Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

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Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!! Empty Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Cornish-Muscle Wed Feb 02 2011, 11:47

I finally have something to brag about!

I've spent the past few weeks training Molly to go out to do her business in the garden in the morning and come back in when she's called, and to be gentle when she's playing. She has a habit of snapping really badly at toys, which usually ends up with her catching our fingers and causing some pretty bad damage.

And last night I had her sat at my feet, with a tennis ball about an inch from her nose, using the "wait" command she sat and stared at it, and ever since we had her, we'd used "gentle" when she was eating things from our hand, so I incorporated that with her toys, and I can have a ball tightly in my fist and she's very gently almost prise it from my fingers and manage to avoid biting them! She's learning that if I'm playing with the ball, it's not hers until I throw it and say "Catch" at which point she goes crazy and runs off with it! But again, "Drop" is working pretty well with her.

The main reason I'm doing all this is she loves sticks, to the point she doesn't care if fingers get in the way, so I'm starting with her in the house and a less interesting toy, I'm going to gradually increase the training until she won't snap for wood and will let us take it off her.

So that's my bragging over and done with Tongues
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Guest Wed Feb 02 2011, 11:49

Brag away! Well done, Molly!!!


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Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

Post by janey Wed Feb 02 2011, 12:53

Yay, well done Molly, great way to start training and sounds like she is doing superbly! I know the stick thing well,when I first picked Moo up we would go to the park and I would throw a stick and she'd bring it back and drop it and when you went to pick it up she was so over excithed she ended up taking a chunk out of my/or anyone elses finger as she would go for it at the same time!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Tys mummy Wed Feb 02 2011, 13:15

Well done Molly! Ty does exactly the same with sticks hes gentle when taking his rope or treats from your hand but when it comes to a stick its another story lol but he now brings it back charging at you with it in his mouth drops it by your feet and carries on running past so you have to grab his stick quick before he turns back to get it lol but it works I dont get my fingers chomped on as much any more lol.
Tys mummy
Tys mummy
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Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Time for me to brag!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Hayley109 Wed Feb 02 2011, 13:25

well done Molly! Must be hard for her to wait when she gets soooooo excited!! bless her.
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