roxy but that is staffy play. He growls at Roxy is she approaches him and he is playing with something....any advice?


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Together vs Alone Time Empty Re: Together vs Alone Time

Post by Guest Fri Dec 21 2012, 14:06

staffs are very vocal dogs and doesn't mean any aggression , Tommy growls at me if I pick him up but I would say it was more grumbling , him and Tilly are always growling at each other in play


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