Acceptable play??

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Acceptable play?? Empty Acceptable play??

Post by LynneAJ Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:11

I have had dogs in the past but Poppy is my first staffy (albeit shes a x lol) so apologies in advance for my ignorance!

Shes only 14 weeks so is still a playful wee thing but i'm looking for advice on how much rough is acceptable for playtime??!

She runs around on walks with my mums two dogs but with her male dog (border terrier) it occasionally escalates into rough play and then fighting (often on her part may i add)...we have had to split them up a couple of times. Is this something that should pass as she gets older or something i am going to have to address?? She is fine with other dogs, no bother at all in fact. Often she will just pass them especially when they give off their "dont annoy me puppy" vibes Laughing

Also we live in an upstairs flat with an internal staircase....often when my other half walks up the stairs she stands at the top and (playfully i think?) barks and jumps back and forward at him....he says shes just playing but i'm not so sure?! She doesn't do it with me but i think thats because she knows mummy is stricter than daddy!! lol
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:18

Play fighting is very normal!

You clearly haven't seen many staffs play all they do is play fight so no she will not grow out of it so as long as all dogs are happy then leave them to it.


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by LynneAJ Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:22

Yeah thats why i posted much staffies as there are around my area i dont personally know anyone who has one so thought i'd seek some advice on here
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:23

Yes, I'd agree with that. Obviously, if it gets so rough that the mouthing draws blood you may need to seperate them until they are calm again, but staffords do play hard & rough!

The jumping backwards & forwards with barking is excitement & an invitation to play. If either of you are unhappy with the level of excitement then just ignore her until she's calmer & then say hello!


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:24

LynneAJ wrote:Yeah thats why i posted much staffies as there are around my area i dont personally know anyone who has one so thought i'd seek some advice on here

haha yer they are an odd bunch!

Staffs play very very hard it's all fighting, pinning and biting!

Oh yes the barking and jumping around is trying to invite you to play so is fine Smile


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by LynneAJ Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:30

Thanks for putting my mind at ease!

I guess i get a little paranoid concerning the bad reputation these dogs often get so i'm trying my best to bring her up as well as i can so she turns into a well rounded dog (hopefully!!) so advice from those who already own them is very much appreciated! Smile
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 18 2012, 22:34

Poppy looks to be an adorable little girl Love Struck

As everyone here has said, she is just a playful pup. Obviously if she annoys or distresses other dogs then separate them and she will soon learn what is acceptable and what is not.

Don't worry!


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by shiva'smummy Wed Dec 19 2012, 01:27

I am not a staff expert (on my first one) by a long chalk but my mum has a staffy boy that would play fight with her lurcher all day. From a distance it would seem like they are fighting as the are very vocal, growly and jump all over each other but they have never gone to full on aggression.

I know it can seem worrying at first. My mums dog was a rescue dog and when she brought him home to the lurcher we were a bit worried but in time you will get used to what is acceptable play for them and will know the difference instantly if it becomes serious.

I have been worrying whether tug and head shaking is acceptable play. I saw on the dog whisperer that this means that bull terriers aren't playing that they are killing but have also heard that tug is fine as long as you don't let the dog win.
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 19 2012, 07:45

Play fighting is very normal just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't escalate.

shiva'smummy wrote:I have been worrying whether tug and head shaking is acceptable play. I saw on the dog whisperer that this means that bull terriers aren't playing that they are killing but have also heard that tug is fine as long as you don't let the dog win.

They are still playing and this is normal as well. Suki will even do a death roll similar to an alligator to try to win a game of tug. Losing at tug isn't a big deal either. Just make sure you end the game on your terms and have the dog drop the toy


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Mark Wed Dec 19 2012, 07:53

Sounds pretty normal to me would not worry about it for now Smile
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 19 2012, 09:09

Sounds normal to me too Big Grin


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 19 2012, 16:45

Play-fighting is normal, but obviously if one of them gets too rough for the other, if one is getting annoyed, then step in and separate. Otherwise, they're fine playing rough Big Grin

Loki does that jumping back and forth too, it's a sign he wants to play. I don't respond to it, because that's when he's REALLY hyperactive, and that never ends well Laughing


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 19 2012, 18:19

ANattyRat wrote:Play-fighting is normal, but obviously if one of them gets too rough for the other, if one is getting annoyed, then step in and separate. Otherwise, they're fine playing rough Big Grin

Loki does that jumping back and forth too, it's a sign he wants to play. I don't respond to it, because that's when he's REALLY hyperactive, and that never ends well Laughing

What do you do when they sleep together , lick each other and when they are out together continually decide to pick little fights with each other when the other one isn't looking >Smile >Smile


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 19 2012, 20:14

shiva'smummy wrote:I have been worrying whether tug and head shaking is acceptable play. I saw on the dog whisperer that this means that bull terriers aren't playing that they are killing but have also heard that tug is fine as long as you don't let the dog win.

All my dogs (that's a stafford, an EBT and other breeds) have all given toys a good old shake to 'kill' them. That's just a dog instinct & will be done quite naturally by most dogs. There's nothing sinister or aggressive in it - it's pure play!

I've also always played tug with my dogs. I really don't care who wins as long as, when I've had enough, I can say "Enough" and the game stops. If you never let a dog win at tug he'll get bored & won't want to play it!


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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by Griffin5 Wed Dec 19 2012, 21:16

Poppy looks so cute Smile Charlie is just 14 weeks old too and he LOVES playing tug, his favourite to play with is a homemade toy I made from old school t-shirts Smile We let him win sometimes too Smile
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Acceptable play?? Empty Re: Acceptable play??

Post by julespercules Fri Dec 21 2012, 22:07

yes perfectly normal my dog plays rough too, luckily its normally with rotweilers or dobermans so its not too bad. I normally put her back on the lead if she goes for their ears which tends to be her norm at the moment
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